
Teens hurl pole through synagogue window as Jews are praying

A group of teens launched a metal pole through a glass window of a Brooklyn synagogue as members of the congregation observed the Sabbath on Saturday evening, authorities said.

“People were praying inside at the time,” a man who was at the temple on Franklin Avenue near Myrtle Avenue in Williamsburg said on Sunday. “Everyone is upset already. So, this we don’t need this now.”

The man, who did not give his name, lives in the largely Hasidic apartment complex above the first-floor synagogue, where one of the lower-floor windows was shattered by the pole.

Police are looking for four boys around the age of 16 after a witness reported the attack at about 5:45 p.m. Saturday.

The youths ran south on Franklin Avenue after smashing the window, police said. Officials estimated that the property damage exceeded $250.

Congregants on Sunday covered up the gaping hole in the synagogue window with a piece of black plastic.

It’s the latest in a spate of anti-Semitic attacks in New York City. Police on Saturday also released footage of a vandal who scrawled swastikas on a Brooklyn Heights wall.

James Polite, 26, was also busted Friday for allegedly writing “Kill All Jews” in the stairwell of historic Union Temple in Prospect Heights.

No one was injured in any of the attacks.