
City will re-evaluate sanitation boss’s responsibilities

The city’s flaky response to Thursday’s surprisingly heavy snowfall left some legislators wondering if Sanitation Department boss Kathryn Garcia has too much on her plate.

Mayor Bill de Blasio recently named her as his point person to combat toxic lead across the city, adding to her duties running the city’s trash and snow-removal agency.

“Although Commissioner Garcia appears to be a capable leader, the responsibility of managing both the city’s sanitation needs and tackling a critical citywide initiative to combat lead exposure is too great for any one person,” said Councilman Mark Gjonaj (D-Bronx).

“Both efforts deal with areas of tremendous public-safety concerns and warrant the undivided attention of a leader dedicated to keeping New Yorkers safe.”

Before Thursday’s snowstorm meltdown, Garcia had been lauded for her tenure at the Sanitation Department.

Council Speaker Corey Johnson, who called for hearings into the handling of the storm, also said Garcia’s double duty should be re-examined.

“I think two roles that are in positions that are major potentially is something that could be distracting,” Johnson said.