Maud Maron

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How I stood up for free speech — and won my case against NYC's education censors

Judge Gujarati told my censor — Chancellor David Banks — that “securing First Amendment rights is in the public interest.”

RFK Jr. could get moms to become 'Kennedy Republicans'

Disgruntled Democrats and irate independents angry about school closures, migrant surges, inflation and radical gender policies have resisted Trump, but RFK has a shot at swaying them.

Dangerous Dems have been fueling violent political rhetoric for the last eight years -- Americans deserve better

The assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump brings the inciting rhetoric of today’s Democrats into sharp focus.

Parents can block Biden's Title IX trans lunacy, court rules

The US Department of Education can't enforce its controversial Title IX revisions in schools where at least one parent belongs to a free- to- join advocacy group, a federal judge...

I'm the NYC mom who was booted from a parent council over calling out antisemitism — I refuse to be silenced

Manhattan mom Maud Maron was booted from the parent council of the city's largest school district because she spoke out against hate in a February New York Post article about...

Trashing NY's Regents exams will hurt our students

New York state is poised to toss aside its proud history of expecting achievement from its high school students by eliminating the Regents exams that, for more than a century,...

LGBTQ rights activist kicked out of community board simply for asking questions

Community Board member Craig Slutzkin has been ousted for having the temerity to simply ask questions.

New York must reject the absolutely insane proposed 'genderful' middle-school charter

A New York City teacher has applied to open a “genderful” grade-5-to-9 Prospect Park charter to teach kids how to “move inside and outside the bounds of masculinity and femininity”...

Rewarding merit, hard work are keys to school success — as NYC District 2 proved

New York City public schools sent top educators to Baltimore last week to learn how to implement a new literacy curriculum.

Pols, teachers unions aim to scrap tests to hide huge learning loss

The learning loss resulting from the longest public-school closures imposed on blue-state kids in urban districts where teachers unions hold the most sway is devastating and will have generational consequences.

Bye, Democrats: I'm leaving party that disgracefully supports censorship

The latest House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government hearing was the final straw.

Radicalized sex-ed: A telling tale of how NYC educrats shut out parents, even on Community Education Councils

I recently listened to our school’s sex educator exclaim that she teaches her entire puberty course without saying “boy or girl, man or woman once.”

A battle over charter co-location reveals how deeply progressives are wrong

Parents want schools that focus on teaching so students can be focused on learning. Academic achievement should be at the our schools' center, not brushed aside as an inconvenience.

One small fix for NYC's cruel lottery for kindergarten assignments

New York City parents of pre-K students will apply for kindergarten seats in less than a month — and that means crossing your fingers that your kid gets assigned a...

Award for pro-mask, pro-lockdown?! NYC teacher has a lot to learn

A veteran NYC math teacher who was just awarded $20K regularly and publicly shares his disdain for parents who advocated opening schools — in Marxist, classist language.

A vote for Hochul is a vote for AOC's far-left agenda

What price will progressives extract from Kathy Hochul, now that they are giving the beleaguered incumbent help as Lee Zeldin surges in the polls?

Why this pro-choice Democrat is voting Lee Zeldin for governor

I am still pro-choice — but listening to Gov. Kathy Hochul constantly campaign on abortion is just one more reason I am voting for Rep. Lee Zeldin.

As Democrats who care about our kids' schools, we're voting for Zeldin

We need elected leaders who respect and uphold our rights in raising and doing what is best for our kids.

DeSantis did what Hochul won't — boot a DA who won't do their job

New Yorkers deserve no less. Bragg has made it very clear he will not do his job. We need a governor who will insist that the Manhattan DA does or...

Woke-up call: Parents put virtue-signaling school board members on notice

It’s time school boards across the country recognized that parents are fed up with racist equity initiatives, mask mandates and virtue-signaling as San Franciscians did, Maud Maron writes.