dramatic flights

Complaints by US air travelers soared last year -- with this being the most common gripe: data

Complaints by US air travelers soared 12% last year, federal Department of Transportation data shows.

Passenger keeps shoving phone in window flyer's face to get photo outside of plane: 'It’s just plain rude'

"People need to learn courtesy and boundaries, and ask before invading someone’s space."

Boeing 737 passengers panic as oxygen masks accidentally deploy midair

It took their breath away.

Strangers lock crying toddler in airplane bathroom to 'educate her,' passengers used 'tissues to block their ears'

"We won't let you out unless you stop crying," one woman said.

'The smell is horrendous:' Passenger appalled after couple changes dirty diaper at airplane seat

A couple raised a stink after they were spotted changing a dirty diaper at their seats on a Delta flight.

Passenger ripped for baking sourdough bread on flight: 'That’s an airplane — not a bakery'

"Imagine you settle into your seat and the person next to sets up a camera and starts taking out bowls, ingredients, and making bread," one commenter said.

Passenger's epic meltdown caught on camera as he kicks airplane door after missing flight

He definitely made it into the mile cry club.

'Erratic' plane passenger 'ripped open' exit door, walked onto wing

He decided to just wing it.

Traveler with bloodied head ordered off American Airlines flight, arrested when he refuses to deboard

The pair was escorted off a Las Vegas-bound plane in handcuffs at Miami International Airport by police officers after crew members grew concerned about the potential bio-hazard.

My son got stranded alone in a foreign country due to an error, with the next available flight in a week

"He was really, really frightened," the boy's distraught mother declared.

Passenger sends social media SOS from 6-hour flight after kid won't stop kicking her seat

She was on a flight from heaven — headed straight to hell.

Passenger kicked off flight for refusing to put $3K Louis Vuitton handbag on the floor

This high-end handbag owner refused to lower her Louis.

Airplane pilots record multiple UFOs 'dancing' in the sky: 'Wasn't on our radar'

Pilots witnessed and filmed in detail several UFOs maneuvering across the night sky in ways impossible for a manmade plane.

Air travel is safer than ever — and 'continues to get better' — despite recent midair fiascos: MIT study

Aviation researchers have reassured passengers that the likelihood of a deadly plane crash is just a blip on the radar.

Passenger captures extreme turbulence on Spirit Airlines

A passenger on a Spirit Airlines flight from Baltimore to Fort Lauderdale filmed fellow travelers screaming with fright on Aug. 3. The videographer is the son of a pilot and...

Cause of death revealed for 8-year-old who died during mid-flight medical episode

Little Sydney Weston, 8, died on June 13 after becoming unresponsive while flying with her parents from Joplin, Mo., to a vacation in Chicago.

We got trapped in a sweltering 'sauna' airplane — we were so hot, we couldn't breathe

Passengers suffered from panic attacks after their plane's air conditioning malfunctioned and they were held for two hours before the flight was canceled.

Frontier Airlines pilot dragged off flight by cops after 'assault-family violence' warrant issued for his arrest

Seymour Walker, 45, was arrested on a warrant for "assault-family violence."

I was seated next to a plus-size plane passenger — I complained and the airline surprised me

They weren't going to let this space invasion slide.