stuyvesant high school

Schools Chancellor David Banks rewards bullying by ousting Maud Maron

NYC Schools Chancellor David Banks sided with trans bullies and ousted Maud Maron from a CEC spot. It's no coincidence that Maron fights for gender sanity.

I'm the NYC mom who was booted from a parent council over calling out antisemitism — I refuse to be silenced

Manhattan mom Maud Maron was booted from the parent council of the city's largest school district because she spoke out against hate in a February New York Post article about...

NYC schools Chancellor Banks accuses Brooklyn parent leader of violating state laws over Israel-Hamas walkout, could face ban

“It appears that the Council under your leadership and direction is only selectively representing the district’s parent community, blocking attendance and participation at its meetings on questionable grounds, and not...

Elite Stuyvesant HS newspaper accuses Israel of 'genocide' while whitewashing Hamas' massacre

The article repeatedly dismissed confirmed reports that Hamas uses Gazans as human shields and has a network of tunnels underneath the territory's hospitals.

Retired NYC teacher blames teacher union head for 9/11-related illness: 'She's a criminal'

A retired Stuyvesant High School teacher who suffered an illness just months after 9/11 is blaming Teacher union honcho Randi Weingarten.

Parents, beware: NYC specialized high schools are coming under attack again

State Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt and Assemblyman William Colton (D-Brooklyn) are calling on parents to prepare to mobilize as the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test is under attack yet...

Parents who back merit, higher standards romp in NYC school council elections

Parents endorsed by a group that supports merit-based education and rigorous standards dominated New York City's parent council elections, results show.

Muslims are helping turn the tide in school culture wars

Stuyvesant High School is canceling single-sex swim lessons, even though swim instruction is required to graduate.

Muslim girls at Stuyvesant HS protest 'immodest' co-ed swim classes

The dropped single-gender option has outraged Muslim girls at NYC’s most sought-after specialized high school. 

Brooklyn teen, discouraged from getting into Stuyvesant, now MIT-bound

One Stuyvesant High School senior who was once told getting into the elite magnet school was “practically impossible,” just landed a spot at MIT – and is still waiting to...

Where Zeldin is targeting in NYC to pull off stunning upset against Hochul in gov race

A Republican needs to break a minimum of 30% of the vote in the Big Apple to have a shot at winning statewide, Zeldin said, noting that some polls have...

Remote learning bred rampant cheating at one of NYC's most elite schools

Remote learning led to routine cheating at the city's most competitive high school, where 79 percent of last year's senior class copped to academic dishonesty at some point, according to...

Stuyvesant HS student near Ground Zero on 9/11 now NYC teacher with cancer

Dana Nelson was a student near the when the Twin Towers were attacked. She attributes her cancer battle to a rush back to school following the tragedy and said this...

9/11 made me and my Stuyvesant classmates sick — and it took years for people to listen

Lila Nordstrom was a student at Stuyvesant High School in downtown Manhattan when the Sept. 11 terror attacks struck just three blocks from the school. Unbeknownst to Lila and her...

Attacking test-in schools is anti-Asian

Dropping admission standards for the specialized high schools means sending in students who aren't prepared for the rigorous workload, which helps no one and robs others of the challenging education...

Teachers union chief cites Stuyvesant HS in ripping standardized testing

American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten pointed out the admissions statistics for the upcoming school year as she pushes for schools to shift away from standardized testing. 

Killing the elite-schools exam is just shooting the messenger

New chancellor, same old response to the vexingly few black and Hispanic students scoring seats at the city’s top public high schools: Like her predecessor, Schools Chancellor Meisha Porter blames...

NYC schools chancellor calls for end to elite school test as Asians dominate

Schools Chancellor Meisha Ross-Porter called for an end to the specialized high school entrance exam Thursday while fuming about new admissions data that showed Asians dominating the controversial test once...

NYC DOE throws parents into tailspin after posting wrong exam information

The Department of Education threw some parents into a tailspin this weekend when it posted erroneous registration deadlines for the city's specialized high school exam. "The deadline for SHSAT registration...

State pol: NYC school admissions changes require more scrutiny

The specialized high school admissions exam is safe from sweeping changes — at least for now, the state Senate's Big Apple education committee boss told The Post this week. City...