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Tools to Use the NIH OAR Data Hub

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The NIH OAR Data Hub is a dynamic interface that enables users to explore and learn about the NIH HIV research portfolio.

Available data include awarded research projects and research-related activities. The Data Hub does not included unfunded applications and research project data (e.g., clinical trial participant information or experimental outcomes).

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Data Notes, Information, and Interpretation

NIH Public Data + Strategic Plan Categorization Data: In addition to displaying data elements that are publicly available through other NIH systems, the NIH OAR Data Hub also describes the contributions of each award to the NIH Strategic Plan for HIV and HIV-Related Research. These elements are reflected in the NIH OAR Data Hub as research priorities and research objectives. Each of the 44 research objectives corresponds to one and only one of the five research priorities.

NIH HIV/AIDS Funding: NIH HIV/AIDS funding is a specific funding determination. The HIV/AIDS funding for each award will match the total award value only if funded entirely by HIV/AIDS appropriated funding. For prorated awards (i.e., those supported by HIV/AIDS funding and other funding sources), the HIV/AIDS funding amount will be less than the total award value. An award is typically prorated when only a portion of the proposed research is related to HIV.

NIH HIV research portfolio: The common data across all dashboards on the NIH OAR Data Hub is the NIH HIV research portfolio, which defines the “HIV/AIDS” NIH Spending Category. Some dashboards display views of one fiscal year of data or aggregated across multiple fiscal years; some dashboards display views of trends over time one fiscal year at a time. These dashboards display the same data in different ways. Some dashboards display a portion of the NIH HIV research portfolio based on a topical portfolio (i.e., Women’s Health, Aging, Coinfections, International). 

Award: The NIH OAR Data Hub defines an award by a unique application ID. Accordingly, each of the following are counted as separate awards: parent project, subproject, administrative supplement, competing supplement, intramurals, contracts, and interagency and intra-agency agreements.

Annual frozen data: The NIH OAR Data Hub uses official (or “frozen” for the record) fiscal year data for the NIH spending category HIV/AIDS. NIH HIV/AIDS funding reported in the NIH OAR Data Hub aligns with frozen Actual AIDS Obligations data published by the NIH Office of Budget and the RCDC Categorical Spending page. Because NIH RePORTER reflects the most current information available for funded awards, NIH RePORTER data are subject to change as administrative details are updated. For this reason, award listings in the NIH OAR Data Hub sometimes cannot be duplicated through NIH RePORTER queries involving NIH spending categories.

Dashboard filters can result in zero records: Each filter operates independently, and all filters are applied when displaying records. If multiple filters are applied but no records match all criteria, or all options are unchecked in a filter, zero records will be displayed.

NIH Spending Categories: All awards presented in the NIH OAR Data Hub reflect the NIH spending category HIV/AIDS. As such, HIV/AIDS is not listed in the chart or filter for the NIH spending category. Data for NIH spending categories display public official categories only. Some NIH spending categories may not have data for all years. Most awards are categorized as more than one NIH spending category. Therefore, award counts and funding amounts cannot be summed across categories. If the NIH spending category filter is applied to only display records with “null,” the awards displayed are those that were categorized as HIV/AIDS with no additional NIH spending category identified. For more information, see About RCDC, RCDC FAQs, and RCDC Categorical Spending.

Links to NIH sites: Links to NIH RePORTER are included for awards, organizations, and investigators. Clicking the link for an award will bring the user to the NIH RePORTER Project Details page. Clicking the links for organizations and investigators will bring the user to NIH RePORTER search results that are pre-filtered for awards in the NIH spending category HIV/AIDS from the most recent five fiscal years. Users can access older records by searching directly in NIH RePORTER. Links to NIH Grants & Funding are included for notices of funding opportunity (NOFOs), and notices of special interest (NOSIs).

Data Elements: Some data elements have only one value per award. Examples include application ID, project number, subproject number (if applicable), administrative Institute, Center, or Office (ICO), activity, mechanism, NOFO, NOSI, organization, and contact investigator. Other data elements can have one or more values per award. Examples include HIV research priority, HIV research objective, funding ICO, NIH spending category, and country (if the award has international allocations). Because awards can be coded with multiple research objectives, if awards are filtered to display only one research objective, the total HIV/AIDS funding will display only the portion of award funding for that research objective, which will be less than the total award value.

Funding at the intersection of HIV/AIDS and one or more NIH spending categories: When calculating the reportable funding of an award that is categorized in the NIH spending categories as HIV/AIDS and one or more additional intersecting categories, the reportable funding at that intersection will be determined by the lowest award value assigned to that award in any of the intersecting NIH spending categories. This ensures a fair and consistent approach in displaying reportable award funding across multiple NIH spending categories. When displaying the intersection of the NIH HIV research portfolio with an additional NIH spending category, it is imperative to ensure that both the application ID and the reportable funds are captured in each NIH spending category. There are instances where a co-funded award (same application ID with funding from more than one funding ICO with distinct Common Accounting Numbers and funding amounts) is split between NIH spending categories by co-fund. In such cases, the award may appear in the intersection of the two NIH spending categories when considering number of awards alone, but that award funding is not counted unless the funding is reportable for all intersecting NIH spending categories. The financial allocations have been verified to ensure alignment with the intersecting NIH spending categories to accurately reflect the true intersection of reportable funding.

NIH HIV and Women’s Health Topical Portfolio Analysis:

  • HIV and Women’s Health Funding: HIV and Women’s Health funding is a subset of the specific funding determination of NIH HIV/AIDS funding that is either manually coded by ICOs as Women’s Health research or automatically included based on child NIH spending categories. The term “Any Women’s Health related funding” refers to NIH HIV/AIDS-funded awards that have a portion of NIH HIV/AIDS funding that supported Women’s Health research. The term “100% Women’s Health focused funding” refers to NIH HIV/AIDS-funded awards that were completely supporting Women’s Health research. For prorated awards (i.e., those supported by NIH HIV/AIDS funding and other funding sources), the NIH HIV/AIDS funding displayed will be less than the total award funding. Likewise, for awards that are coded as less than “100% Women’s Health focused funding”, the HIV and Women’s Health funding displayed will be less than the total award funding. Some awards may be both prorated for NIH HIV/AIDS funding and “Any Women’s Health related funding”.
  • HIV and Women’s Health dashboard filters can result in zero records: One NIH spending category of interest is selected at a time. The default view will display the first NIH spending category listed. If there are no awards at the intersection of categories, then zero will be displayed.
  • There are four graphs for interpretation. The first graph displays the HIV & Women’s Health funding for awards at the intersection of HIV and Women’s Health. The second graph displays the HIV & Women’s Health funding for awards at the intersection of HIV and Women’s Health and a NIH spending category of interest. The third graph displays the NIH HIV/AIDS funding for awards at the intersection of HIV and a NIH spending category of interest. The fourth graph displays the total award funding for awards at the intersection of Women’s Health and a NIH spending category of interest, excluding HIV awards. Please note for interpretation, the range of the axes for the second, third, and fourth graphs will change depending on the selected NIH spending category.

International NIH HIV Awards: Some NIH HIV awards have an international allocation, coded at the country level. The international allocation of the award may sum to the entire value of the NIH HIV/AIDS funding for that award, or may be a portion of the NIH HIV/AIDS funding for that award. The international allocation is not directly coded by HIV research priority and HIV research objective, the funding displayed for these have been calculated as the funding for each HIV research priority or HIV research objective multiplied by the percentage of the international funding (for all countries or for one country selected) at the level of the award, funding ICO, and common accounting number. Due to calculations being made dynamically and rounding, the NIH HIV/AIDS funding presented may differ from official funding amounts by $1 per award.

Unexpected Error: If viewed using the Chrome browser, the dashboards can prompt a pop-up error message “UnexpectedError. An unexpected error occurred. If you continue to receive this error please contact your Tableau Server Administrator. Session ID… Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to read the ‘sessionStorage’ property from ‘Window’: Access is denied for this document.” This is prompted from a browser privacy setting. This can be resolved by changing the browser settings – Privacy and Security – Cookies and other site data. General settings can be changed to “Allow all cookies” or customized behaviors can be changed to add “public.tableau.com” to sites that can always use cookies.

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This page last reviewed on July 22, 2024