Ocean Private: Fast Secure VPN Privacy policy

Ocean Private: Fast Secure VPN respects and protects the personal privacy rights of all user users. We guarantee that the process of using VPN connections does not collect any user information. This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. When you agree to the Terms of Service, you shall be deemed to have agreed to the whole content of this Privacy Policy, which is an integral part of the Ocean Private: Fast Secure VPN Terms of Service

This Privacy Policy will help you understand that:

* We follow the privacy policy to collect and use your information, but we do not collect the mandatory personal information bundled solely for your consent to this Privacy Policy.

* In order to provide you with the basic functions of network acceleration, you need to authorize us to use the virtual network function of the device, and we will not collect and store any of your private information when you use the network channels we provide. You may refuse to provide any other functions or services unless it is required to achieve essential business functions or as required under laws and regulations. We will address item by item which is the necessary information in our privacy policy.

* This Privacy Policy applies to your access to and use of our products and services through your applications.

How do we collect and use personal information

We will collect the information that you volunteered when using the service, and the information that you generate during using the features or receiving the service, automatically, as follows:

At the heart of our services is a virtual network that provides dedicated and secure data transmission. The virtual private network is a log-less network. This means that we do not collect any information transmitted through the network, except for the limited exceptions below. When you visit the Virtual Private Network, we do not collect any information about the website that you visit or the IP address assigned to you, and for our Network Accelerator, we do not collect any data stored or transmitted on your device, including any data that the application on your device may transmit over our network.

How do we use similar technologies, such as Cookie

Similar technologies such as Cookie and equipment information identification are commonly used in the Internet. When you use Saturn and related services, we may use the relevant technology to send one or more Cookie or anonymous identifiers to your device to collect, identify information when you access, and use the product. We promise that Cookie will not be used for any purpose other than the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. We use Cookie and similar technologies mainly to implement the following functions or services:

1. We may set up Cookie or anonymous identifiers for authentication and security to confirm whether you are logged in to the service safely, or whether you have encountered theft, fraud, and other wrongdoing. These technologies will also help us improve service efficiency and improve login and response speed.

2. Most browsers provide users with the ability to clear the browser cache data, and you can perform the appropriate data clearing operations in the browser setup functions. If you clear, you may not be able to use services or Cookie.

How can we keep our personal information safe

1. We attach great importance to the security of your personal information and will strive to take reasonable security measures (including technical and management aspects) to protect your personal information and your personal information from being improperly used or accessed, used, modified, damaged, lost or leaked without authorization.

We will use industry peer encryption technology, anonymity processing and related reasonably reasonable means to protect your personal information, and use security protection mechanism to prevent your personal information from malicious attacks.

We will set up a special security department, security management system, data security process to ensure your personal information security. We adopt strict data use and access systems to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to your personal information and conduct timely security audits of data and technology.

Although has taken the above reasonable effective measures, and has complied with the relevant legal requirements, but please understand, due to technical limitations and all kinds of malicious means, in the Internet industry, even if try to strengthen security measures, can not always ensure the security of one hundred percent information, we will try our best to ensure that the security of the personal information you provide us.

5. We will formulate emergency response plans, and immediately launch the emergency plan in case of user information security incidents, so as to prevent the impact and consequences of these security incidents from expanding. In case of user information security incidents (leakage, loss), we will timely inform you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incidents, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, your suggestions that you can independently prevent and reduce risks, and remedial measures for you. We will timely inform you of the relevant information of the event in push notification, email, and relevant forms. If it is difficult to inform you one by one, we will issue the announcement in a reasonable and effective way. At the same time, we will also report the disposal of user information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the relevant regulatory authorities.

Manage your personal information

We attach great importance to your management of personal information, and do our best to protect your rights to inquire, access, modify, delete, withdraw consent authorization and set up privacy functions, so as to enable you to protect your privacy and information security. If we stop our operations, we will promptly stop the activities to collect your personal information, notify you of the notice of stopping our operations in a one-by-one service or announcement, and delete or anonymize your personal information that you hold.

Juvenile Clause

If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should jointly read and agree to this Privacy Policy under the custody and guidance of your parents or other guardians before using our products and related services. If you are the guardian of a minor, when you have any questions about the personal information of the minor in your custody, please contact us through the contact information published in this privacy policy.

Privacy Policy amendments and notices

In order to provide you with a better service, we will timely revise this Privacy Policy, which is a part of and has the same effect as this Privacy Policy. Without your express consent, we will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy currently in force.

Contact us

If you have any complaints, suggestions, or questions about your personal information protection issues, you can send the questions to ([email protected]). We will review the questions involved as soon as possible, and reply within 15 working days after verifying your user identity.