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NIH State-of-the-Science Conference:
Multivitamin/Mineral Supplements and Chronic Disease Prevention
May 15-17, 2006

Media Resources and Contacts

About the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements
Provides information about the Office of Dietary Supplements including our mission, origin and mandate, research and programs, strategic plan, and conferences and workshops.

        Director, Paul M. Coates, Ph.D.

Dietary Supplement Fact Sheets
Provides summaries of the scientific literature regarding the safety and efficacy of dietary supplements including vitamins, minerals, herbs and botanicals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Kontaktieren Sie uns

For further information about the conference or to schedule interviews, contact Kelli Marciel at 301-496-4819. News Advisory

If you are not a member of the media and have an inquiry, please contact us.