Oil Spills & Seafood

OEHHA Emergency Response for Oil Spills and Seafood

Cosco Busan

  • OEHHA is required to evaluate the potential public health risks associated with seafood consumption following oil spills into California waters.

  • This task includes making recommendations on fisheries closure and re-opening to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW).

  • As shown in this flow chart, if a closure is in effect for more than 48 hours, expedited testing of seafood is required before a fishery can be re-opened.

  • OEHHA works closely with CDFW’s Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR).

  • This fact sheet describes OEHHA’s and OSPR’s roles following marine oil spills.

Dubai Star

OEHHA's Protocol for Seafood Risk Assessment to Support Fisheries Re-Opening Decisions for Marine Oil Spills in California
Joint OEHHA-OSPR Protocol for Seafood Sampling and Analysis to Support Fisheries Re-Opening Decisions Following Aquatic Oil Spills in California

Oil Spills Requiring Expedited Seafood Testing

Fish Advisory Map

View maps of current statewide and site-specific advisories

Advisory Map

Fish, Ecotoxicology and Water Section

Sacramento Office
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-324-7572
[email protected]

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