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Search: a348615 -id:a348615
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A025047 Number of alternating compositions, i.e., compositions with alternating increases and decreases, starting with either an increase or a decrease. +10
1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 7, 12, 19, 29, 48, 75, 118, 186, 293, 460, 725, 1139, 1789, 2814, 4422, 6949, 10924, 17168, 26979, 42404, 66644, 104737, 164610, 258707, 406588, 639009, 1004287, 1578363, 2480606, 3898599, 6127152, 9629623, 15134213, 23785388, 37381849, 58750468 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)
Original name: Wiggly sums: number of sums adding to n in which terms alternately increase and decrease or vice versa.
Edward A. Bender and E. Rodney Canfield, Locally Restricted Compositions III. Adjacent-Part Periodic Inequalities, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 17 (2010), #R145.
a(n) = A025048(n) + A025049(n) - 1 = sum_k[A059881(n, k)] = sum_k[S(n, k) + T(n, k)] - 1 where if n>k>0 S(n, k) = sum_j[T(n - k, j)] over j>k and T(n, k) = sum_j[S(n - k, j)] over k>j (note reversal) and if n>0 S(n, n) = T(n, n) = 1; S(n, k) = A059882(n, k), T(n, k) = A059883(n, k). - Henry Bottomley, Feb 05 2001
a(n) ~ c * d^n, where d = 1.571630806607064114100138865739690782401305155950789062725..., c = 0.82222360450823867604750473815253345888526601460811483897... . - Vaclav Kotesovec, Sep 12 2014
a(n) = A344604(n) + 1 - n mod 2. - Gus Wiseman, Jun 17 2021
From Joerg Arndt, Dec 28 2012: (Start)
There are a(7)=19 such compositions of 7:
[ 1] + [ 1 2 1 2 1 ]
[ 2] + [ 1 2 1 3 ]
[ 3] + [ 1 3 1 2 ]
[ 4] + [ 1 4 2 ]
[ 5] + [ 1 5 1 ]
[ 6] + [ 1 6 ]
[ 7] - [ 2 1 3 1 ]
[ 8] - [ 2 1 4 ]
[ 9] + [ 2 3 2 ]
[10] + [ 2 4 1 ]
[11] + [ 2 5 ]
[12] - [ 3 1 2 1 ]
[13] - [ 3 1 3 ]
[14] + [ 3 4 ]
[15] - [ 4 1 2 ]
[16] - [ 4 3 ]
[17] - [ 5 2 ]
[18] - [ 6 1 ]
[19] 0 [ 7 ]
For A025048(7)-1=10 of these the first two parts are increasing (marked by '+'),
and for A025049(7)-1=8 the first two parts are decreasing (marked by '-').
The composition into one part is counted by both A025048 and A025049.
b:= proc(n, l, t) option remember; `if`(n=0, 1, add(
b(n-j, j, 1-t), j=`if`(t=1, 1..min(l-1, n), l+1..n)))
a:= n-> 1+add(add(b(n-j, j, i), i=0..1), j=1..n-1):
seq(a(n), n=0..40); # Alois P. Heinz, Jan 31 2024
wigQ[y_]:=Or[Length[y]==0, Length[Split[y]]== Length[y]&&Length[Split[Sign[Differences[y]]]]==Length[y]-1];
Table[Length[Select[Join@@Permutations/@IntegerPartitions[n], wigQ]], {n, 0, 15}] (* Gus Wiseman, Jun 17 2021 *)
D(n, f)={my(M=matrix(n, n, j, k, k>=j), s=M[, n]); for(b=1, n, f=!f; M=matrix(n, n, j, k, if(k<j, if(f, if(k>1, M[j-k, k-1]), M[j-k, n]-M[j-k, k] ))); for(k=2, n, M[, k]+=M[, k-1]); s+=M[, n]); s~}
seq(n) = concat([1], D(n, 0) + D(n, 1) - vector(n, j, 1)) \\ Andrew Howroyd, Jan 31 2024
Dominated by A003242 (anti-run compositions), complement A261983.
The ascending case is A025048.
The descending case is A025049.
The version allowing pairs (x,x) is A344604.
These compositions are ranked by A345167, permutations A349051.
The complement is counted by A345192, ranked by A345168.
The version for patterns is A345194 (with twins: A344605).
A001250 counts alternating permutations, complement A348615.
A011782 counts compositions.
A032020 counts strict compositions.
A106356 counts compositions by number of maximal anti-runs.
A114901 counts compositions where each part is adjacent to an equal part.
A274174 counts compositions with equal parts contiguous.
A325534 counts separable partitions, ranked by A335433.
A325535 counts inseparable partitions, ranked by A335448.
A345164 counts alternating permutations of prime indices.
A345165 counts partitions w/o alternating permutation, ranked by A345171.
A345170 counts partitions w/ alternating permutation, ranked by A345172.
Better name using a comment of Franklin T. Adams-Watters by Peter Luschny, Oct 31 2021
A345167 Numbers k such that the k-th composition in standard order is alternating. +10
0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 38, 40, 41, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50, 54, 64, 65, 66, 68, 70, 72, 76, 77, 80, 81, 82, 88, 89, 96, 97, 98, 102, 108, 109, 128, 129, 130, 132, 134, 140, 141, 144, 145, 148, 152, 153, 160, 161, 162 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)
The k-th composition in standard order (graded reverse-lexicographic, A066099) is obtained by taking the set of positions of 1's in the reversed binary expansion of k, prepending 0, taking first differences, and reversing again. This gives a bijective correspondence between nonnegative integers and integer compositions.
A sequence is alternating if it is alternately strictly increasing and strictly decreasing, starting with either. For example, the partition (3,2,2,2,1) has no alternating permutations, even though it does have the anti-run permutations (2,3,2,1,2) and (2,1,2,3,2).
The terms together with their binary indices begin:
1: (1) 25: (1,3,1) 66: (5,2)
2: (2) 32: (6) 68: (4,3)
4: (3) 33: (5,1) 70: (4,1,2)
5: (2,1) 34: (4,2) 72: (3,4)
6: (1,2) 38: (3,1,2) 76: (3,1,3)
8: (4) 40: (2,4) 77: (3,1,2,1)
9: (3,1) 41: (2,3,1) 80: (2,5)
12: (1,3) 44: (2,1,3) 81: (2,4,1)
13: (1,2,1) 45: (2,1,2,1) 82: (2,3,2)
16: (5) 48: (1,5) 88: (2,1,4)
17: (4,1) 49: (1,4,1) 89: (2,1,3,1)
18: (3,2) 50: (1,3,2) 96: (1,6)
20: (2,3) 54: (1,2,1,2) 97: (1,5,1)
22: (2,1,2) 64: (7) 98: (1,4,2)
24: (1,4) 65: (6,1) 102: (1,3,1,2)
stc[n_]:=Differences[Prepend[Join@@Position[ Reverse[IntegerDigits[n, 2]], 1], 0]]//Reverse;
wigQ[y_]:=Or[Length[y]==0, Length[Split[y]] ==Length[y]&&Length[Split[Sign[Differences[y]]]]==Length[y]-1];
Select[Range[0, 100], wigQ@*stc]
These compositions are counted by A025047, complement A345192.
The complement is A345168.
Partitions with a permutation of this type: A345170, complement A345165.
Factorizations with a permutation of this type: A348379.
A001250 counts alternating permutations, complement A348615.
A003242 counts anti-run compositions.
A345164 counts alternating permutations of prime indices.
A345194 counts alternating patterns, with twins A344605.
Statistics of standard compositions:
- Length is A000120.
- Constant runs are A124767.
- Heinz number is A333219.
- Number of maximal anti-runs is A333381.
- Runs-resistance is A333628.
- Number of distinct parts is A334028.
Classes of standard compositions:
- Weakly decreasing compositions (partitions) are A114994.
- Weakly increasing compositions (multisets) are A225620.
- Anti-runs are A333489.
- Non-alternating anti-runs are A345169.
Gus Wiseman, Jun 15 2021
A345192 Number of non-alternating compositions of n. +10
0, 0, 1, 1, 4, 9, 20, 45, 99, 208, 437, 906, 1862, 3803, 7732, 15659, 31629, 63747, 128258, 257722, 517339, 1037652, 2079984, 4167325, 8346204, 16710572, 33449695, 66944254, 133959021, 268028868, 536231903, 1072737537, 2145905285, 4292486690, 8586035993, 17173742032, 34350108745, 68704342523, 137415168084 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)
First differs from A261983 at a(6) = 20, A261983(6) = 18.
A sequence is alternating if it is alternately strictly increasing and strictly decreasing, starting with either. For example, the partition (3,2,2,2,1) has no alternating permutations, even though it does have the anti-run permutations (2,3,2,1,2) and (2,1,2,3,2).
a(n) = A011782(n) - A025047(n).
The a(2) = 1 through a(6) = 20 compositions:
(11) (111) (22) (113) (33)
(112) (122) (114)
(211) (221) (123)
(1111) (311) (222)
(1112) (321)
(1121) (411)
(1211) (1113)
(2111) (1122)
(11111) (1131)
wigQ[y_]:=Or[Length[y]==0, Length[Split[y]]== Length[y]&&Length[Split[Sign[Differences[y]]]]==Length[y]-1];
Table[Length[Select[Join@@Permutations/@IntegerPartitions[n], !wigQ[#]&]], {n, 0, 15}]
The complement is counted by A025047 (ascend: A025048, descend: A025049).
Dominates A261983 (non-anti-run compositions), ranked by A348612.
These compositions are ranked by A345168, complement A345167.
The case without twins is A348377.
The version for factorizations is A348613.
A001250 counts alternating permutations, complement A348615.
A003242 counts anti-run compositions.
A011782 counts compositions.
A032020 counts strict compositions.
A106356 counts compositions by number of maximal anti-runs.
A114901 counts compositions where each part is adjacent to an equal part.
A274174 counts compositions with equal parts contiguous.
A325534 counts separable partitions, ranked by A335433.
A325535 counts inseparable partitions, ranked by A335448.
A344604 counts alternating compositions with twins.
A344605 counts alternating patterns with twins.
A344654 counts non-twin partitions with no alternating permutation.
A345162 counts normal partitions with no alternating permutation.
A345164 counts alternating permutations of prime indices.
A345170 counts partitions w/ alternating permutation, ranked by A345172.
A345165 counts partitions w/o alternating permutation, ranked by A345171.
- A128761 avoiding (1,2,3) adjacent.
- A344614 avoiding (1,2,3) and (3,2,1) adjacent.
- A344615 weakly avoiding (1,2,3) adjacent.
Gus Wiseman, Jun 17 2021
A025048 Number of up/down (initially ascending) compositions of n. +10
1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 16, 26, 41, 64, 100, 158, 247, 389, 612, 960, 1509, 2372, 3727, 5858, 9207, 14468, 22738, 35737, 56164, 88268, 138726, 218024, 342652, 538524, 846358, 1330160, 2090522, 3285526, 5163632, 8115323, 12754288, 20045027, 31503382 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)
Original name was: Ascending wiggly sums: number of sums adding to n in which terms alternately increase and decrease.
A composition is up/down if it is alternately strictly increasing and strictly decreasing, starting with an increase. For example, the partition (3,2,2,2,1) has no up/down permutations, even though it does have the anti-run permutation (2,3,2,1,2). - Gus Wiseman, Jan 15 2022
a(n) = 1+A025047(n)-A025049(n) = sum_k[A059882(n, k)]. - Henry Bottomley, Feb 05 2001
a(n) ~ c * d^n, where d = 1.571630806607064114100138865739690782401305155950789062725011227781640624..., c = 0.4408955566119650057730070154620695491718230084159159991449729825619... . - Vaclav Kotesovec, Sep 12 2014
From Gus Wiseman, Jan 15 2022: (Start)
The a(1) = 1 through a(7) = 11 up/down compositions:
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
(1,2) (1,3) (1,4) (1,5) (1,6)
(1,2,1) (2,3) (2,4) (2,5)
(1,3,1) (1,3,2) (3,4)
(1,4,1) (1,4,2)
(2,3,1) (1,5,1)
(1,2,1,2) (2,3,2)
updoQ[y_]:=And@@Table[If[EvenQ[m], y[[m]]>y[[m+1]], y[[m]]<y[[m+1]]], {m, 1, Length[y]-1}];
Table[Length[Select[Join@@Permutations/@IntegerPartitions[n], updoQ]], {n, 0, 15}] (* Gus Wiseman, Jan 15 2022 *)
The case of permutations is A000111.
The undirected version is A025047, ranked by A345167.
The down/up version is A025049, ranked by A350356.
The strict case is A129838, undirected A349054.
The weak version is A129852, down/up A129853.
The version for patterns is A350354.
These compositions are ranked by A350355.
A001250 counts alternating permutations, complement A348615.
A003242 counts Carlitz compositions, complement A261983.
A011782 counts compositions, unordered A000041.
A325534 counts separable partitions, complement A325535.
A345192 counts non-alternating compositions, ranked by A345168.
A345194 counts alternating patterns, complement A350252.
A349052 counts weakly alternating compositions, complement A349053.
Name and offset changed by Gus Wiseman, Jan 15 2022
A025049 Number of down/up (initially descending) compositions of n. +10
1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 6, 9, 14, 23, 35, 55, 87, 136, 214, 337, 528, 830, 1306, 2051, 3223, 5067, 7962, 12512, 19667, 30908, 48574, 76343, 119982, 188565, 296358, 465764, 732006, 1150447, 1808078, 2841627, 4465992, 7018891, 11031101, 17336823, 27247087, 42822355 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)
Original name was: Descending wiggly sums: number of sums adding to n in which terms alternately decrease and increase.
A composition is down/up if it is alternately strictly decreasing and strictly increasing, starting with a decrease. For example, the partition (3,2,2,2,1) has no down/up permutations, even though it does have the anti-run permutation (2,1,2,3,2). - Gus Wiseman, Jan 28 2022
a(n) = 1 + A025047(n) - A025048(n) = Sum_{k=1..n} A059883(n,k). - Henry Bottomley, Feb 05 2001
From Gus Wiseman, Jan 28 2022: (Start)
The a(1) = 1 through a(8) = 14 down/up compositions:
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
(2,1) (3,1) (3,2) (4,2) (4,3) (5,3)
(4,1) (5,1) (5,2) (6,2)
(2,1,2) (2,1,3) (6,1) (7,1)
(3,1,2) (2,1,4) (2,1,5)
(2,1,2,1) (3,1,3) (3,1,4)
(4,1,2) (3,2,3)
(2,1,3,1) (4,1,3)
(3,1,2,1) (5,1,2)
doupQ[y_]:=And@@Table[If[EvenQ[m], y[[m]]<y[[m+1]], y[[m]]>y[[m+1]]], {m, 1, Length[y]-1}];
Table[Length[Select[Join@@Permutations/@IntegerPartitions[n], doupQ]], {n, 0, 15}] (* Gus Wiseman, Jan 28 2022 *)
The case of permutations is A000111.
The undirected version is A025047, ranked by A345167.
The up/down version is A025048, ranked by A350355.
The strict case is A129838, undirected A349054.
The weak version is A129853, up/down A129852.
The version for patterns is A350354.
These compositions are ranked by A350356.
A001250 counts alternating permutations, complement A348615.
A003242 counts Carlitz compositions, complement A261983.
A011782 counts compositions, unordered A000041.
A325534 counts separable partitions, complement A325535.
A345192 counts non-alternating compositions, ranked by A345168.
A345194 counts alternating patterns, complement A350252.
A349052 counts weakly alternating compositions, complement A349053.
a(0)=1 prepended by Alois P. Heinz, Jan 20 2022
Name changed by Gus Wiseman, Jan 28 2022
A345165 Number of integer partitions of n without an alternating permutation. +10
0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 5, 8, 11, 17, 20, 29, 37, 51, 65, 85, 106, 141, 175, 223, 277, 351, 432, 540, 663, 820, 999, 1226, 1489, 1817, 2192, 2654, 3191, 3847, 4603, 5517, 6578, 7853, 9327, 11084, 13120, 15533, 18328, 21621, 25430, 29905, 35071, 41111, 48080, 56206, 65554, 76420, 88918 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)
A sequence is alternating if it is alternately strictly increasing and strictly decreasing, starting with either. For example, the partition (3,2,2,2,1) has no alternating permutations, even though it has the anti-run permutations (2,3,2,1,2) and (2,1,2,3,2).
Joseph Likar, Java Implementation using QBinomials
The a(2) = 1 through a(9) = 11 partitions:
(11) (111) (22) (2111) (33) (2221) (44) (333)
(1111) (11111) (222) (4111) (2222) (3222)
(3111) (31111) (5111) (6111)
(21111) (211111) (41111) (22221)
(111111) (1111111) (221111) (51111)
(311111) (321111)
(2111111) (411111)
(11111111) (2211111)
wigQ[y_]:=Or[Length[y]==0, Length[Split[y]]== Length[y]&&Length[Split[Sign[Differences[y]]]]==Length[y]-1];
Table[Length[Select[IntegerPartitions[n], Select[Permutations[#], wigQ]=={}&]], {n, 0, 15}]
Excluding twins (x,x) gives A344654, complement A344740.
The normal case is A345162, complement A345163.
The complement is counted by A345170, ranked by A345172.
The Heinz numbers of these partitions are A345171.
The version for factorizations is A348380, complement A348379.
A version for ordered factorizations is A348613, complement A348610.
A000041 counts integer partitions.
A001250 counts alternating permutations, complement A348615.
A003242 counts anti-run compositions.
A005649 counts anti-run patterns.
A025047 counts alternating or wiggly compositions.
A325534 counts separable partitions, ranked by A335433.
A325535 counts inseparable partitions, ranked by A335448.
A344604 counts alternating compositions with twins.
A345164 counts alternating permutations of prime indices, w/ twins A344606.
A345192 counts non-alternating compositions, without twins A348377.
Gus Wiseman, Jun 12 2021
a(26) onwards by Joseph Likar, Aug 21 2023
A345168 Numbers k such that the k-th composition in standard order is not alternating. +10
3, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 19, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 35, 36, 37, 39, 42, 43, 46, 47, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 67, 69, 71, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 99, 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 110 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)
The k-th composition in standard order (graded reverse-lexicographic, A066099) is obtained by taking the set of positions of 1's in the reversed binary expansion of k, prepending 0, taking first differences, and reversing again. This gives a bijective correspondence between nonnegative integers and integer compositions.
A sequence is alternating if it is alternately strictly increasing and strictly decreasing, starting with either. For example, the partition (3,2,2,2,1) has no alternating permutations, even though it does have the anti-run permutations (2,3,2,1,2) and (2,1,2,3,2).
The sequence of terms together with their binary indices begins:
3: (1,1) 35: (4,1,1) 59: (1,1,2,1,1)
7: (1,1,1) 36: (3,3) 60: (1,1,1,3)
10: (2,2) 37: (3,2,1) 61: (1,1,1,2,1)
11: (2,1,1) 39: (3,1,1,1) 62: (1,1,1,1,2)
14: (1,1,2) 42: (2,2,2) 63: (1,1,1,1,1,1)
15: (1,1,1,1) 43: (2,2,1,1) 67: (5,1,1)
19: (3,1,1) 46: (2,1,1,2) 69: (4,2,1)
21: (2,2,1) 47: (2,1,1,1,1) 71: (4,1,1,1)
23: (2,1,1,1) 51: (1,3,1,1) 73: (3,3,1)
26: (1,2,2) 52: (1,2,3) 74: (3,2,2)
27: (1,2,1,1) 53: (1,2,2,1) 75: (3,2,1,1)
28: (1,1,3) 55: (1,2,1,1,1) 78: (3,1,1,2)
29: (1,1,2,1) 56: (1,1,4) 79: (3,1,1,1,1)
30: (1,1,1,2) 57: (1,1,3,1) 83: (2,3,1,1)
31: (1,1,1,1,1) 58: (1,1,2,2) 84: (2,2,3)
stc[n_]:=Differences[Prepend[Join@@Position[Reverse[IntegerDigits[n, 2]], 1], 0]]//Reverse;
wigQ[y_]:=Or[Length[y]==0, Length[Split[y]]==Length[y]&&Length[Split[Sign[Differences[y]]]]==Length[y]-1];
Select[Range[0, 100], Not@*wigQ@*stc]
The complement is A345167.
These compositions are counted by A345192.
A001250 counts alternating permutations, complement A348615.
A003242 counts anti-run compositions.
A025047 counts alternating or wiggly compositions, directed A025048, A025049.
A344604 counts alternating compositions with twins.
A345194 counts alternating patterns (with twins: A344605).
A345164 counts alternating permutations of prime indices (with twins: A344606).
A345165 counts partitions without a alternating permutation, ranked by A345171.
A345170 counts partitions with a alternating permutation, ranked by A345172.
A348610 counts alternating ordered factorizations, complement A348613.
Statistics of standard compositions:
- Length is A000120.
- Constant runs are A124767.
- Heinz number is A333219.
- Number of maximal anti-runs is A333381.
- Runs-resistance is A333628.
- Number of distinct parts is A334028.
Classes of standard compositions:
- Weakly decreasing compositions (partitions) are A114994.
- Weakly increasing compositions (multisets) are A225620.
- Strict compositions are A233564.
- Constant compositions are A272919.
- Anti-run compositions are A333489.
- Non-anti-run compositions are A348612.
Gus Wiseman, Jun 15 2021
A345171 Numbers whose multiset of prime factors has no alternating permutation. +10
4, 8, 9, 16, 24, 25, 27, 32, 40, 48, 49, 54, 56, 64, 80, 81, 88, 96, 104, 112, 121, 125, 128, 135, 136, 144, 152, 160, 162, 169, 176, 184, 189, 192, 208, 224, 232, 240, 243, 248, 250, 256, 270, 272, 288, 289, 296, 297, 304, 320, 324, 328, 336, 343, 344, 351 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)
First differs from A335448 in having 270.
A sequence is alternating if it is alternately strictly increasing and strictly decreasing, starting with either. For example, the partition (3,2,2,2,1) has no alternating permutations, even though it has the anti-run permutations (2,3,2,1,2) and (2,1,2,3,2).
Also Heinz numbers of integer partitions without a wiggly permutation, where the Heinz number of a partition (y_1,...,y_k) is prime(y_1)*...*prime(y_k).
The sequence of terms together with their prime indices begins:
4: {1,1}
8: {1,1,1}
9: {2,2}
16: {1,1,1,1}
24: {1,1,1,2}
25: {3,3}
27: {2,2,2}
32: {1,1,1,1,1}
40: {1,1,1,3}
48: {1,1,1,1,2}
49: {4,4}
54: {1,2,2,2}
56: {1,1,1,4}
64: {1,1,1,1,1,1}
80: {1,1,1,1,3}
81: {2,2,2,2}
88: {1,1,1,5}
96: {1,1,1,1,1,2}
wigQ[y_]:=Or[Length[y]==0, Length[Split[y]]== Length[y]&&Length[Split[Sign[Differences[y]]]]==Length[y]-1];
Select[Range[100], Select[Permutations[Flatten[ ConstantArray@@@FactorInteger[#]]], wigQ]=={}&]
Removing squares of primes A001248 gives A344653, counted by A344654.
A superset of A335448, which is counted by A325535.
Positions of 0's in A345164.
The partitions with these Heinz numbers are counted by A345165.
The complement is A345172, counted by A345170.
The separable case is A345173, counted by A345166.
A001250 counts alternating permutations, complement A348615.
A003242 counts anti-run compositions, complement A261983.
A025047 counts alternating or wiggly compositions, directed A025048, A025049.
A325534 counts separable partitions, ranked by A335433.
A344606 counts alternating permutations of prime indices with twins.
A344742 ranks twins and partitions with an alternating permutation.
A345192 counts non-alternating compositions.
Gus Wiseman, Jun 13 2021
A349053 Number of non-weakly alternating integer compositions of n. +10
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 12, 37, 95, 232, 533, 1198, 2613, 5619, 11915, 25011, 52064, 107694, 221558, 453850, 926309, 1884942, 3825968, 7749312, 15667596, 31628516, 63766109, 128415848, 258365323, 519392582, 1043405306, 2094829709, 4203577778, 8431313237, 16904555958 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)
We define a sequence to be weakly alternating if it is alternately weakly increasing and weakly decreasing, starting with either. Then a sequence is (strongly) alternating iff it is a weakly alternating anti-run.
Andrew Howroyd, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..1000 (terms 0..55 from Martin Ehrenstein)
a(n) = A011782(n) - A349052(n).
The a(6) = 12 compositions:
(1,1,2,2,1) (1,1,2,3) (1,2,4)
(1,2,1,1,2) (1,2,3,1) (4,2,1)
(1,2,2,1,1) (1,3,2,1)
(2,1,1,2,1) (2,1,1,3)
wwkQ[y_]:=And@@Table[If[EvenQ[m], y[[m]]<=y[[m+1]], y[[m]]>=y[[m+1]]], {m, 1, Length[y]-1}]||And@@Table[If[EvenQ[m], y[[m]]>=y[[m+1]], y[[m]]<=y[[m+1]]], {m, 1, Length[y]-1}];
Table[Length[Select[Join@@Permutations/@IntegerPartitions[n], !wwkQ[#]&]], {n, 0, 10}]
Complementary directed versions are A129852/A129853, strong A025048/A025049.
The strong version is A345192.
The complement is counted by A349052.
These compositions are ranked by A349057, strong A345168.
The complementary version for patterns is A349058, strong A345194.
The complementary multiplicative version is A349059, strong A348610.
An unordered version (partitions) is A349061, complement A349060.
The version for ordered prime factorizations is A349797, complement A349056.
The version for patterns is A350138, strong A350252.
The version for ordered factorizations is A350139.
A001250 counts alternating permutations, complement A348615.
A001700 counts compositions of 2n with alternating sum 0.
A003242 counts Carlitz (anti-run) compositions.
A011782 counts compositions, unordered A000041.
A025047 counts alternating compositions, ranked by A345167.
A106356 counts compositions by number of maximal anti-runs.
A344604 counts alternating compositions with twins.
A345164 counts alternating ordered prime factorizations.
A349054 counts strict alternating compositions.
Gus Wiseman, Dec 16 2021
a(21)-a(35) from Martin Ehrenstein, Jan 08 2022
A349052 Number of weakly alternating compositions of n. +10
1, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 28, 52, 91, 161, 280, 491, 850, 1483, 2573, 4469, 7757, 13472, 23378, 40586, 70438, 122267, 212210, 368336, 639296, 1109620, 1925916, 3342755, 5801880, 10070133, 17478330, 30336518, 52653939, 91389518, 158621355, 275313226, 477850887, 829388075 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; text; internal format)
We define a sequence to be weakly alternating if it is alternately weakly increasing and weakly decreasing, starting with either. A sequence is alternating iff it is a weakly alternating anti-run.
Andrew Howroyd, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..1000 (Terms 0..55 from Martin Ehrenstein)
The a(5) = 16 compositions:
(1,1,1,1,1) (1,1,1,2) (1,1,3) (1,4) (5)
(1,1,2,1) (1,2,2) (2,3)
(1,2,1,1) (1,3,1) (3,2)
(2,1,1,1) (2,1,2) (4,1)
The a(6) = 28 compositions:
(111111) (11112) (1113) (114) (15) (6)
(11121) (1122) (132) (24)
(11211) (1131) (141) (33)
(12111) (1212) (213) (42)
(21111) (1311) (222) (51)
(2121) (231)
(2211) (312)
(3111) (411)
whkQ[y_]:=And@@Table[If[EvenQ[m], y[[m]]<=y[[m+1]], y[[m]]>=y[[m+1]]], {m, 1, Length[y]-1}];
Table[Length[Select[Join@@Permutations/@IntegerPartitions[n], whkQ[#]||whkQ[-#]&]], {n, 0, 10}]
C(n, f)={my(M=matrix(n, n, j, k, k>=j), s=M[, n]); for(b=1, n, f=!f; M=matrix(n, n, j, k, if(k<j, if(f, M[j-k, k], M[j-k, n]-if(k>1, M[j-k, k-1]) ))); for(k=2, n, M[, k]+=M[, k-1]); s+=M[, n]); s~}
seq(n) = concat([1], C(n, 0) + C(n, 1) - vector(n, j, numdiv(j))) \\ Andrew Howroyd, Jan 31 2024
The strong case is A025047, ranked by A345167.
The directed versions are A129852 and A129853, strong A025048 and A025049.
The complement is counted by A349053, strong A345192.
The version for permutations of prime indices is A349056, strong A345164.
The complement is ranked by A349057, strong A345168.
The version for patterns is A349058, strong A345194.
The multiplicative version is A349059, strong A348610.
An unordered version (partitions) is A349060, complement A349061.
The non-alternating case is A349800, ranked by A349799.
A001250 counts alternating permutations, complement A348615.
A001700 counts compositions of 2n with alternating sum 0.
A003242 counts Carlitz (anti-run) compositions.
A011782 counts compositions.
A106356 counts compositions by number of maximal anti-runs.
A344604 counts alternating compositions with twins.
A345170 counts partitions w/ an alternating permutation, ranked by A345172.
A349054 counts strict alternating compositions.
Gus Wiseman, Nov 29 2021
a(21)-a(37) from Martin Ehrenstein, Jan 08 2022
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Last modified July 21 11:45 EDT 2024. Contains 374472 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)