How does my state perform in education? What are some of its policies?

Reference the “color codes” to determine how much Education Freedom your state supports. In spring 2020, this image will become an interactive map. You will be able to hover the cursor over your state on the map to discover how well your state performed on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in 4th grade literacy and 8th grade math, compared to the other states. You will also find what percent of students graduate from high school and what percent of teachers are considered “inexperienced” in your state (if available). Clicking on your state will forward you the respective State Report Card website.

* Based on the most currently available data

NAEP 4th Grade Reading Placement NAEP 8th Grade Math Placement High School Graduation Rate Percent of Inexperienced Teachers[1]
Alabama 48th 49th 90.00% 16.78%
Alaska 51st 43rd 78.51% 7.00%
Arizona 40th 27th 78.36% 20.97%
Arkansas 45th 43rd 87.55% 17.60%
California 40th 38th 83.00% 11.57%
Colorado 4th 16th 79.00% 25.60%
Connecticut 7th 9th 88.30% 22.81%
Delaware 32nd 37th 86.69% 18.45%
District of Columbia 46th 49th 68.18% 9.00%
Florida 4th 34th 86.10% 27.30%
Georgia 32nd 34th 82.00% 29.00%
Hawaii 32nd 42nd 84.80% 9.00%
Idaho 10th 9th 80.60% 23.00%
Illinois 32nd 22nd 86.00% 5.80%
Indiana 12th 9th 88.10% 28.00%
Iowa 19th 23rd 90.98%
Kansas 29th 23rd 87.50% 16.00%
Kentucky 19th 36th 91.10% 13.25%
Louisiana 49th 47th 81.00% 20.36%
Maine 19th 23rd 86.70% 13.00%
Maryland 24th 27th 87.12% 16.55%
Massachusetts 1st 1st 87.90% 18.30%
Michigan 32nd 27th 80.64% 15.90%
Minnesota 12th 3rd 83.20% 14.77%
Mississippi 29th 43rd 84.00% 22.30%
Missouri 32nd 26th 89.64% 6.17%
Montana 12th 20th 86.00% 3.00%
Nebraska 12th 16th 88.00% 21.80%
Nevada 32nd 43rd 83.16%
New Hampshire 7th 5th 88.81% 14.50%
New Jersey 2nd 2nd 90.90% 24.50%
New Mexico 50th 49th 73.90%
New York 24th 27th 80.40% 16.00%
North Carolina 19th 20th 86.30% 24.90%
North Dakota 19th 9th 88.00%
Ohio 12th 9th 85.30% 7.86%
Oklahoma 40th 38th 83.10%
Oregon 32nd 27th 79.10% 25.80%
Pennsylvania 10th 16th 86.57%
Rhode Island 24th 38th 84.00% 16.52%
South Carolina 40th 38th 81.10% 13.80%
South Dakota 12th 5th 84.00% 14.00%
Tennessee 29th 27th 89.10%
Texas 40th 27th 90.00% 14.20%
Utah 4th 16th 87.00%
Vermont 12th 5th 89.10%
Virginia 7th 5th 91.50% 5.20%
Washington 24th 9th 80.90% 27.30%
West Virginia 47th 47th 90.16% 18.62%
Wisconsin 24th 4th 90.80% 24.26%
Wyoming 2nd 9th 81.70% 12.24%

[1] As available on respective State Report Card. Each state determines what “inexperienced” means. Some states define inexperienced as “less than one year in the classroom” while others define it as less than 3-to-5 years of experience.