
Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Measure Indicators

GPRA Measure Indicators Grade Levels Performance Measured/Data Type
1. Percentage of students in grades 4-8 participating in 21st CCLC programming during the school year and summer who demonstrate growth in reading and language arts on state assessments. Percentage of students in grades 4-8 participating in 21st CCLC programming during the school year and summer who demonstrate growth in mathematics on state assessments. 4-8 State Assessment, Reading and Language Arts State Assessment, Mathematics
2. Percentage of students in grades 7-8 and 10-12 attending 21st CCLC programming during the school year and summer with a prior-year unweighted GPA of less than 3.0 who demonstrated an improved GPA. 7-8 10-12 GPA
3. Percentage of students in grades 1-12 participating in 21st CCLC during the school year who had a school day attendance rate at/or below 90% in the prior school year and demonstrated an improved attendance rate in the current school year. 1-12 Attendance
4. Percentage of students in grades 1-12 attending 21st CCLC programming during the school year and summer who experienced a decrease in in-school suspensions compared to the previous school year. 1-12 In-school Suspension
5. Percentage of students in grades 1–5 participating in 21st CCLC programming in the school year and summer who demonstrated an improvement in teacher-reported engagement in learning. 1-5 Engagement in Learning


SEA Data Guide

This Data Guide provides basic explanations for all data submitted in the US Department of Education’s (Department) 21st Century Community Learning Center’s (21st CCLC) data collection system, 21APR. Its purpose is to assist those responsible for data entry at the State and grantee level on how to efficiently enter their data in the system.  The Guide includes a layout that mirrors the actual 21APR system.

21APR New GPRA Final Implementation Guide

This Implementation Guide provides assistance to State educational agency 21st CCLC programs on annual performance reporting (APR) data affected by the new Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) measures.


Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program Performance Plans and Reports

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