Office of Indian Education


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Save the Date for the Native Language Summit 2024!

Read NACIE’s most recent report (2022-23) to Congress

On February 27-29, 2024 OIE held its annual Project Directors Meeting. Read the meeting highlights in this infographic.

National Comprehensive Center’s Native Education Collaborative presents its Circles of Reflection: A Toolkit for SEAs, which contains information about the history, process, and resources available for those looking to connect SEAs and Tribes.
NIES 2019 Report is available for review. Members of the NIES Technical Review Panel also released a companion document: Setting the Context which provides overarching recommendations and a perspective of how NIES fits in the larger sphere of education for AI/AN Students. In September 2021, NCES, OIE, and BIE hosted a roundtable discussion about findings from the 2019 NIES report that focused on exploring the educational experiences of AI/AN students. More information on the NIES can be found on the National Activities page.
The Notice Inviting Applications (NIA) for the fiscal year 2024 Native American Language (NAL@ED) Discretionary grant program competition is now closed. Visit the NAL@ED How to Apply page for more information. Download a PDF of the above postcard image.
OIE Formula FY24 Open 2/5/24 – 3/8/24. Federal Register Notice published.

The U.S. Office of Indian Education (OIE) administers the Indian Education Program of ESEA, as amended by ESSA (Title VI, Part A), which establishes policies and provides financial and technical assistance for supporting LEAs, Indian Tribes and organizations, post- secondary institutions and other entities in meeting the special educational and cultural related academic needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives, 20 U.S.C. 3423c and 7401 et. seq. The OIE is headed by a Director who reports to the Assistant Secretary and who advises the Assistant Secretary on matters related to the programs administered by OIE.

The OIE has three primary responsibilities:

  1. To meet the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of Indian students, so that such students can meet the challenging State academic standards;
  2. To ensure that Indian students gain knowledge and understanding of Native communities, languages, Tribal histories, traditions, and cultures; and
  3. To ensure that teachers, principals, other school leaders, and other staff who serve Indian students have the ability to provide culturally appropriate and effective instruction and supports to such students.

The OIE is divided into three programming subparts:

  • Subpart 1 – Formula Grants to Local Educational Agencies
  • Subpart 2 – Special Programs and Projects for Indian Children “Discretionary Grants”
  • Subpart 3 – National Activities

OIE Grants and Programs

Select each program below to learn more.