Indian Education Formula Grants (Formula)

Office of Indian Education


Formula Grants

Formula Grant to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs)

This program is designed to address the unique cultural, language, and educationally related academic needs of American Indian and Alaska Native students, including preschool children. The programs funded are to meet the unique cultural, language, and educational needs of Indian students and ensure that all students meet the challenging State academic standard. The program is the Department's principal vehicle for addressing the particular needs of Indian children.

OIE Formula FY24 Part II Closed 5/10/24. Notice Inviting Applications (NIA) published here: Federal Register.

FY23 Annual Performance Reports will open in early September 2024.

FY24 Awards will be sent to grantees in July 2024.

FY24 New Project Director Trainings will be held in August 2024.

OIE Community of Practice Page.

Types of Projects

Grant funds supplement the regular school program by meeting the culturally related academic needs of Indian children. Projects help Indian children sharpen their academic skills, assist students in becoming proficient in the core content areas, and provide students an opportunity to participate in enrichment programs that would otherwise be unavailable. Funds support such activities as culturally-responsive after-school programs, Native language classes, early childhood education, reading/math/STEM and/or general academic tutoring, wellness, career and college awareness, improving attendance and graduation rates, American Indian/Alaska Native cultural workshops, and dropout prevention.

Additional Information

The Indian Education Formula Grant program provides grants to support local educational agencies in their efforts to reform elementary and secondary school programs that serve Indian students. Annually each applicant develops and submits to the Department a comprehensive plan for meeting the needs of Indian children. Applicants must develop this plan in collaboration with a local committee comprised primarily of parents and family members of Indian children and must include student performance goals, a description of professional development activities that the applicant will carry out, and an explanation of how it will assess students’ progress toward meeting its goals and will provide the results of this assessment to the parent committee, Indian community and tribes whose children are served by the LEA.

Special Events

EASIE Title VI Open Office Hour Webinar Series:

OIE is excited to announce these new technical assistance sessions, which are intended to allow prospective and current grantees to receive direct support from their assigned OIE Program Officer via breakout sessions during the event.

Register for all 10 sessions in the series or select specific sessions to attend by completing the WebEx Registration Form. The schedule of all sessions in the monthly series can be found below. Past dates are linked to the recordings.

EASIE Monthly Open Office Hours Schedule
Session Date Session Time
Thursday, December 14 2:00 p.m. ET – 2:45 p.m. ET
Thursday, January 18
Thursday, February 15
Thursday, March 14
Thursday, April 18
Thursday, May 23
Thursday, June 20
Thursday, July 18
Thursday, August 15
Thursday, September 12


Grantee Spotlight

No official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education of any product, commodity, service, or enterprise mentioned herein is intended or should be inferred.

Our friends at Tahlequah Public Schools in Oklahoma held a Native American dance demonstration at a packed Tahlequah Multipurpose Activity Center on November 30, 2022. Chris Ray, Title VI Director, shared photos (with the appropriate permissions) from the event, which included Native regalia, a drum circle, and fun for all ages! Read more about the event.

Contact Information

  • Dr. Crystal Moore, Supervisory Group Leader/Supervisory Education Program Specialist
    Indian Education Formula Grants
    U.S. Department of Education, OESE
    400 Maryland Ave SW
    Washington, DC 20202