Acceptable Use Policy

Please read this policy statement carefully.

Submission of an order for OneNet services constitutes acceptance of these policies.

OneNet provides access to resources originating within its network, resources provided by its subscribers, and resources provided by entities NOT ASSOCIATED WITH ONENET (external networks); through its connections to the commodity internet (I1) and the Internet2. Therefore, this policy is intended to provide subscribers with a framework as to the acceptable and unacceptable use of OneNet. These policies are non-exclusive, and are provided for the subscriber’s benefit and guidance. If subscriber is uncertain whether any contemplated use or action is permitted, subscriber should inquire of OneNet via e-mail to [email protected].

In general, it is the responsibility of external networks to enforce their own acceptable use policies. Nevertheless, when such information is available, OneNet will inform its subscribers of any restrictions on use of networks to which it is directly connected. OneNet cannot control the information that a subscriber might receive while using its services. OneNet does not monitor data that is transmitted to subscribers. It is up to the subscriber to control its use of this service. Further, the subscriber is solely responsible for obtaining appropriate monitoring software (available from many third-party vendors or from OneNet) for the filtering of offensive material.

The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (State Regents), as operators of OneNet, or their designee will review violations of this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) on a case-by-case basis. Clear violations of the policy, which are not promptly resolved by the subscriber organization, may result in disciplinary action by OneNet, up to and including termination of OneNet network services and/or forfeiture of all monies paid to date. OneNet also cooperates fully with all duly constituted law enforcement agencies in cases of violation of applicable law.

OneNet reserves the right to change or amend this policy when appropriate circumstances warrant modifications. Use of OneNet services constitutes FULL agreement and understanding of this AUP and or any future AUP modifications.

Policy Guidelines

  1. Institutions and organizations that are eligible for a direct connection to OneNet are identified by its subscriber connection policy.
  2. Except as is specifically provided herein, OneNet services may not be resold or provided without charge or otherwise shared to institutions or organizations whether or not that organization or institution is eligible for a direct connection as described in its subscriber connection policy.
  3. Use of OneNet must be consistent with its mission and with its goals, which include facilitating and disseminating knowledge, providing public service, aiding technology transfer to Oklahoma businesses for educational purposes, promoting economic development, conducting the affairs of government and building broader infrastructure in support of education and research.
  4. The network services provided by OneNet pursuant to tariff are provided at special government and educational rates and may not be used by, resold to or otherwise shared with, commercial entities except as provided herein.
  5. When network services are provided by OneNet pursuant to tariff, OneNet subscribers must adhere to all provisions, restrictions and limitations of the applicable tariff.
  6. It is acceptable for a OneNet educational subscriber to enter into a “distance learning” partnership with a commercial “for-profit” entity in Oklahoma for the purpose of providing education to the employees of that entity. Such distance learning partnerships are acceptable under the following conditions: a) the sponsoring OneNet educational subscriber must sign the subscriber agreement with OneNet and process a purchase order for the service, b) the sponsoring educational subscriber must accept responsibility to ensure the connection is not abused by the “for-profit” corporation, but rather is used exclusively for distance learning, and c) the sponsoring educational subscriber will be held responsible for payment for the service.
  7. It is acceptable for a OneNet subscriber that has entered into a written agreement with the Oklahoma Department of Commerce to “sponsor” a small business incubator facility, pursuant to the Small Business Incubators Incentives Act (Act), Title 74 O.S. §§ 5071 through 5079.
  8. It is acceptable to use OneNet for activities recognized by the State Regents as economic development initiatives are permissible uses of OneNet.

Unacceptable uses of OneNet:

  1. It is not acceptable to use OneNet for commercial activities that are inconsistent with the mission and goals of OneNet or of the OneNet subscriber.
  2. It is not acceptable to use OneNet for illegal purposes. Use of OneNet must be consistent with all applicable federal, state and local laws. Transmission of any material in violation of federal, state, local law or regulation is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:

Posting, distributing, or publishing copyrighted material, libelous or defamatory material, material protected by some right of privacy or publicity or material protected by trade secret.

  1. It is not acceptable to use OneNet to willfully transmit threatening, obscene, or harassing materials or to knowingly cause such materials to be transmitted.
  2. It is not acceptable to use OneNet to interfere with or disrupt network users, services, or equipment. Disruptions include, but are not limited to, distribution of unsolicited advertising, propagation of computer viruses or worms, and use of the network to make unauthorized entry to any other machine accessible via the network.
  3. It is not acceptable to use OneNet to post a single article or advertisement to more than ten (10) usenet or other newsgroups, forums, e-mail mailing lists or other similar groups or lists; post to any usenet or other newsgroup, forum, e-mail mailing list or other similar group or list articles that are off-topic according to the charter or other owner-published FAQ or description of the group or list; or send unsolicited mass e-mails to more than twenty-five (25) e-mail users if such unsolicited e-mails provoke complaints from recipients.
  4. It is assumed that information and resources available through OneNet are private to those individuals and organizations that own or hold rights to those resources and information and, unless specifically stated otherwise, by the owners or holders of rights, it is, therefore, not acceptable for an individual to use OneNet to access information or resources unless permission to do so has been granted by the owners or holders of rights to those resources and information.
  5. It is not acceptable to violate any other OneNet policy or guideline.

Early termination policy:

All OneNet circuits are contracted for one year in advance. Therefore, if service is disconnected prior to the expiration of that contract term, OneNet will bill for the balance of that contract period.

Linking policy:

  1. Links from OneNet’s website to other sites are provided for convenience of the site user or visitor.
  2. OneNet has no control over such sites and resources. OneNet is not responsible for the availability of such external sites and resources; does not endorse, recommend or certify and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products or other materials on or available from such sites or resources. OneNet shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such site or resource.
  3. Copyright, trademark or other applicable federal or state laws may protect sites that are linked to OneNet’s website. A link from OneNet’s website does not preclude enforcement of those laws by the other site owner should a violation of law occur with respect to use of material on that site. Further, the existence of a link on a OneNet site does not operate as an indemnification of user misuse of the information contained on that site.
  4. OneNet’s logo is a registered mark. Use of the OneNet domain name and graphic banner for purposes other than linking to is expressly forbidden. The State Regents retains and reserves all rights in and to its trade names, trademarks and logo, copyrights and all other intellectual property with respect to the domain name and graphic banner.