OCAN Frequently Asked Questions

What is OCAN?

The Oklahoma Community Anchor Network (OCAN) is a middle-mile infrastructure of 1,100 miles of high-speed broadband fiber. OCAN provides broadband access to rural and underserved areas of the state. The network reaches 35 Oklahoma counties and connects 93 community anchor institutions.

OCAN was funded through a $74 million grant from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration under the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program, along with $19 million in-kind state match. Construction was completed in July 2013. Communities can now access OCAN through OneNet, who operates the network.

What is BTOP?

The Broadband Opportunities Program (BTOP) funded broadband projects across the United States. The Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) administered the program, which was established through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The Act provided $4.7 billion to NTIA to support BTOP projects in three categories: the deployment of comprehensive community broadband infrastructure, the enhancement and expansion of public computer centers and the sustainable adoption of broadband services.

What is NTIA?

The National Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA) is an agency within the executive branch of government that is principally responsible for advising the President on telecommunications and information policy issues. NTIA’s programs and policymaking focus largely on expanding broadband internet access and adoption in America, expanding the use of spectrum by all users and ensuring that the internet remains an engine for continued innovation and economic growth.

What is a CAI?

A community anchor institution (CAI) is an organization or institution that provides vital services to a community, such as schools, colleges and universities, career technology centers, libraries, town halls, police and fire stations and health care facilities.

What is the objective of OCAN?

OCAN’s goal is to deliver high-speed broadband access to rural and underserved areas of the state. The network provides these communities with access to the same broadband services that are available in the state’s urban communities.

What is OneNet’s role in OCAN?

OneNet operates and maintains the network. OneNet’s senior director of operations oversees all aspects of operations, including leasing OCAN services. OneNet’s engineers and technicians provide maintenance and ensure reliability of the network.

How do I know if I’m eligible for a connection to OCAN?

Educational institutions, libraries, health care providers, research organizations, and local, state, national and tribal government agencies have the opportunity to connect to the network by choosing OneNet as their internet service provider. In addition, local telecommunication providers can partner with OCAN to extend services through to the private sector.

How do I know if I’m near a connection point?

Maps reflecting the connection points to OCAN can be provided upon request.

What if I’m not located near a fiber path?

The OneNet/OCAN team can facilitate discussions with telecommunication providers in your area to discuss the potential for a partnership to build to the OCAN fiber route in order to better serve your community.

Who do I contact for more information or about connecting to the network?

For more information or to inquire about a connection, complete our online connection inquiry form or contact Sonja Wall, senior director of OneNet operations, at (405) 225-9345 or [email protected].