
GSA establishes the per diem reimbursement rates that federal agencies use to reimburse their employees for subsistence expenses incurred while on official travel within the continental United States. CONUS includes the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia. The per diem reimbursement rates consist of a maximum lodging allowance component and a meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) component.

Rates for the coming federal government fiscal year (October 1st to September 30th) are typically announced in mid-August. The API is generally updated with the new rates in mid-August.

Use of this API is subject to Terms of Service for GSA.gov’s Developer Resources.

Getting started

User requirements

Users can make GET requests using any browser or a REST client, e.g., Postman.

To begin using this API, you will need to register for an API Key. You can sign up for an API key below. After registration, you will need to provide this API key in the x-api-key HTTP header oder append it to the API URL with every request, e.g., ?api_key={api_key}.

Loading signup form...

API endpoints

This API has six primary endpoints:

  1. https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/city/{city}/state/{ST}/year/{year}
  2. https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/state/{ST}/year/{year}
  3. https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/zip/{zip}/year/{year}
  4. https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/conus/lodging/{year}
  5. https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/conus/mie/{year}
  6. https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/conus/zipcodes/{year}

Rate limits

The default rate limit is 1,000 hits per hour. If you need to request a rate limit change, please email us at [email protected].

OpenAPI specification file

You can view the full details of this API in the OpenAPI specification file.

API description

About per diem rates

Most of CONUS is covered by the standard per diem rate. In addition there are several hundred non-standard areas (NSAs) that have per diem rates higher than the standard rate. Most NSAs are comprised of a key city/primary destination and the surrounding county. The per diem rate database is organized by location and fiscal year. Maximum lodging allowances in some NSAs vary seasonally, which is why they are listed by month.

For more information on methods of reimbursement, first and last day of travel, and meal deductions, please consult the Federal Travel Regulation.

Sensitive API process

Warning: The per diem rates results do not contain every city name in the continental US. If you cannot find your city name, search by state and filter by county or by ZIP code. Another alternative method is described below.

If you often reach the maximum rate limit per hour, try the steps belowing using endpoint 6 in conjuction with endpoint 4 to retrieve rates for a given destination ID.

  1. Submit a query to endpoint 6. Example URL: https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/conus/zipcodes/2025
  2. Filter by the ZIP code(s) applicable to you.
    • Example ZIP: 10005
    • Expected result:
       "Zip": "10005",
       "DID": "266",
       "ST": "NY"
  3. Using the DID obtained from endpoint 6, submit a query to endpoint 4. Example URL: https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/conus/lodging/2025
  4. First filter by applicable state (ST) and then filter by DID:
    • Example state/DID: NY/266
    • Expected result:
       "Jan": "159",
       "Feb": "159",
       "Mar": "258",
       "Apr": "258",
       "May": "258",
       "Jun": "258",
       "Jul": "220",
       "Aug": "220",
       "Sep": "286",
       "Oct": "286",
       "Nov": "286",
       "Meals": "79",
       "City": "New York City",
       "State": "NY",
       "County": "Bronx / Kings / New York / Queens / Richmond",
       "DID": "266",
       "Dec": "286"

When using endpoint 1, you may encounter a city name containing a period (.), apostrophe (‘), or hyphen (-). If these characters are used in the search URL, you will receive unexpected or no results at all. To prevent this issue from occurring, remove the period and/or replace the apostrophe/hyphen with a space (UTF-8 encoding= %20). Below are examples of city names with special characters:

  • O’Fallon, IL becomes city/o%20fallon. URL: https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/city/O%20FALLON/state/IL/year/2025
  • East St. Louis, IL becomes city/east%20st%20louis. URL: https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/city/east%20st%20louis/state/IL/year/2025
  • Wilkes-Barre, PA becomes city/wilkes%20barre (this example returns the standard rate, helping to demonstrate an API call for a city name not within the states dataset). URL: https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/city/wilkes%20barre/state/PA/year/2025

Optional query parameter

If you choose to provide the API key as a query parameter in the URL instead of the x-api-key HTTP header, append the following example to the request URL:


Path parameters

Note: City and state names are case-insensitive in the request URL.

The per diem API offers four path parameters used in combination with the six endpoints introduced in the API endpoints portion of this documentation.

Parameter name Description Example
city Destination city Fairfax
state Destination state VA
zip Destination ZIP code 20171
year Fiscal year of travel; up to three years available 2025

Response schema

For endpoints 1-3, the per diem API returns the following applicable response members. The examples section contains the JSON outputs of expected results.

Name Typ Description
value number Lodging rate per day, in dollars, for a given month
number number Number of the month
short string Abbreviated month names
long string Month names
meals number Meal rate per day, in dollars, for a given month
zip string Destination ZIP code, only if ZIP is provided in the search parameter
county string Destination county/ies
city string Destination city/ies
state string Destination state
year number FY year of travel

For endpoint 4, the per diem API returns the following response members. The examples section contains the JSON outputs of expected results.

Name Typ Description
Jan - Dec string Lodging rate per day, in dollars, for the given key (month)
Meals string Meal rate per day, in dollars, for a given month
City string Destination city/ies or Standard Rate
State string Destination state
County string Destination county/ies
DID string Destination ID: a unique ID for the city/state pair

For endpoint 5, the per diem API returns the following response members for the M&IE breakdown. The examples section contains the JSON outputs of expected results.

Name Typ Description
total number Total per diem
breakfast number Daily breakfast meal rate
lunch number Daily lunch meal rate
dinner number Daily dinner meal rate
incidental number Daily incidents rate
FirstLastDay number Total for the first and last travel day

For endpoint 6, the per diem API returns the following response members for all applicable ZIP codes in the FY. The examples section contains the JSON outputs of expected results.

Name Typ Description
Zip string The ZIP code this DID resides within
DID string Destination ID: a unique ID for the ZIP/state pair
ST string The state this DID resides within

HTTP Response Codes

The API will return one of the following responses:

HTTP response code Description
200 Successful. Data will be returned in JSON format.
400 Bad request. Verify the query string parameters that were provided.
403 API key is not correct or was not provided.
4XX Additional 400-level are caused by some type of error in the information submitted.


Endpoint 1

Request URL

  • URL: https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/city/{city}/state/{ST}/year/{year}
  • Description: Rates by city, state, and year
  • Example: https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/city/Fairfax/state/VA/year/2025

Response (JSON output)

    "request": null,
    "errors": null,
    "rates": [
            "oconusInfo": null,
            "rate": [
                    "months": {
                        "month": [
                                "value": 188,
                                "number": 1,
                                "short": "Jan",
                                "long": "January"
                                "value": 188,
                                "number": 2,
                                "short": "Feb",
                                "long": "February"
                                "value": 258,
                                "number": 3,
                                "short": "Mar",
                                "long": "March"
                                "value": 258,
                                "number": 4,
                                "short": "Apr",
                                "long": "April"
                                "value": 258,
                                "number": 5,
                                "short": "May",
                                "long": "May"
                                "value": 258,
                                "number": 6,
                                "short": "Jun",
                                "long": "June"
                                "value": 172,
                                "number": 7,
                                "short": "Jul",
                                "long": "July"
                                "value": 172,
                                "number": 8,
                                "short": "Aug",
                                "long": "August"
                                "value": 257,
                                "number": 9,
                                "short": "Sep",
                                "long": "September"
                                "value": 257,
                                "number": 10,
                                "short": "Oct",
                                "long": "October"
                                "value": 188,
                                "number": 11,
                                "short": "Nov",
                                "long": "November"
                                "value": 188,
                                "number": 12,
                                "short": "Dec",
                                "long": "December"
                    "meals": 79,
                    "zip": null,
                    "county": "Washington DC (also the cities of Alexandria, Falls Church and Fairfax, and the counties of Arlington and Fairfax, in Virginia; and the counties of Montgomery and Prince George's in Maryland)",
                    "city": "District of Columbia",
                    "standardRate": "false"
            "state": "VA",
            "year": 2025,
            "isOconus": "false"
    "version": null
Endpoint 2

Request URL

  • URL: https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/state/{ST}/year/{year}
  • Description: Rates by state and year
  • Example: https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/state/VA/year/2025

Response (JSON output)

    "request": null,
    "errors": null,
    "rates": [
            "oconusInfo": null,
            "rate": [
                    "months": {
                        "month": [
                                "value": 105,
                                "number": 1,
                                "short": "Jan",
                                "long": "January"
                                "value": 105,
                                "number": 2,
                                "short": "Feb",
                                "long": "February"
                                "value": 105,
                                "number": 3,
                                "short": "Mar",
                                "long": "March"
                                "value": 105,
                                "number": 4,
                                "short": "Apr",
                                "long": "April"
                                "value": 105,
                                "number": 5,
                                "short": "May",
                                "long": "May"
                                "value": 105,
                                "number": 6,
                                "short": "Jun",
                                "long": "June"
                                "value": 123,
                                "number": 7,
                                "short": "Jul",
                                "long": "July"
                                "value": 123,
                                "number": 8,
                                "short": "Aug",
                                "long": "August"
                                "value": 123,
                                "number": 9,
                                "short": "Sep",
                                "long": "September"
                                "value": 123,
                                "number": 10,
                                "short": "Oct",
                                "long": "October"
                                "value": 105,
                                "number": 11,
                                "short": "Nov",
                                "long": "November"
                                "value": 105,
                                "number": 12,
                                "short": "Dec",
                                "long": "December"
                    "meals": 59,
                    "zip": null,
                    "county": "Montgomery",
                    "city": "Blacksburg",
                    "standardRate": "false"
                    "months": {
                        "month": [
                                "value": 126,
                                "number": 1,
                                "short": "Jan",
                                "long": "January"
                                "value": 126,
                                "number": 2,
                                "short": "Feb",
                                "long": "February"
                                "value": 126,
                                "number": 3,
                                "short": "Mar",
                                "long": "March"
                                "value": 126,
                                "number": 4,
                                "short": "Apr",
                                "long": "April"
                                "value": 126,
                                "number": 5,
                                "short": "May",
                                "long": "May"
                                "value": 126,
                                "number": 6,
                                "short": "Jun",
                                "long": "June"
                                "value": 126,
                                "number": 7,
                                "short": "Jul",
                                "long": "July"
                                "value": 126,
                                "number": 8,
                                "short": "Aug",
                                "long": "August"
                                "value": 126,
                                "number": 9,
                                "short": "Sep",
                                "long": "September"
                                "value": 126,
                                "number": 10,
                                "short": "Oct",
                                "long": "October"
                                "value": 126,
                                "number": 11,
                                "short": "Nov",
                                "long": "November"
                                "value": 126,
                                "number": 12,
                                "short": "Dec",
                                "long": "December"
                    "meals": 69,
                    "zip": null,
                    "county": "City of Charlottesville / Albemarle",
                    "city": "Charlottesville",
                    "standardRate": "false"
            "state": "VA",
            "year": 2025,
            "isOconus": "false"
    "version": null
Endpoint 3

Request URL

  • URL: https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/zip/{zip}/year/{year}
  • Description: Rates by ZIP code and year
  • Example: https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/zip/20171/year/2025

Response (JSON output)

    "request": null,
    "errors": null,
    "rates": [
            "oconusInfo": null,
            "rate": [
                    "months": {
                        "month": [
                                "value": 188,
                                "number": 1,
                                "short": "Jan",
                                "long": "January"
                                "value": 188,
                                "number": 2,
                                "short": "Feb",
                                "long": "February"
                                "value": 258,
                                "number": 3,
                                "short": "Mar",
                                "long": "March"
                                "value": 258,
                                "number": 4,
                                "short": "Apr",
                                "long": "April"
                                "value": 258,
                                "number": 5,
                                "short": "May",
                                "long": "May"
                                "value": 258,
                                "number": 6,
                                "short": "Jun",
                                "long": "June"
                                "value": 172,
                                "number": 7,
                                "short": "Jul",
                                "long": "July"
                                "value": 172,
                                "number": 8,
                                "short": "Aug",
                                "long": "August"
                                "value": 257,
                                "number": 9,
                                "short": "Sep",
                                "long": "September"
                                "value": 257,
                                "number": 10,
                                "short": "Oct",
                                "long": "October"
                                "value": 188,
                                "number": 11,
                                "short": "Nov",
                                "long": "November"
                                "value": 188,
                                "number": 12,
                                "short": "Dec",
                                "long": "December"
                    "meals": 79,
                    "zip": "20171",
                    "county": "Washington DC (also the cities of Alexandria, Falls Church and Fairfax, and the counties of Arlington and Fairfax, in Virginia; and the counties of Montgomery and Prince George's in Maryland)",
                    "city": "District of Columbia",
                    "standardRate": "false"
            "state": "VA",
            "year": 2025,
            "isOconus": "false"
    "version": null
Endpoint 4

Request URL

  • URL: https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/conus/lodging/{year}
  • Description: Lodging rates for the continental United States by year
  • Example: https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/conus/lodging/2025

Response (JSON output)

        "Jan": "98",
        "Feb": "98",
        "Mar": "98",
        "Apr": "98",
        "May": "98",
        "Jun": "98",
        "Jul": "98",
        "Aug": "98",
        "Sep": "98",
        "Oct": "98",
        "Nov": "98",
        "Meals": "59",
        "City": "Standard Rate",
        "State": "",
        "County": "",
        "DID": "0",
        "Dec": "98"
        "Jan": "98",
        "Feb": "98",
        "Mar": "98",
        "Apr": "98",
        "May": "98",
        "Jun": "98",
        "Jul": "98",
        "Aug": "98",
        "Sep": "98",
        "Oct": "98",
        "Nov": "98",
        "Meals": "59",
        "City": "Standard Rate",
        "State": "AL",
        "County": "",
        "DID": "0",
        "Dec": "98"
        "Jan": "245",
        "Feb": "245",
        "Mar": "245",
        "Apr": "245",
        "May": "245",
        "Jun": "245",
        "Jul": "245",
        "Aug": "245",
        "Sep": "245",
        "Oct": "245",
        "Nov": "245",
        "Meals": "74",
        "City": "Sunnyvale / Palo Alto / San Jose",
        "State": "CA",
        "County": "Santa Clara",
        "DID": "44",
        "Dec": "245"
        "Jan": "101",
        "Feb": "101",
        "Mar": "101",
        "Apr": "101",
        "May": "101",
        "Jun": "101",
        "Jul": "101",
        "Aug": "101",
        "Sep": "101",
        "Oct": "101",
        "Nov": "101",
        "Meals": "64",
        "City": "Syracuse / Oswego",
        "State": "NY",
        "County": "Onondaga / Oswego",
        "DID": "274",
        "Dec": "101"
Endpoint 5

Request URL

  • URL: https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/conus/mie/{year}
  • Description: Meals and incidental expense (M&IE) breakdown rates by year
  • Example: https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/conus/mie/2025

Response (JSON output)

        "total": 59,
        "breakfast": 13,
        "lunch": 15,
        "dinner": 26,
        "incidental": 5,
        "FirstLastDay": 44.25
        "total": 64,
        "breakfast": 14,
        "lunch": 16,
        "dinner": 29,
        "incidental": 5,
        "FirstLastDay": 48
        "total": 69,
        "breakfast": 16,
        "lunch": 17,
        "dinner": 31,
        "incidental": 5,
        "FirstLastDay": 51.75
        "total": 74,
        "breakfast": 17,
        "lunch": 18,
        "dinner": 34,
        "incidental": 5,
        "FirstLastDay": 55.5
        "total": 79,
        "breakfast": 18,
        "lunch": 20,
        "dinner": 36,
        "incidental": 5,
        "FirstLastDay": 59.25
Endpoint 6

Request URL

  • URL: https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/conus/zipcodes/{year}
  • Description: Mapping of ZIP codes to DID and state locations
  • Example: https://api.gsa.gov/travel/perdiem/v2/rates/conus/zipcodes/2025

Response (JSON output)

        "Zip": "57716",
        "DID": "0",
        "ST": ""
        "Zip": "35004",
        "DID": "0",
        "ST": "AL"
        "Zip": "8544", // leading zero(es) was removed 
        "DID": "249",
        "ST": "NJ"
        "Zip": "87048",
        "DID": "0",
        "ST": "NM"

Kontaktieren Sie uns

If you have questions or need help, please email us at [email protected], or file an issue in this GitHub issue tracker.

Before contacting us or filing an issue, please conduct initial troubleshooting:

  • Review the open.gsa.gov/api specifications
  • Confirm the correct API key is in the authentication header or appended to the URL, e.g., ?api_key={api_key}
  • Confirm you sent a GET request
  • Confirm you used one of the six provided endpoints

When submitting help desk tickets for API issues, please provide the following:

  • The API request(s) that you tried to send
  • The endpoint(s) and parameters used for the API call
  • The error message(s) that you received