Called 'the Father of Europe". I have created a 14 generation descendants chart for SOME of the descendants of Charlemagne. This is a VERY large chart. Be patient while it loads. Internet Explorer 8 will sometimes choke on this file due to the size. Moving around slowly in the chart will sometimes prevent that. Otherwise, you'll need to exit and bring it up again.
Charlemagne, Emperor of the West0
b. between 2 April 742 and 743
d. 28 January 814
(Miss) von Oehningen9
d. 14 August 1014
Maria D. o. Kiev10
b. after 1011
d. 1087
Vladislas I. King of Poland11
b. circa 1043
d. 4 June 1102
Vsevolodko D. Duke of Gorodno13
b. circa 1090
d. 1 February 1142
Adelheid o. Poland13
d. before February 1132
Ryksa o. Poland13
b. 12 April 1116
d. after 25 December 1155
(Miss) von Poland13
b. before 1119
Mieceslaus I. King of Poland13
b. circa 1126
d. 13 March 1202
Dobronega o. Poland13
b. before 1129
d. after 26 October 1147
Judyta o. Poland13
b. 1130
d. 8 July 1174
Agnes o. Poland13
b. between 1137 and 1138
d. after 1182
(Miss) of Poland12
b. circa 1089
d. 12 May 1112
Yurij Y. Duke of Turov13
b. circa 1110
d. after 1166
Agnes o. Poland, Abbess of Gandersheim12
b. circa 1090
d. circa 1127
Adelajda o. Poland12
b. between 1090 and 1091
d. 25 March 1127 or 26 March 1127
Judith v. Vohburg13
d. circa 20 February 1175
Luitgart v. Vohburg13
d. 25 September
Swietoslawa, Princess of Poland11
b. circa 1048
d. 1 September 1126
Bertha v. Morungen13
d. 16 May 1144
Wiprecht I. Graf von Groitzsch13
b. circa 1090
d. circa 27 January 1116
Sobeslaw I. U. Duke of Bohemia12
d. 14 February 1140
Sobieslav I. Duke of Eastern Pomerania13
b. circa 1130
d. 29 January 1180
Ulrich, Duke of Bohemia13
b. 1134
d. 18 October 1177
Wenzel I. Duke of Bohemia13
b. 1137
d. circa 1192
Boriwoi I. Duke of Bohemia12
d. 2 February 1124
Boleslaw, Duke of Olmutz12
d. 11 August 1091
Vladislav I. Duke of Bohemia12
b. circa 1067
d. 12 April 1125
Heinrich o. Bohemia13
d. after 1169
Uladislaus I. King of Bohemia13
b. circa 1117
d. 18 January 1174
Depolt I. Prince of Bohemia13
b. circa 1122
d. 14 August 1167
Itha v. Oeningen9
d. circa 16 October 1020
Heinrich I. Graf von Altdorf10
d. circa 15 November 1000
Richardis v. Altdorf10
d. 12 June 1045
Otto I. Graf von Scheyern13
d. between 1107 and 1108
Kuno, Graf von Horburg13
d. after 1103
Adelaide v. Frantenhausen13
d. circa 24 February 1108
Heilika v. Lagenfeld13
d. 13 September 1170
Guelphus I. Duke of Bavaria, Count Altdorf10
b. circa 975
d. 10 March 1030
Cunissa o. Bavaria11
b. circa 1020
d. before 1049
Guelphus I. Duke of All Bavaria12
b. 1037
d. 8 November 1101
Guelph V. Duke of All Bavaria, Count of Altdorf13
b. circa 1073
d. 24 September 1120
Heinrich IX 'the Black', Duke of Bavaria13
b. circa 1074
d. 13 December 1125
Hermann I. Duke of Swabia10
d. 1 April 1012
Matilda o. Swabia10
b. circa 988
d. between 29 July 1031 and 1032
Adela v. Orlamunde13
d. circa 10 August 1155
Wilhelm o. Carinthia11
d. 7 November 1047
Konrad I. Duke of Carinthia11
b. circa 1003
d. 20 July 1039
Bruno, Bishop of Wurzburg11
b. circa 1004
d. 27 May 1045
Sophia o. Bar11
b. circa 1008
d. 21 January 1093
Adalbero I. Graf von Froburg13
b. 1090
d. after 1146
Mechtild v. Bar12
d. between 1092 and 1105
Ludwig v. M�mpelgard12
d. after 1080
Beatrice d. Bar12
d. 26 October 1092
Hildegarde o. Bar12
b. circa 1030
d. 1094
Otto v. Buren13
d. 3 August 1100
Konrad v. Buren13
d. after 1094
Walter v. Buren13
d. after 1094
Adelheid v. Buren13
d. after 1094
Frederic I. Duke of Swabia13
b. circa 1050
d. 6 April 1105
Thibaud I. Count of Bar12
b. circa 1045
d. between 2 February 1102 and 1105
Stephan v. Bar13
d. 30 December 1162
Ludwig v. Bar13
d. 1105 or 1106
Hugo v. Bar13
d. after 8 February 1105
Wilhelm v. Bar13
d. after 8 February 1105
Gunthilde v. Bar13
d. 21 February 1131
Agnes d. Bar13
b. circa 1082
d. after 1147
Friedrich I. Duke of Upper Lorraine11
b. circa 1016
d. 22 May 1033
Beatrix o. Lorraine11
b. circa 1020
d. 18 January 1076
Mathilde o. Canossa12
b. circa 1046
d. 24 July 1115
Adelheid v. Ballenstedt11
b. circa 1030
d. after 1060
Dubislaff I. v. Eickstedt13
b. before 1100
d. before 1187
Gisela o. Swabia10
b. circa 11 November 990
d. 15 February 1043
Hermann I. Count of Castile12
d. 27 January 1056
Friedrich, Graf von Kastl13
d. 11 November 1103
Gebhard v. Z�hringen13
d. 12 November 1110
Luitgard v. Z�hringen13
d. circa 18 March 1119
Berthold I. Duke of Swabia & Z�hringen13
b. circa 1050
d. 12 April 1111
Gebhard I. Count von Sulzbach13
b. circa 1058
d. circa 1085
Beatrix o. Germany11
d. 26 September 1036
Ernest I. Duke of Swabia11
d. 17 August 1030
Richeza o. Dithmarschen13
b. circa 1044
d. after 1108
Agatha o. Derlingau12
d. after 1066
Matilda o. E.13
d. before 1144
Margaret, Princess of England13
b. 1045
d. 16 November 1093
Edgar A. King of England13
b. 1053
d. after 1126
Gertrude v. Braunschweig13
b. circa 1065
d. 9 December 1117
Beatrix o. Germany12
b. 1037
d. 13 July 1061
Mathilde o. Germany12
b. 1045
d. 12 May 1060
Adelheid o. Germany12
b. 1046 or 1047
d. 11 January 1096
Gisela o. Germany12
b. 1048
d. before 6 May 1058
Heinrich I. Holy Roman Emperor, Duke of Bavaria12
b. 11 November 1050
d. 7 August 1106
Adelheid o. Germany13
b. 1070
d. before 4 April 1079
Heinrich o. Germany13
b. 1 August 1071
d. 2 August 1071
Agnes o. Germany13
b. between July 1072 and March 1073
d. 24 September 1143
Konrad, Duke of Lower Lorraine13
b. 12 February 1074
d. 27 July 1101
Heinrich V. Holy Roman Emperor13
b. 8 January 1081
d. 23 May 1125
Konrad, Duke of Bavaria12
b. September 1052 or October 1052
d. 10 April 1055
Judith M. o. Germany12
b. circa 1054
d. between 14 March 1092 and 1096
Sophia o. Hungary13
b. circa 1070
d. circa 26 June 1110
(Miss) of Poland13
b. circa 1089
d. 12 May 1112
Agnes o. Poland, Abbess of Gandersheim13
b. circa 1090
d. circa 1127
Adelajda o. Poland13
b. between 1090 and 1091
d. 25 March 1127 or 26 March 1127
Mathilde o. Germany11
b. 1027
d. 1034
Beatrice o. Swabia10
b. circa 1000
d. after 23 February 1025
Heinrich I. Duke of Carinthia12
d. 4 December 1122
Wilibirg o. Carinthia11
d. 19 February or 27 August
Adalbero I. v. Enns12
d. before 1082
During I. v. Steyr13
d. after 1118
Wilibirg v. Steiermark13
d. 18 January 1145
Kunizza v. Ohningen9
d. 6 March 1020
Agnes v. Greiffenstein13
d. 17 October
Frederick I. Count von Diessen10
d. circa 24 January 1075
Adelheid v. Wildberg13
d. circa 1157
(Miss) von Diessen11
d. before 1057
Otto I. Graf von Scheyern12
d. between 1107 and 1108
Luitgard v. Diessen11
d. circa 25 May 1110
Adalbert I. Graf von Bogen12
d. 13 January 1146
Bertold I. Graf von Bogen13
d. 21 March 1167
Luitgard v. Bogen12
b. circa 1075
d. after 1112
Friedrich, Graf von Kastl12
d. 11 November 1103
Uta v. Diessen11
d. 9 February 1086
Irmgard v. Rot12
d. circa 14 June 1101
Otto I. Graf von M�hren13
d. before 2 January 1144
Kuno, Graf von Horburg13
d. 30 June 1138 or 30 June 1139
Richildis v. Chiemgau13
d. after 1127
Berenger I. Count of Sulzbach13
b. 1080
d. 3 December 1125
Adelheid v. Diessen12
d. circa 25 January 1145
Gebhard I. Graf von Diessen12
d. circa 3 October 1102
Bertold I. v. Schwarzenburg13
d. 28 August 1148
Margaret v. Schwarzenburg13
b. circa 1100
d. after 1134
Heilika v. Moosburg13
d. 10 December
Otto I. Graf von Wolfratshausen13
d. 10 November 1136
Adelaide v. Wolfratshausen12
b. circa 1084
d. 11 January 1126
Mathilde v. Sulzbach13
d. 3 November 1165
Gertraut v. Sulzbach13
d. 14 April 1146
Gebhard I. Graf von Sulzbach13
b. circa 1115
d. 28 October 1188
Liutgard v. Sulzbach13
b. 1118
d. after 1163
Adelheid v. Andechs12
d. circa 1163
Adalbert I. Graf von Tirol13
d. circa 24 February 1165
Berthold I. Count of Tyrol13
d. circa 7 March 1180
Berthold I. Count of Andech, Diessen, Strain, & Plassenburg12
b. between 1096 and 1098
d. 27 June 1151
Kunigunde v. Andechs13
d. 10 December
Euphemia v. Andechs13
d. 20 June 1180
Gisela v. Andechs13
d. after 8 April 1150
Jutta v. Ohningen9
d. after 1032
Otto I. Graf in Alsace11
d. between 1045 and 1055
Werner I. Count von Hapsburg11
d. 11 November 1096
Ita v. Habsburg12
d. after 1125
Otto I. Count of Habsburg12
d. 8 November 1111
Adelheid v. Habsburg13
d. after 1155
Werner I. Count of Habsburg13
d. 19 August 1167
Richenza v. Habsburg11
d. after 27 May 1106
Arnold I. Graf von Lenzburg12
d. circa 22 January 1130
Gerhard I. Count Vaudemont12
b. circa 1057
d. 1108
Judith v. Vaudemont13
d. between 23 March 1161 and 1164
Hara v. Vaudemont13
d. after 1151
Stephanie v. Vaudemont13
d. 4 December
Gisela o. Vaudemont13
b. circa 1090
d. before 26 December 1127
Hugh I. Count Vaudemont13
b. before 1107
d. 4 February 1155
Dietrich I. o. A. Duke of Upper Lorraine12
b. 1060
d. 30 December 1115
Heinrich o. Alsace13
d. 6 June 1165
Gerhard o. Alsace13
d. after 1117
Gisela o. Lorraine13
d. after 1152
Simon I. Duke of Upper Lorraine13
b. before 15 August 1093
d. 13 January 1139
Dietrich I. o. L. Count of Flanders & Alsace13
b. 1099 or 1101
d. 17 January 1168
Adalbert I. Count of Longwy11
b. circa 1000
d. 11 November 1048
Ermensinde o. Longuy12
d. after 1058
Clemence d. Poitou13
b. circa 1048
d. after 1129
Agnes o. Aquitaine13
b. 1052
d. after 13 June 1089
Stephanie d. Longwy12
d. 30 June 1109
Clemence o. Burgundy13
d. circa 1133
Ermentrude o. Burgundy13
b. circa 1060
d. after 8 March 1105
Etiennette o. Burgundy13
b. circa 1062
d. circa 1121
Maud/Sibylle d. Burgundy13
b. circa 1062
d. after 1103
Gisela o. Burgundy13
b. 1070
d. after 1133
Heinrich v. Brauweiler11
d. after 31 October 1031
Konrad (Kuno), Duke of Bavaria11
d. circa 15 December 1053
(Miss) van Zutphen11
b. circa 1018
Hemma (Gemma) von Arnstein13
d. before 20 February 1150
Anastasia v. Arnstein13
b. circa 1074
Adelheid v. Zutphen11
b. circa 1021
Gerard I. v. Loon, Graf van Loon12
b. circa 1045
d. 1085
Gebhard, Graf von Gleiberg9
d. 8 November 1016
Dietrich v. Moselgau10
d. after 1057
Poppo v. Moselgau11
d. after 1103
Uda o. Luxembourg10
d. after 1100
Adalbero v. Moselgau10
d. 13 November 1072
Gisela o. Luxembourg10
d. after 1058
Rasse I. d. Gavre12
d. 27 June 1149
Beatrix d. Gavre13
b. circa 1100
d. circa 1124
Gisela v. Peteghem13
d. after 1137
Gertrude v. Aalst12
b. circa 1075
d. 1138
Adelide d' Ardres13
b. circa 1110
d. 1157
Gilbert d. Gant, Lord Folkingham11
b. circa 1034
d. circa 1095
Hugh I. d. Montfort12
d. after 1129
Thurstan d. Montfort13
d. circa 1170
Emma d. Gant12
b. circa 1069
d. after 1140
William d. Percy13
b. 1112
d. after 1175
Imiza o. Luxembourg10
b. 1000
d. 21 August 1057
Cunissa o. Bavaria11
b. circa 1020
d. before 1049
Jutta o. Luxembourg11
b. circa 1040
Adelheid v. Limbourg13
d. between 6 February 1144 and 1146
Matilda o. Limbourg13
b. circa 1095
d. after 1148
Hermann I. Graf von Gleiberg10
b. circa 1015
d. after 1075
Gerberge v. Gleiberg9
b. circa 972
d. after 1036
Mathilde v. Vohburg11
d. after 30 September 1092
Friedrich I. Graf von Tengling12
d. circa 23 July 1120
Konrad I. Graf von Peilstein13
d. circa 16 March 1168
Sieghard I. Graf von Tengling12
d. 5 February 1104
Gebhard I. Graf von Burghausen13
d. after 4 December 1163
Adelheid v. Mochental12
d. circa 1 December 1125
Sophia v. Berg13
d. circa 31 May 1126
Diepold I. Graf von Berg13
d. between 19 May 1160 and 1165
Konrad v. Giengen12
d. after 1110
Kunigunde v. Vohburg13
d. 22 November 1184
Diepold V. Graf von Vohburg13
d. circa 21 October 1185
Sophia v. Vohburg13
d. 12 March 1176
Luitgart v. Vohburg13
d. 25 September
Judith v. Vohburg13
d. circa 20 February 1175
Mathilde v. Cham12
d. circa 1125
Utha o. Putten13
d. 16 April 1140
Otto I. Graf & Burggraf von Regensburg12
d. circa 21 October 1143
Heinrich I. Burggraf von Regensburg13
d. circa 27 November 1174
Otto I. v. Abenberg12
d. after 1108
Chraft v. Abenberg12
d. after 1098
Konrad v. Abenberg, Bishop of Salzburg12
b. circa 1075
d. 9 April 1147
Eilika v. Schweinfurt10
b. circa 1000
d. 1 February 1056
Ordulf (Otto), Duke of Saxony11
b. 1020
d. 28 March 1072
Bernhard o. Saxony12
d. 15 July
Magnus I. Duke of Saxony12
b. circa 1045
d. 23 August 1106
Wolfhild o. Saxony13
b. circa 1075
d. 29 December 1126
Elicke o. Saxony13
b. 1080
d. 18 January 1142
Gertrude o. Saxony11
b. circa 1030
d. 4 August 1113
Robert I. Count of Flanders12
d. 5 October 1111
Florent I. Count of Holland13
b. circa 1084
d. 2 March 1122
Bertha o. Holland12
b. circa 1058
d. 30 July 1093
Constance o. France13
b. circa 1078
d. between 1124 and January 1126
Louis VI 'the Fat', King of France13
b. circa October 1081
d. 1 August 1137
Adele o. Flanders12
b. circa 1065
d. April 1115
Cacilie o. Denmark13
d. after 1131
Gertrude o. Holland12
b. circa 1070
d. 1117
Gerhard o. Alsace13
d. after 1117
Heinrich o. Alsace13
d. 6 June 1165
Adelaide o. Brabant13
d. after 4 November 1158
Dietrich I. o. L. Count of Flanders & Alsace13
b. 1099 or 1101
d. 17 January 1168
Ida o. Saxony11
b. circa 1035
d. 31 July 1102
Friedrich d. Namur12
d. 27 May 1121
Godefroid, Count of Namur, Porcien, and Dagsburg12
b. circa 1067
d. 19 August 1139
Clementia d. Namur13
d. 28 December 1158
Cecile o. Namur13
d. after 1177
Elizabeth o. Namur13
d. after 1144
Alice d. Namur13
b. circa 1115
d. circa 31 July 1169
Alix (Adelaide) de Namur12
b. 1068
d. after 1124
Oda v. Chiny13
d. after 1134
Albert, Count of Chiny13
d. 29 September 1162
Ida v. Chiny13
b. circa 1083
d. circa 1125
Frederic d. LaRoche13
d. 30 October 1174
Beatrix d. Laroche13
d. after 1152
Alberada (Bertha) von Schweinfurt11
d. after 11 January 1103
Beatrix v. Hildrizhausen12
d. between 1115 and 1122
Gottfried I. Graf von Cappenberg13
b. circa 1096
d. 13 January 1127
Adelaide v. Pottenstein12
d. after 13 August 1106
Richsa v. Berg13
b. circa 1080
d. 27 September 1125
Salomia v. Limbourg13
b. 1101
d. 27 July 1144
Gisela v. Schweinfurt11
d. 2 February 1100
Gebhard I. Graf von Diessen12
d. circa 3 October 1102
Adelheid v. Diessen12
d. circa 25 January 1145
Adelheid v. Andechs12
d. circa 1163
Berthold I. Count of Andech, Diessen, Strain, & Plassenburg12
b. between 1096 and 1098
d. 27 June 1151
Judith v. Schweinfurt10
b. circa 1010
d. 2 August 1058
Jaromir, Bishop of Prague11
d. 26 June 1089
Otto I. Duke of Brunn & Olmutz11
d. circa 9 July 1087
Otto I. N. Duke of Olmutz12
d. 18 February 1126
Dymudis o. Bohemia11
d. after 1055
Spithinew I. Duke of Bohemia & Meran11
b. 1031
d. 28 January 1061
Judith 'the Younger' of Bohemia12
d. 9 December 1108
Boriwoi I. Duke of Bohemia12
d. 2 February 1124
Vratislav o. Bohemia12
d. 19 November 1061
Sobeslaw I. U. Duke of Bohemia12
d. 14 February 1140
Boleslaw, Duke of Olmutz12
d. 11 August 1091
Bretislaw I. Duke of Bohemia12
d. 22 December 1100
Judith 'the Older' of Bohemia12
b. between 1056 and 1058
d. 25 December 1086
Vladislav I. Duke of Bohemia12
b. circa 1067
d. 12 April 1125
Judith v. Wetterau7
d. 16 October 973
Heinrich II 'the Good' von Stade8
b. circa 947
d. 2 October 1016
Lothar-Udo I. Graf von Stade8
b. circa 948
d. 23 June 994
Udo v. Reinhausen11
d. 19 October 1114
Beatrix v. Reinhausen11
d. after 1079
Konrad v. Reinhausen, Graf im Leinegau11
b. circa 1015
d. 28 August 1086
Beatrix v. Reinhausen12
d. 11 April 1111
Ulrich I. v. Warpke, Graf von Warpke13
d. between 1124 and 1145
Dietrich I. Graf von Katlenburg10
d. 10 September 1056
Gerberge v. Stade8
b. circa 950
d. circa 1000
Hedwig v. Stade, Abbess of Heeslingen8
b. between 954 and 961
d. after 18 July 973
Kunigunde v. Stade8
b. circa 956
d. 13 July 997
Ermengard v. Plotzkau13
d. before 1 September 1161
Heinrich I. Burggraf von Regensburg13
d. circa 27 November 1174
Irmgard v. Plotzkau12
b. between 1085 and 1087
d. 26 November 1153
Irmgard v. Stade13
d. after 1151
Siegfried I. Graf von Stade8
b. circa 965
d. 6 January 1037 or 1 May 1037
Lothar-Udo I. Graf von Stade, Markgraf der Nordmark10
b. between 1026 and 1030
d. 4 May 1082
Richardis v. Stade12
d. circa 29 October 1154
Luitgarde v. Stade12
d. 30 January 1152
Adalbert, Pfalzgraf von Sommerschenburg13
b. before 1142
d. between 15 January 1179 and 17 March 1179
(Miss) von Winzenburg13
b. 1149
d. before 1204
Adelheid v. Stade11
b. 1066
d. 8 October 1110 or 14 November 1110
Hermann o. Thuringia12
d. 11 June 1114
Bertha v. Gleissberg12
d. after 1137
Konrad o. Thuringia12
d. after 26 July 1110
Agnes v. Veldenz13
d. after 1185
Hermann v. Putelendorf13
b. before 1114
d. between 1123 and 1129
Bertha v. Putelendorf13
b. circa 1119
d. 1190
Ludwig I. Landgraf of Thuringia12
b. 1090
d. 12 January 1140
Judith o. Thuringia13
d. after 1174
Ludwig I. Landgrave of Thuringia13
b. 1128
d. 4 October 1172
Lothar U. I. Graf von Stade11
b. circa 1070
d. 2 June 1106
Irmgard v. Stade12
d. after 1151
Beatrice o. Vermandois6
d. after March 931
Beatrice o. France8
b. between 939 and 940
d. circa 23 September 1005
Frederick I. Count von Diessen11
d. circa 24 January 1075
(Miss) van Wasserburg10
b. circa 966
Adelheid o. Lorraine10
d. after 1052
Wilhelm v. Frenz13
d. after 1151
Wilhelm I. v. Stolberg13
d. after 1151
Adalbero o. Lorraine10
d. before 24 March 1014
Hildegarde o. Bar10
d. 1 April 1046
Ermengarde d' Anjou11
b. circa 1001
d. 21 March 1076
Isabeau d. Courtenay13
b. circa 1045
(Miss) de Courtenay13
b. circa 1061
Aldegarde o. Burgundy12
b. circa 1033
d. after 1120
Ermengarde d' Anjou13
b. circa 1068
d. 1 June 1147
Geoffrey I. 8th Count of Anjou13
b. circa 1073
d. 19 May 1106
Geoffrey I. M. Count of Anjou11
b. 14 October 1006
d. 9 November 1067
Adelaide d' Anjou11
b. circa 1010
Berlay I. d. Montreuil12
b. circa 1035
d. circa 1105
Giraud I. d. Montreuil13
b. circa 1070
Mechtild v. Bar13
d. between 1092 and 1105
Ludwig v. M�mpelgard13
d. after 1080
Beatrice d. Bar13
d. 26 October 1092
Hildegarde o. Bar13
b. circa 1030
d. 1094
Thibaud I. Count of Bar13
b. circa 1045
d. between 2 February 1102 and 1105
Sophia o. Bar11
b. circa 1008
d. 21 January 1093
Friedrich I. Duke of Upper Lorraine11
b. circa 1016
d. 22 May 1033
Beatrix o. Lorraine11
b. circa 1020
d. 18 January 1076
Hugh C. King of France, Count of Paris, Poitou, & Orleans8
b. circa December 941
d. 24 October 996
Sir Guy d. Ponthieu, Abbot of Forest-Montier12
b. circa 1032
d. 20 October 1100
Cl�mence d. Ponthieu13
b. circa 1065
d. 1115
Anne d. Ponthieu12
b. circa 1034
Berthe d. Montcavrel13
b. 29 April 1052
d. 5 June 1106
Jeanne d. Montcavrel13
b. circa 1053
d. 1115
Gaultier I. d. Montcavrel13
b. circa 1058
d. circa 1114
Roger d. Valoines12
d. after 1130
A�lixe d. Ponthieu11
b. circa 1014
d. 1049
H�l�ne d. Cr�cy12
b. circa 1034
d. 1078
Amicie d. Canaples13
b. circa 1052
d. 1116
L�onie d. Canaples13
b. circa 1065
d. 1116
Jeanne d. Cr�cy12
b. circa 1036
d. 1089
Clothilde d' Ailly13
b. circa 1059
d. 1127
Gertrude d' Ailly13
b. circa 1068
d. 1119
Marthe d' Ailly13
b. circa 1071
d. 1138
Isabeau d. Cr�cy12
b. circa 1041
d. 1091
El�onore d. Ponthieu11
b. circa 1018
d. 1077
Hedwiga o. France9
b. circa 972
d. after 1013
Mahaut d. Hainaut11
b. circa 1022
d. 1089
Gis�le d' Avesnes12
b. circa 1055
d. 1109
Cl�mence d. St. Omer13
b. circa 1077
d. 1123
Louise d' Avesnes13
b. circa 1080
d. 1127
Beatrix o. Hainaut10
b. circa 997
d. after 1035
Petronille d. Rumigny12
d. after 14 October 1124
Nicholas I. d. Rumigny13
d. after 1153
Ermengarde d. Roucy13
d. after 1157
Gui, Seigneur de Guise13
d. after 1141
Ermentrude d. Romerupt12
d. after 1102
Hugues d. Roucy12
d. after 1060
Hugo B. d. Ramerupt13
d. after 1108
Alix d. Ramerupt13
d. after 1143
Jeanne d. Roucy13
b. circa 1066
d. 1109
Adelaide d. Ramerupt13
b. circa 1073
Guisemode d. Ramerupt13
b. circa 1082
Felice o. Roucy12
d. 3 May 1123
Alfonso I. King of Navarre & Aragon13
b. 1073
d. 7 September 1134
Ramirez I. King of Aragon & Navarre13
b. 1075
d. 16 August 1147
Beatrice d. Roucy12
d. after 1129
Margaret d. Perche13
d. after 1156
Juliana o. Perche13
b. circa 1069
d. after 1109
Jeanne d. Perche13
b. circa 1078
d. 1118
Hugues v. Grandson13
d. after 1114
Ebal I. Seigneur de Grandson13
b. circa 1087
d. between 4 May 1130 and 1135
Adela d. Romeru12
d. between 1068 and 1069
Hadwide d. Chiny13
d. circa 1100
Marguerite d. Montdidier12
b. circa 1035
d. before 1103
Ermentrude d. Clermont13
b. between 1051 and 1057
Adeliza d. Clermont13
b. circa 1074
d. after 1138
Guiselle d. Clermont13
b. circa 1075
Jeanne d. Roucy11
b. circa 1017
d. 1059
Jeanne d. Chaulnes13
b. circa 1055
d. 1110
Alixe d. Chaulnes13
b. circa 1057
d. 1106
Ada d. Roucy12
b. circa 1061
d. 1114
Gustine d' Avesnes13
b. circa 1082
d. 1129
Clothilde d' Avesnes13
b. circa 1084
d. 1139
Richilde d. Roucy12
b. circa 1070
d. 1119
Blanche d. Caulaincourt13
b. circa 1092
d. 1149
Ermengarde d. Hainaut10
b. circa 999
Rodolphe d. Haveskerke11
b. circa 1015
d. circa 1047
Esther d. Haveskerke12
b. circa 1034
d. 1069
Ransuide d. Bailleul13
b. circa 1054
d. 1101
Theodoric d. Haveskerke11
b. circa 1020
d. 1078
L�onore d. Haveskerke13
b. circa 1059
d. 1127
Jean d. Haveskerke12
b. circa 1055
d. after 1096
Guillaume d. Haveskerke13
b. circa 1079
d. 1118
Robert II 'the Pious', King of France9
b. 27 May 972
d. 20 July 1031
Eustachie d. Dammartin11
d. between 1050 and 1061
Eustachie d. Possesse13
b. circa 1103
d. 1166
Eudes, Comte de Dammartin11
b. circa 1030
d. 1067
Hugues I. d. Dammartin12
b. circa 1055
d. after 1103
Hedwige d. Dammartin13
b. circa 1082
Hugh I. Count of Dammartin11
b. circa 1035
d. 1103
Eustachie d. Dammartin12
d. after 1081
Pierre, Comte de Dammartin12
d. 13 September 1106
Aelis Dammartin12
d. after 1139
Mabile d. Bulles13
d. after 1149
Basilie d. Dammartin12
d. after 1081
Philip I. King of France, Count of Paris & Gatinais, Chatelain of Bourges11
b. between 1 January 1053 and 23 May 1053
d. 29 July 1108
Cecile d. France12
d. after 1145
Isabelle d. Nangis13
b. circa 1118
d. before 18 March 1153
Constance o. France12
b. circa 1078
d. between 1124 and January 1126
Louis VI 'the Fat', King of France12
b. circa October 1081
d. 1 August 1137
Mabile o. Vermandois13
b. circa 1143
d. 28 March 1183
Raoul I. Comte de Vermandois13
b. circa 1145
d. circa 17 June 1167
Eleanore o. Vermandois13
b. circa December 1152
d. between 19 June 1214 and 21 June 1214
Sibel d. Vasto13
d. before 1146
Mathilda d. Vermandois12
d. after 1123
Raoul d. Baugency13
d. after May 1148
William d. Baugency13
d. before 1149
Hugues d. Baugency13
d. after 1108
Agnes d. Baugency13
b. before 1108
d. after 1143
Beatrice o. Vermandois12
d. before 1151
Thiedric d. Gournay13
d. after 1206
Isabel d. Vermandois12
b. 1081
d. before 17 February 1147
Mathilde Beaumont13
d. after 1189
Isabel Beaumont13
b. circa 1100
Gundred d. Warren13
b. circa 1117
d. after 1166
William d. Warren, 3rd Earl of Surrey13
b. circa 1119
d. 19 January 1148
Ada d. Warren13
b. circa 1120
d. 1178
Reginald d. Warenne, Sheriff of Sussex13
b. circa 1126
d. after 29 September 1179
Adela o. France10
b. circa 1009
d. 8 January 1079
Walter Giffard12
b. circa 978
Baldwin I. Count of Hainault12
b. 1056
d. after 8 June 1098
Alice d. Hainault13
d. after 1153
Ida d. Hainault13
b. 1085
d. after 1101
Baldwin I. Count of Hainault13
b. between 1087 and 1088
d. 1120
Matilda o. Flanders11
b. 1032
d. 2 November 1083
Matilda o. England12
d. before 1112
Agatha o. England12
d. before 1074
Robert I. C. Duke of Normandy12
b. circa 1051
d. 3 February 1134
Gundred o. England12
b. circa 1051
d. 27 May 1085
Richard, Duke de Bernay12
b. circa 1054
d. 1081
Cecilia o. England12
b. circa 1055
d. 13 July 1127
Adelaide, Princess of England12
b. circa 1056
d. 1065
William I. King of England12
b. 1056
d. 2 August 1100
Adela o. England12
b. between 1060 and 1062
d. 8 March 1138
Agnes d. Blois13
d. after 1128
Maud o. Blois13
d. 25 November 1120
Emma o. Blois13
d. after 1130
Eudes o. Blois13
d. after 1107
Henry, Bishop of Winchester13
b. 1099
d. 8 August 1171 or 9 August 1171
Constance o. England12
b. 1061
d. 13 August 1090
Constantia FitzHenry13
d. after 1175
Sibyl o. England13
d. 12 July 1122
Richard, Prince of England13
d. 25 November 1120
Robert FitzHenry13
d. 31 May 1172
Matilda FitzHenry13
b. 1086
d. 25 December 1120
William d. Tracy, Baron Bradninch13
b. after 1090
d. 1136
Maud, Queen of England13
b. 7 February 1102
d. 10 September 1167
William I. A. Duke of Normandy13
b. before 5 August 1103
d. 25 November 1120
Henry FitzHenry13
b. circa 1105
d. 1157 or 1158
Robert I 'le Frison', Count of Flanders & Holland11
b. circa 1035
d. 13 October 1093
Robert I. Count of Flanders12
d. 5 October 1111
Adele o. Flanders12
b. circa 1065
d. April 1115
Gertrude o. Holland12
b. circa 1070
d. 1117
Giselberthe o. Flanders11
b. circa 1037
d. 1094
Jacqueline d. Mailly12
b. circa 1063
d. 1119
Mabille d. Mailly13
b. circa 1106
d. 1159
Marie-Elizabeth d. Mailly13
b. circa 1126
d. 1178
Aldegarde o. Burgundy11
b. circa 1033
d. after 1120
Henry, Duke of Burgundy11
b. circa 1035
d. 27 January 1066
Hugues I 'the Blind', Duke of Burgundy12
b. circa 1057
d. 29 August 1093
Eudes I. B. Duke of Burgundy12
b. circa 1058
d. 23 March 1102
Alice (Helie) of Burgundy13
b. November 1080
d. 28 February 1141
Florine o. Burgundy13
b. circa 1083
d. 1097
Hugues I. B. Duke of Burgundy13
b. 1084
d. circa 6 February 1143
Beatrice d. Bourgogne12
b. circa 1063
d. 1110
Guy I. Sire de Vignory13
d. circa 1150
Henry, Count of Portugal & Burgundy12
b. circa 1066
d. 1 November 1112
Urraca H. o. Portugal13
b. circa 1096
d. after 1130
Sancha H. o. Portugal13
b. circa 1098
d. 1129
Teresa H. o. Portugal13
b. circa 1102
Robert, Regent of Burgundy11
b. circa 1040
d. 1113
Constance o. Burgundy11
b. circa 1046
d. between January 1093 and February 1093
Urraca o. Castile12
b. 1082
d. 8 March 1126
Adelaide o. France9
b. circa 993
d. 5 May 1063
Raingarde d. Semur12
b. circa 1075
d. 24 June 1134
Clara d. Semur11
b. circa 1039
d. 1106
Aganon d. Charolles12
b. circa 1061
d. 1122
Blanche d. Marcigny13
b. circa 1083
d. 1139
Th�r�se d. Marcigny13
b. circa 1086
d. 1141
B�la d. Semur11
b. circa 1051
d. 1116
Louise d. Charlieu12
b. circa 1073
d. 1139
Clothilde d. Semur11
b. circa 1063
Gertrude d. Ternant12
b. circa 1091
d. 1146
Blanche d. l. Roche13
b. circa 1117
d. 1168
Burgonde d. Nevers11
d. after 1126
Renaud, Sire de Craon11
d. December 1101
Elizabeth d. Cr�quy13
b. circa 1147
Hortence d. Cr�quy13
b. circa 1149
d. 1198
Alain d. Craon, Lord Freiston13
d. between 1140 and 1150
Theophanie d. Craon13
d. after 1137
Hugues d. Craon, Seigneur de Craon13
d. between 1136 and 1139
Guy d. Sable12
d. after 1139
Bernard d. Sable12
b. circa 1090
Godeheult d. Sable13
b. circa 1120
d. circa 1165
Jeanne d. Sable12
b. before 1110
Mathilde d. Nevers11
b. circa 1067
Guichard d. l. Jaille12
b. circa 1100
d. circa 1150
Mathieu d. l. Jaille13
b. circa 1132
d. circa 1180
Ermengaud d. Nevers11
d. between 14 October 1090 and 1098
William d. Beaumont12
d. after 1095
Tiphanie d. Beaumont13
d. after 1160
William d. Beaumont13
d. after 1163
Raoul d. Beaumont13
d. after 1156
Gervais d. Beaumont13
d. after 1112
Hubert d. Beaumont12
d. before 1095
Euphrosyne d. Beaumont12
b. circa 1085
Sir Fulk (Foulques) de Beauvau13
b. circa 1107
d. after 1137
Aldesinde d. Nevers12
d. after 1105
Renaud I. Count of Nevers, Auxerre11
b. circa 1046
d. 5 August 1089
Ermengarde o. Nevers12
b. circa 1073
Sibylle (Yolande) de Nevers11
b. circa 1058
d. 1078
Emma o. Burgundy8
b. circa 943
d. 19 March 968
Henri I. Duke of Lower Burgundy8
b. circa 946
d. 15 October 1002
Arembourge d. Vergy9
d. 22 November 1060
Geoffroy I. Sire de Semur10
d. between 1070 and 1080
Geoffroy I. Sire de Semur11
d. 24 May 1123
Clara d. Semur11
b. circa 1039
d. 1106
B�la d. Semur11
b. circa 1051
d. 1116
Clothilde d. Semur11
b. circa 1063
Damas, Sire de Montagu10
d. after 1036
Ermanjart d. Montagu11
d. after 1088
Raingarde d. Semur12
b. circa 1075
d. 24 June 1134
Ella o. Semur10
b. 1016
d. 22 April 1055
Maria d. Valladolid11
d. after 1129
Estephania o. U.12
d. after 1143
Gonsalo R. I. Giron13
d. after 1152
Armengol V. Count of Urgel12
b. circa 1096
d. 28 June 1154
Ermengaud V. Count of Urgel13
d. 11 August 1184
Isabel S. d. Urgel13
b. circa 1133
Henry, Duke of Burgundy11
b. circa 1035
d. 27 January 1066
Robert, Regent of Burgundy11
b. circa 1040
d. 1113
Constance o. Burgundy11
b. circa 1046
d. between January 1093 and February 1093
Adela (Alisa) of Vermandois7
b. circa 908
d. 958 or 960
Hildegarde o. Flanders8
d. 10 April 990
Jehanne d. Guines13
b. circa 1016
d. 1059
Sir William l. Blount13
b. circa 1036
d. after 1066
Eustace I 'the Eye', Comte de Boulogne11
b. circa 995
d. circa 1049
Jutta o. Luxembourg13
b. circa 1040
Eustace I. Comte de Boulogne & Lens12
b. circa 1015
d. between 1086 and 1088
Eustace I. Comte de Boulogne & Lens13
b. circa 1058
d. between 1125 and 1142
Geoffroy d. Boulogne13
b. before 1061
d. after 1100
Justine d. Boulogne13
b. before 1054
Judith o. Lens13
b. circa 1054
d. between 1086 and 1090
A�lixe d. Ponthieu11
b. circa 1014
d. 1049
El�onore d. Ponthieu11
b. circa 1018
d. 1077
Folcard, Comte de Gand11
d. after 1073
Gilbert d. Gant, Lord Folkingham12
b. circa 1034
d. circa 1095
Dietrich I. Graf von Katlenburg12
d. 20 January 1085
Dietrich I. Graf von Holland11
d. 13 January 1049
Blanche d. Gu�nes13
b. circa 1056
d. 1112
Bertha o. Holland12
b. circa 1058
d. 30 July 1093
Hedwig o. Holland11
b. circa 1051
Adelaide d. Gand10
b. circa 961
d. 1035
Mathilde d. Boulogne11
b. circa 979
d. 1005
Ang�le d. Guines12
b. circa 999
d. 1054
Walbruge d. Ste. Aldegonde13
b. circa 1017
d. 1059
Jeanne d. Gu�nes12
b. circa 1000
d. 1043
Blandine d. Bournonville13
b. circa 1022
d. 1056
Amicie d. Gu�nes12
b. circa 1001
d. 1059
Berthilde d. Colembert13
b. circa 1022
d. 1064
Clothilde d. Colembert13
b. circa 1022
d. 1082
Luitgarde o. F.8
b. 935
d. between 18 October 961 and 962
Adela o. G.9
d. 1017
Philihild o. Bavaria12
d. circa 23 October 1075
Suanhild o. Bavaria13
d. after 1074
Boto v. Pottenstein, Pfalzgraf of Carinthia12
b. circa 1026
d. 1 March 1104
Adelaide v. Pottenstein13
d. after 13 August 1106
Baldwin I. Count of Artois & Flanders8
b. circa 940
d. 1 January 962
Arnulf II 'the Young', Marquis of Flanders9
b. circa December 961
d. 30 March 988
Roger, Count of St. Pol11
d. 13 June 1067
Manasses o. S. P.12
d. after 1056
Hugh I. Count of St. Pol13
d. between 1130 and 1131
Folcard, Comte de Gand12
d. after 1073
Matilda o. Flanders12
b. 1032
d. 2 November 1083
Robert I 'le Frison', Count of Flanders & Holland12
b. circa 1035
d. 13 October 1093
Giselberthe o. Flanders12
b. circa 1037
d. 1094
Alixe o. Flanders11
b. circa 1024
d. 1079
Jeanne d. P�ronne12
b. circa 1047
d. 1096
Mabile d' Encre13
b. circa 1071
d. 1128
Adelaide d. P�ronne12
b. circa 1050
d. 1109
Judith o. Flanders11
b. 1033
d. 5 March 1094
Guelph V. Duke of All Bavaria, Count of Altdorf12
b. circa 1073
d. 24 September 1120
Heinrich IX 'the Black', Duke of Bavaria12
b. circa 1074
d. 13 December 1125
Heribert "the Elder", Count of Meaux7
b. circa 910
d. between 993 and 995
Robert, Count Troyes, Meaux, Champagne7
b. between 910 and 915
d. after 19 June 966
Heribert, Comte de Meaux & Troyes8
b. circa 950
d. 28 January 995
Adela o. Vermandois8
b. 950
d. after 6 March 974
Girberge o. A.9
d. after 1 May 1041
Gerberge d' Angouleme11
d. 12 February 1068
Audouin I. d. Barbezieux, Seigneur de Barb�zieux13
b. circa 1083
d. after 2 July 1116
Humberge o. Limoges13
d. after 1153
Aimeline d. Limoges12
b. circa 1036
Guy d. Malemort, Seigneur de Malemort13
b. circa 1058
d. after 1094
Humberge d. Limoges12
b. circa 1045
Geoffroy R. I. d. Blaye, Seigneur de Blaye11
b. circa 1030
d. 29 July 1089
Guillaume F. d. Blaye, Seigneur de Blaye12
b. circa 1050
d. before 1100
Gerard I. d. Blaye, Seigneur de Blaye13
b. circa 1075
d. after 1125
William I. Taillefer, Count Angouleme12
b. circa 1070
d. 6 April 1118
Foulques d. Montausier13
d. circa 1141
Wulgrin I. Taillefer, Count Angouleme13
b. 1089
d. 16 November 1140
Guiraude d' Angouleme12
b. circa 1110
(Miss) de B�nauges13
b. circa 1157
Geoffrey, Duke of Brittany10
b. circa 980
d. 20 November 1008
Alan I. o. I. Duke/Earl of Brittany11
b. circa 997
d. 1 October 1040
Alan I. F. Duke of Brittany13
b. circa 1067
d. 13 October 1119
Eudes, Count of Brittany, Penthievre11
b. 999
d. 7 January 1079
Bodin o. B.12
d. after 1086
Olive d. Bretagne13
d. between 1174 and 1187
Alan I. 4th Earl of Richmond, Earl of Cornwall13
b. before 1100
d. 15 September 1146
Judith o. Brittany10
b. 982
d. 16 June 1017
William d. St. Clair13
d. after 1057
Guillaume I. d. F�camp12
b. circa 1021
d. 1089
Robert d. F�camp13
b. circa 1058
William I. d. Lanvallei, Constable of Colchester Castle13
d. between 29 September 1204 and 18 May 1205
Robert II 'the Devil', 6th Duke of Normandy, Comte de Hi�mois11
b. circa 1000
d. between 1 July 1035 and 3 July 1035
Matilda o. England13
d. before 1112
Agatha o. England13
d. before 1074
William Peverel13
d. between 28 January 1113 and 1114
Robert I. C. Duke of Normandy13
b. circa 1051
d. 3 February 1134
Richard, Duke de Bernay13
b. circa 1054
d. 1081
Cecilia o. England13
b. circa 1055
d. 13 July 1127
Adelaide, Princess of England13
b. circa 1056
d. 1065
William I. King of England13
b. 1056
d. 2 August 1100
Adela o. England13
b. between 1060 and 1062
d. 8 March 1138
Constance o. England13
b. 1061
d. 13 August 1090
Henry I. King of England, Duke of Normandy13
b. 1070
d. 1 December 1135
Adeliza o. Normandy12
b. before 1030
d. between 1086 and 1096
Justine d. Boulogne13
b. before 1054
Judith o. Lens13
b. circa 1054
d. between 1086 and 1090
Richard I. 5th Duke of Normandy11
b. 1001
d. 6 August 1027
Ranulph, Vicomte de Bayeaux13
b. circa 1050
d. 1129
Alisia o. Normandy11
b. circa 1003
d. after 7 July 1037
Alberada o. Burgundy12
d. after July 1122
Clemence o. Burgundy13
d. circa 1133
Ermentrude o. Burgundy13
b. circa 1060
d. after 8 March 1105
Etiennette o. Burgundy13
b. circa 1062
d. circa 1121
Maud/Sibylle d. Burgundy13
b. circa 1062
d. after 1103
Gisela o. Burgundy13
b. 1070
d. after 1133
Eleanora o. Normandy11
b. circa 1010
d. circa 1071
Judith o. Flanders12
b. 1033
d. 5 March 1094
Martin d' Acign�11
b. circa 1001
Tristan d' Acign�, Seigneur d'Acign�12
b. circa 1022
d. circa 1056
Martin d' Acign�, Seigneur d'Acign�13
b. circa 1043
d. circa 1100
Fulk I. N. Count of Anjou9
b. circa 970
d. 21 June 1040
Adele d' Anjou10
b. circa 999
d. between 26 February 1033 and 1035
Foulques I. Comte de Vendome11
d. 22 November 1066
Agathe d. Vendome12
d. after 1095
Adam d. Mondoubleau13
d. after 1079
Odon d. Mondoubleau13
d. after 1079
Girard d. Mondoubleau13
d. after 1058
Euphrosyne d. Vendome12
d. after 1110
Vulgrin d. Vendome13
d. circa 1185
Marie d. Vendome13
d. after 1155
Ermengarde d' Anjou10
b. circa 1001
d. 21 March 1076
Geoffrey I. M. Count of Anjou10
b. 14 October 1006
d. 9 November 1067
Adelaide d' Anjou10
b. circa 1010
Luitgarde o. Vermandois7
b. between 915 and 920
d. 9 February 978
Thibaut o. Blois8
d. before 962
Thierry d. Montmorency11
d. after 1100
Alix d. Montmorency12
b. circa 1055
Gauthier d. Thourotte13
b. circa 1077
d. 1142
Mathilde d. Montmorency12
b. circa 1059
d. 1135
Mahaut d. Gisors13
d. after 1199
El�onore d. Gisors13
b. circa 1079
d. 1136
Jeanne d. Gisors13
b. circa 1099
d. 1156
Marguerite d. Gisors13
b. circa 1105
d. 1148
Clothilde d. Gisors10
b. circa 1007
d. 1088
Clothilde d. T�tes11
b. circa 1033
d. 1093
Jeanne d' Yerville13
b. circa 1090
d. 1149
Jeanne d. T�tes11
b. circa 1048
d. 1101
Gauthier d. T�tes11
b. circa 1049
d. 1104
Eloi d. T�tes12
b. circa 1079
d. 1141
Gauthier d. T�tes13
b. circa 1112
d. 1178
Mahaut d. Gisors12
d. after 1199
El�onore d. Gisors12
b. circa 1079
d. 1136
Jeanne d. Gisors12
b. circa 1099
d. 1156
Marguerite d. Gisors12
b. circa 1105
d. 1148
Agla� d. Gisors11
b. circa 1073
d. 1139
Hermine d. Gisors10
b. circa 1011
Guislaine d. Gerberoy12
b. circa 1067
d. 1118
Jeanne d' Yvetot13
b. circa 1086
d. 1143
Ir�ne d. Gerberoy12
b. circa 1068
d. 1116
Edith d. Cr�vecoeur13
b. circa 1096
d. 1157
Justine d. Gerberoy12
b. circa 1069
d. 1124
Clothilde d. Sarcus13
b. circa 1091
d. 1151
Blanche d. Sarcus13
b. circa 1093
d. 1137
Hortence d. Gerberoy12
b. circa 1070
d. 1116
Chr�tienne d. Gerberoy12
b. circa 1077
d. 1156
Ade d. Chepoix13
b. circa 1115
d. 1167
Emmeline d. Blois8
b. circa 950
d. 27 December 1004
Clemence d. Poitou11
b. circa 1048
d. after 1129
Agnes o. Aquitaine11
b. 1052
d. after 13 June 1089
Beatrix o. Poitou10
d. circa 1109
Judith d. Melguer11
d. 30 April
Bertrand d' Anduze12
d. after 1133
William V. Seigneur de Montpellier12
b. circa 1065
d. 21 February 1122
Guillemette d. Montpellier13
d. after July 1149
Ermensinde d. Melguer12
d. after 1156
Guillemette d. Montpellier13
d. after July 1149
William V. Seigneur de Montpellier13
b. circa 1100
d. 1162
Adelais d' Aquitaine10
b. circa 1002
Guiscard d. B�arn13
b. circa 1100
d. 1154
Centulle I. d. Bigorre12
b. circa 1080
d. circa 1130
Beatrix d. Bigorre13
b. circa 1104
d. 1156
Geraud I. Comte d'Armagnac12
d. circa December 1095
Comtesse d. Lomagne11
b. circa 992
Garcie-Arnaud d. Dax, Vicomte de Dax12
b. circa 1010
d. circa 1062
Loup d. Dax, Vicomte d'Orthe13
b. circa 1028
d. 1088
Jeanne d' Armagnac11
b. circa 1020
Sir Foulques (Foucher) de P�russe12
b. circa 1040
d. after 1083
Agnes d. Poitou11
b. 1052
d. 6 June 1078
Agnes o. Aquitaine10
b. 1024
d. 14 December 1077
Mathilde o. Germany11
b. 1045
d. 12 May 1060
Adelheid o. Germany11
b. 1046 or 1047
d. 11 January 1096
Gisela o. Germany11
b. 1048
d. before 6 May 1058
Heinrich I. Holy Roman Emperor, Duke of Bavaria11
b. 11 November 1050
d. 7 August 1106
Konrad, Duke of Bavaria11
b. September 1052 or October 1052
d. 10 April 1055
Judith M. o. Germany11
b. circa 1054
d. between 14 March 1092 and 1096
Agnes d. Blois9
d. after 1003
Thierry d. Blois9
d. after 996
Isembert d. Broye10
d. after 1028
Hugh B. I. d. Broye11
d. after 1058
Elizabeth d. Broyes12
d. after 1066
Elizabeth d. Montfort13
d. after 1110
Eve d. Montfort13
b. circa 1055
Almodis d. Blois10
d. after 1097
Beatrix d. Preuilly11
d. after 1092
Vulgrin d. Vendome12
d. circa 1185
Marie d. Vendome12
d. after 1155
Bertha o. Blois10
b. 990
d. between 11 April 1085 and 13 April 1085
Eudes I. Count of Troyes11
d. between 1 January 1090 and 5 April 1097
Payn (Paganus) de FitzJohn12
b. before 1100
d. 10 July 1137
Agnes FitzJohn13
b. circa 1125
d. between 29 September 1190 and 29 September 1191
Cicily FitzJohn13
b. circa 1128
d. 1207
Eustace FitzJohn, Constable of Chester12
b. circa 1100
d. July 1157
Agnes d. Blois12
d. after 1128
Maud o. Blois12
d. 25 November 1120
Emma o. Blois12
d. after 1130
Eudes o. Blois12
d. after 1107
Gilette d. Champagne12
b. circa 1090
Eustachie d' Heilly13
b. circa 1117
d. 1174
B�atrix d' Heilly13
b. circa 1122
d. 1184
Berthilde d' Heilly13
b. circa 1124
d. 1181
Blanche d' Heilly13
b. circa 1126
d. 1151
Henry, Bishop of Winchester12
b. 1099
d. 8 August 1171 or 9 August 1171
Eudes (Odo) III, Count of Aumale & Champagne, Earl of Holderness11
d. between January 1096 and 2 August 1107
Gui, Bishop of Reims10
d. after 1055
Aelis o. Soissons11
d. circa 1105
(Miss) de Soissons13
d. after 1133
Manasses o. Soissons12
d. 1 March 1109
Lithwisa o. Troyes12
d. after 1112
Raoul I. d. Nesle13
d. after 1125
Alixe d. Nesle13
b. circa 1070
d. 1122
Agnes d' Eu12
b. circa 1074
d. 1124
Alix d. Montmorency13
b. circa 1055
Mathilde d. Montmorency13
b. circa 1059
d. 1135
Adelaide d. Crepi12
d. between 12 May 1093 and 1100
Eudes I. Count of Troyes13
d. between 1 January 1090 and 5 April 1097
Alixe d. Joigny13
b. circa 1067
d. 1121
Adele o. Vermandois12
b. before 1043
d. between 1085 and 1090
Eudes d. Vermandois13
d. after 1085
Adelheid d. Vermandois13
b. circa 1065
d. between 28 September 1120 and 28 September 1124
Heribert I. Count of Vermandois8
b. circa 955
d. 29 August 1002
Adelaide o. France10
b. between 970 and 975
d. after 1022
Hedwig o. Namur11
d. between 28 January 1075 and 1080
Gerhard I. Count Vaudemont12
b. circa 1057
d. 1108
Dietrich I. o. A. Duke of Upper Lorraine12
b. 1060
d. 30 December 1115
Luitgard o. Namur11
b. after 990
Albert I. Count of Namur, Vogt von Andenne11
b. circa 1000
d. between July 1063 and July 1064
Friedrich d. Namur13
d. 27 May 1121
Godefroid, Count of Namur, Porcien, and Dagsburg13
b. circa 1067
d. 19 August 1139
Alix (Adelaide) de Namur13
b. 1068
d. after 1124
Gerberge o. Lorraine10
b. circa 975
d. after 27 January 1018
Heinrich I. d. Louvaine11
d. after 5 August 1038
Mahaut d. Cr�quy13
b. circa 1040
Lambert I. Count of Louvain & Brussels11
b. circa 991
d. after 21 September 1062
Conrad o. Eilenburg13
d. circa 1070
Kunigunde v. Weimar13
d. 8 June 1140
Dedi I. o. Eilenburg13
d. before 26 October 1069
Heinrich I. Count of Louvain12
b. circa 1021
d. between 1078 and 1079
Adalbero o. Louvain13
d. 1 January 1128
Ida o. Louvain13
b. circa 1065
d. April 1139
Heinrich I. Count of Louvain13
b. before 1078
d. 5 February 1095
Mathilda d. Louvain11
b. circa 993
Eustace I. Comte de Boulogne & Lens12
b. circa 1015
d. between 1086 and 1088
Eudes I. d. Vermandois9
b. circa 990
d. 1047
Eudes I. d. Vermandois10
b. circa 1013
d. 1050
Eudes I. d. Ham, Seigneur de Ham11
b. circa 1034
d. 1093
Gerard I. d. Ham12
b. circa 1055
d. 1108
Gerard I. d. Ham13
b. circa 1080
d. 1145
Pave I. d. Ham10
b. circa 1024
d. 1079
Alliette d. Moreuil12
b. circa 1074
d. 1122
Jeanne d. Boves13
b. circa 1094
d. 1144
Isabeau d. Moreuil12
b. circa 1080
d. 1136
Marie d. Moreuil12
b. circa 1077
d. 1134
Alixe d' Encre13
b. circa 1097
d. 1156
Alixe d. Moreuil12
b. circa 1084
d. 1136
Estelle d. Corbie13
b. circa 1106
d. 1156
El�onore d. Corbie13
b. circa 1114
d. 1169
Ad�le d. Moreuil12
b. circa 1078
d. 1134
Alberic d. Roye, Seigneur de Roye13
b. circa 1100
d. after 1163
Jeanne d. Moreuil12
b. circa 1087
d. 1139
Hedwige d. Louvencourt13
b. circa 1112
d. 1158
Charlotte d. Louvencourt13
b. circa 1114
d. 1168
Otto (Othon), Count of Valois9
b. circa 1000
d. 25 May 1045
Eudes d. Vermandois11
d. after 1085
Adelheid d. Vermandois11
b. circa 1065
d. between 28 September 1120 and 28 September 1124
Jossine d. Noyon9
b. circa 988
d. 1046
Hugo B. d. Ramerupt12
d. after 1108
Alix d. Ramerupt12
d. after 1143
Jeanne d. Roucy12
b. circa 1066
d. 1109
Adelaide d. Ramerupt12
b. circa 1073
Esther d. Roye11
b. circa 1040
d. 1091
Ada d. Roucy12
b. circa 1061
d. 1114
Richilde d. Roucy12
b. circa 1070
d. 1119
Evrard d. Roye, Seigneur de Roye12
b. circa 1070
d. circa 1101
Alberic d. Roye, Seigneur de Roye13
b. circa 1100
d. after 1163
Bathilde d. Roye12
b. circa 1075
d. 1121
Mabille d. Mailly13
b. circa 1106
d. 1159
H�l�ne d. Roye11
b. circa 1050
d. 1109
Hortence d. Breteuil13
b. circa 1097
d. 1164
Eva d. Morvois6
b. circa 885
d. before 909
Berthe d. Bidgau7
b. circa 907
(Mr.) de Florennes9
b. circa 960
Ermengarde d. Clermont-sous-Huy12
b. circa 1045
d. circa 1091
Hermentrude o. Orleans4
b. circa 27 September 830
d. 6 October 869
Alberada o. France5
d. after 916
Regnier I. Count of Hainault6
b. circa 890
d. after 932
Gossuin d. Mons8
d. after 997
Wauthier I. Sire de Ligne13
d. 3 November 1245
Alice d. Mons12
d. 1207
Agnes d. Mons12
d. after 1194
Ide d. Mons12
b. circa 1145
d. 1191
Holdiarde d. Mons10
d. after 1131
Ada d. Pleurs13
d. after 1198
Clemence d. Cambrai11
d. after 1165
Elbert d. Bethune12
d. after 1153
Maud d. Bethune12
d. after 1191
Richilde d. Mortaigne13
d. after 1219
Barthelemy d. Bethune13
d. after 1202
Marguerite d. Bethune13
d. after 1225
Madeleine d. Bethune13
b. circa 1183
d. 1239
Mathilde d' Oisy11
b. circa 1120
Ludwig, Graf von Hapsengau8
b. circa 947
d. before 1016
(Miss) van Loon12
b. circa 1112
(Miss) de Hainault7
d. after 958
Otto I. Graf von Duras12
d. between 1147 and 1151
Emmo I. Count von Loos10
d. before 17 January 1078
Guda v. Looz13
d. after 1200
Hugo v. Loos13
d. after 1175
Laurette v. Looz13
d. before 1189
Imagina v. Looz13
d. 5 June 1214
Agnes v. Loos13
b. circa 1130
d. 26 March 1191
Kalman, King of Hungary11
b. 1065
d. 3 March 1116
Boris K. o. Hungary12
d. after 1155
(Miss) of Hungary12
b. circa 1100
Yaroslav V. Prince of Galich13
b. circa 1135
d. 1 October 1187
Ladislaus o. Hungary12
b. 1101
d. 1112
Stephan I. King of Hungary12
b. 1101
d. 1 March 1131
Amaury I. d. Hainaut7
b. circa 915
d. 983
Amaury I. d. Landas8
b. circa 955
d. after 985
Amaury I. d. Landas9
b. circa 972
Amaury I. d. Landas10
b. circa 1000
Amaury I. d. Landas11
b. circa 1035
Amaury V. d. Landas12
b. circa 1060
d. between 1099 and 1105
Amaury V. d. Landas13
b. circa 1088
Lambert I 'the Bearded', Count of Mons, Louvain8
b. circa 950
d. 12 September 1015
Heinrich I. d. Louvaine9
d. after 5 August 1038
Lambert I. Count of Louvain & Brussels9
b. circa 991
d. after 21 September 1062
Mathilda d. Louvain9
b. circa 993
Beatrix o. Hainaut9
b. circa 997
d. after 1035
Ermengarde d. Hainaut9
b. circa 999
Judith o. France5
b. circa 846
d. after 870
Manfred, Vicomte de Narbonne9
b. circa 933
d. after 970
Berenger I. Vicomte de Narbonne11
b. before 990
d. March 1067
Bernard Pelet, Comte de Melgueil13
d. between 1170 and 1172
Aimeri I. Vicomte de Narbonne13
b. circa 1055
d. 1103
Foy d. Narbonne13
b. circa 1075
Rixende d. Narbonne13
d. after 1079
Guillaume d. Minerve, Vicomte de Minerve11
b. circa 1000
d. circa 1045
Raymond d. Minerve, Vicomte de Minerve12
b. circa 1035
d. before 1098
Bernard d. Minerve, Vicomte de Minerve13
b. circa 1070
d. after 1125
Bernard d. Comborn11
d. after 1009
Agnes d. Comborn13
d. after 1088
Geoffroy d. Comborn13
d. after 1073
Boso I. Vicomte de Turenne13
b. circa 1050
d. 1091
Bernard d. Br�10
b. circa 935
Foucher d. Br�11
b. circa 955
d. after 986
Foucher d. Br�12
b. circa 975
Bernarde d. Br�13
b. circa 995
Bernard d. Br�13
b. 1000
d. after 1044
Hugues d. Rouergue, Baron de Gramat9
b. circa 930
d. circa 1010
Robert d. Castelnau, Baron de Gramat10
b. circa 960
d. circa 1030
Guisle o. Barcelona10
b. circa 1010
d. after 1062
Ermessende d. Cardona12
b. circa 1060
d. before 1090
Riquilda o. Barcelona9
d. after 1041
Godehilde d. Toeny12
d. October 1097
Adeliza d. Tony13
b. circa 1069
Godehilde d. Toeni13
d. after 1143
Roger I. d. Tony, Seigneur de Conches & Nogent-le-Roi13
b. circa 1104
d. between 29 September 1158 and 1162
Margaret Toeni13
b. circa 1109
d. before 1185
Adelisa d. Tony11
d. 1066
Agnes Evereux11
b. circa 1030
Richard d. Montfort12
d. November 1092
Simon I. d. Montfort12
d. after 25 September 1104
Bertrade d. Montfort12
b. circa 1060
d. 14 February 1117
Cecile d. France13
d. after 1145
Amaury I. Montfort, Seigneur de Montfort12
b. circa 1070
d. after 18 April 1136
Agnes d. Montfort13
d. 15 December 1181
Berenger B. Marquis de Barcelona10
b. 1005
d. 26 May 1035
Sancha . o. Barcelona12
d. after 1079
Guigues (Raimond) d' Albon13
d. after 5 December 1096
Raimond I. Berenger12
b. circa 1057
d. 6 December 1082
Raimond I. Berenger, Count of Barcelona13
b. 11 November 1082
d. 19 August 1131
Sibylla o. Burgundy11
b. circa 1035
d. after 6 July 1079
Hugues I 'the Blind', Duke of Burgundy12
b. circa 1057
d. 29 August 1093
Eudes I. B. Duke of Burgundy12
b. circa 1058
d. 23 March 1102
Beatrice d. Bourgogne12
b. circa 1063
d. 1110
Henry, Count of Portugal & Burgundy12
b. circa 1066
d. 1 November 1112
Armengol I. Count of Urgel9
b. circa 975
d. 1 September 1010
Armengol I. Count of Urgel11
b. circa 1033
d. between February 1065 and March 1065
Isabel d. Urgel12
d. 20 December 1071
Peter I. King of Aragon & Navarre13
b. 1069
d. 27 September 1104
Armengol I. Count of Urgel12
b. circa 1056
d. 28 March 1092
Armengol V. Count of Urgel13
b. 1078 or 1079
d. 28 March 1102
Adelais d. Forcalquier13
b. circa 1080
d. after 1135
Luitgarde o. Toulouse9
d. between 977 and 1001
Riquilda o. Barcelona10
d. after 1041
Armengol I. Count of Urgel10
b. circa 975
d. 1 September 1010
William I. Taillefer, Count Toulouse9
b. circa 947
d. October 1037
Aton-Raymond de l' Isle11
b. circa 1022
d. 1080
Raymond de l' Isle13
b. circa 1075
d. circa 1127
(Miss) de l' Isle12
b. circa 1060
Hildegarde (Eveza) de Toulouse10
d. after 23 June 1040
Bertrand I. Count of Provence11
d. between 29 April 1090 and 28 July 1094
Aimable Trencavel13
b. circa 1087
d. 1128
Gerberge o. Provence11
d. between 3 February 1112 and January 1113
Stephanie d. Provence12
d. after 1160
Gilbert d. Baux13
d. after 1160
Guillaume d. Baux13
d. after 1164
Raimond d. Baux13
d. after 1168
Bertrand d. Baux13
d. between April 1180 and 5 April 1181
Matelle d. Baux13
d. after October 1175
Alasacie d. Baux13
d. after 1143
Douce (Dulcia) of Provence12
b. circa 1095
d. between 1127 and 1130
Raimond I. B. Count of Barcelona13
b. circa 1113
d. 26 August 1162
Berengaria o. Barcelona13
b. circa 1116
d. 3 February 1149
Estefania o. Provence13
b. circa 1118
Almodis o. Provence13
b. circa 1126
d. after 1171
Agnes d. Tripoli13
d. March 1183
Pons d. Toulouse, Comte de Tripoli13
b. 1098
d. before September 1137
Laurencia d. Toulouse13
b. after 1133
Pons o. Toulouse11
d. circa 1063
Almode d. Toulouse11
d. after 1132
Ermensinde d. Melguer12
d. after 1156
Philippe o. Toulouse12
b. circa 1073
d. 28 November 1117
Raymond o. Poitou, Prince of Antioch13
b. circa 1100
d. 29 June 1149
Agnes o. Aquitaine13
b. circa 1100
d. after 1147
Rangarde d. Toulouse10
b. 1033
d. 1077
Dias d. Muret12
d. after 1139
Godefredo d. Comminges13
d. after 1163
Gui d. Comminges13
d. after 1180
Dodon d. Comminges, Comte de Comminges13
b. circa 1120
d. after 1181
Ermengarde d. Carcassonne11
b. 1051
d. after 1112
Isabel d. Nimes12
d. 29 June 1050
Pierre A. d. Bruniquel13
b. circa 1075
Aimable Trencavel13
b. circa 1087
d. 1128
Wifredo I. Comte de Besalu8
d. November 957 or December 957
Adelais d. Besalu9
d. circa 1024
Foi d. Cerdagne10
d. after 1051
Foi d. Rouerge11
d. after 1051
Aimeri I. Vicomte de Narbonne12
b. circa 1055
d. 1103
Foy d. Narbonne12
b. circa 1075
Beatrice d. Besalu12
b. circa 1095
Etiennette d. Pays12
d. after 1095
Pedro d. Foix13
d. after 1127
Ramon R. d. Foix13
d. after 1127
Roger I. Comte de Foix13
d. between 1147 and 1148
Constance d. Foix13
b. circa 1081
Dalmau I. d. Rocaberti12
d. after 1128
Beatrice d. Besalu12
b. circa 1095
Ermesenda d. Ampurias11
d. circa 1020
Armengol I. Count of Urgel11
b. circa 1033
d. between February 1065 and March 1065
Gontruda d. Cerdagne8
d. between 956 and 963
Oria d. Pailhar�s12
b. circa 1105
Foi d. Cerdagne11
d. after 1051
Simon d. Montfort, Seigneur de Montfort11
b. circa 1026
d. 25 September 1087
Richard d. Montfort12
d. November 1092
Simon I. d. Montfort12
d. after 25 September 1104
Elizabeth d. Montfort12
d. after 1110
Eve d. Montfort12
b. circa 1055
Bertrade d. Montfort12
b. circa 1060
d. 14 February 1117
Amaury I. Montfort, Seigneur de Montfort12
b. circa 1070
d. after 18 April 1136
Ad�le d. Montfort11
b. circa 1032
d. 1087
Blandine d. Chaumont12
b. circa 1061
d. 1127
Valeran I. Seigneur de Breteuil12
d. after 25 February 1084
Mathilde d. Breteuil13
b. circa 1049
d. 1112
Humberac d. Puiset13
d. after 1094
Alixe d. Breteuil13
b. circa 1071
d. 1119
Azeka d. Breteuil11
d. after 1068
Milon, Comte de Bar-sur-Seine13
d. between 20 December 1225 and 1226
Havoise d. Breteuil11
b. circa 996
d. 1051
Adelaide d. Breteuil11
b. circa 1000
d. 11 September 1051
Thibault I. d. Crespy12
d. after 1070
Adam d. Crespy13
d. after 1120
Adelaide d. Crepi13
d. between 12 May 1093 and 1100
Adele o. Vermandois13
b. before 1043
d. between 1085 and 1090
Hawise o. Valois12
b. circa 1032
d. after 1086
Godchilde d. Ponthieu10
b. circa 944
d. after 1005
Godehelt d. Belleme11
d. after 1015
Geoffroy d. Sable12
d. before 1036
Ralph I. d. Beaumont13
d. after 1065
Godchilde d. Belesme11
d. 27 October 1035
Warine, Count of Perche13
d. before 1026
Baldwin I. Comte de Boulogne10
b. circa 976
d. 1033
Eustace I 'the Eye', Comte de Boulogne11
b. circa 995
d. circa 1049
Hugues I. d. Boulogne, Comte de Ternois10
b. circa 977
d. circa 1028
Alix d. St. Pol11
b. circa 998
d. 1054
Louise d. Bours12
b. circa 1015
d. 1084
B�atrix d. N�donchel13
b. circa 1033
d. 1098
Marie L. d. N�donchel13
b. circa 1043
d. 1102
Jeanne d. N�donchel13
b. circa 1047
d. 1089
Marie d. Nedonchel13
b. circa 1053
d. 1109
Jocelyne d. Bours12
b. circa 1019
d. 1068
Jeanne d. Bours12
b. circa 1020
Blanche d' Ollehain13
b. circa 1041
d. 1097
A�lis d' Ollehain13
b. circa 1043
d. 1089
Gisllaine d. Bours12
b. circa 1021
d. 1069
Beatrix d. Blangy13
b. circa 1043
d. 1085
Laure d. Blangy13
b. circa 1046
d. 1091
Augusta d. Bours12
b. circa 1022
d. 1057
L�onore d. Tangry13
b. circa 1045
d. 1086
Estelle d. Tangry13
b. circa 1047
El�onore d. Bours13
b. circa 1044
d. 1103
Clothilde d. Bours13
b. circa 1053
d. 1109
Charles d. Bours, Sire de Bours13
b. circa 1055
d. 1112
Mahaut d. Bours12
b. circa 1029
d. 1089
Richilde d. St. Pol12
b. circa 1050
Alixe d. Cr�quy13
b. circa 1072
d. 1129
Bouchard I. d. Cr�quy13
b. circa 1076
d. circa 1123
Mathilde d. Boulogne10
b. circa 979
d. 1005
Payn (Paganus) de FitzJohn10
b. before 1100
d. 10 July 1137
Eustace FitzJohn, Constable of Chester10
b. circa 1100
d. July 1157
Nicola d. l. Haye12
d. before 1231
Richard d. Camville13
d. circa 4 March 1217
Gillette d. l. Haye12
b. circa 1165
d. 1192
Emma d. Conteville9
b. circa 1029
Robert d. Peshall11
b. circa 1160
Robert d. Swinnerton13
d. after 1189
Ralph Basset13
d. 1160
Maud d' Avranches11
b. between 1068 and 1078
Robert I. d. Ewyas, Lord Ewyas Harold12
b. circa 1088
d. after 1147
(Miss) d' Avranches12
b. circa 1086
Hugues Paynel, Seigneur de Moustiers-Hubert13
b. circa 1135
d. before 1180
Gilbert I. Seigneur de l'Aigle11
b. circa 1080
d. circa 1118
Margaret de l' Aigle12
b. circa 1104
d. 25 May 1141
Sancho VI 'the Wise', King of Navarre13
b. circa 1132
d. 27 June 1194
Blanca o. Navarre13
b. 1135
d. 12 December 1156
Richard (Richer) II d' Aigle, Seigneur d'Egenoul12
b. circa 1110
d. between 1150 and 1176
Lucy de L' Aigle13
d. after 28 September 1217
Richard III (Richer) de l' Aigle, Seigneur de l'Aigle13
b. circa 1140
d. between 1176 and 1187
Gersende de l' Aigle13
b. circa 1145
d. 1214
William d' Avranches11
b. circa 1050
d. 1087
(Miss) d' Avranches12
b. circa 1086
Margaret o. C.10
b. circa 1054
Ranulph, 4th Earl of Chester, Vicomte de Bayeux & d'Avranches11
b. circa 1070
d. between January 1128 and 1129
Alice o. Chester12
b. circa 1094
d. after 1148
Gilbert d. Clare, 1st Earl of Hertford13
d. between 1151 and 1153
Rohese d. Clare13
d. after 1163
Alice d. Clare13
b. circa 1118
William l. Meschin12
b. circa 1102
d. after 1139
Maud Meschines13
b. circa 1120
Agnes d. Burgh10
d. after 1120
Elie d. Vitre11
d. after 1120
Gervais d. Vitrie11
d. after 1110
Marquise d. Vitre11
d. after 1162
Guillaume I. d. l. Guerche, Seigneur de Pouanc�13
b. after 1192
d. 4 September 1223
Robert I. d. Vitrie, Seigneur de Vitr�12
b. circa 1120
d. 11 November 1173
Maud d. Vitr�13
d. before 1181
Andre I. Sire de Dinan13
d. September 1211
Alianore d. Vitrie13
b. circa 1145
d. between 31 May 1232 and 18 August 1233
Hawise d. Vitre11
b. circa 1086
Robert Ferrers, 2nd Earl Derby12
b. circa 1118
d. 1162
William d. Ferrers, 3rd Earl Derby13
b. circa 1136
d. between 1 January 1190 and 21 October 1190
Emma d. Mortain10
b. circa 1058
d. after 1134
Philippe o. Toulouse11
b. circa 1073
d. 28 November 1117
Denise d. Dunstanville12
d. after 27 April 1162
Denise d. Reviers13
b. circa 1160
Emme o. Cornwall12
d. after 1208
Maud Fitz-Roy12
d. between 25 October 1212 and 1221
Mabel d. Beaumont13
d. after 1 May 1204
Gui V. Vicomte de Limoges13
d. before 29 March 1230
Meggotta (Margaret) de Burgh13
b. circa 1223
d. November 1237
William d. Burgh, Seneschal of Munster12
d. January 1206 or February 1206
Richard d. Burgh, Lord Connaught, Justiciar of Ireland13
b. circa 1193
d. circa 17 February 1243
Sir Thomas d. Burgh, Castellan of Norwich12
b. circa 1170
d. between 1225 and March 1227
Sir Philip d. Burgh13
b. circa 1194
d. circa 1235
Geoffrey d. Burgh, Treasurer of the Exchequer12
b. circa 1185
d. 17 December 1228
(Miss) de Burgh12
b. circa 1211
Oda Conteville8
b. circa 994
Adeline d. Meulan9
b. circa 1014
d. 8 April 1081
Henry d. Newburgh, 1st Earl Warwick10
b. before 1046
d. 20 June 1123
Robert d. Neufbourg11
d. 30 August 1159
Henri d. Neufbourg12
d. after 1178
Robert d. Neufbourg13
d. between 1191 and 1193
Gundred d. Newburgh12
d. between 1200 and 1208
Hugh Bigod13
b. circa 1156
Lasceline d. Clinton13
b. circa 1118
Waleran Newburgh, 4th Earl Warwick12
b. before 1153
d. 24 December 1203
Henry d. Newburgh, 5th Earl of Warwick13
b. between 1184 and 1192
d. 1229
Alice d. Newburgh13
b. 1196
d. after 1253
Mathilde Beaumont11
d. after 1189
Isabel Beaumont11
b. circa 1100
Hildegarde o. Flanders8
d. 10 April 990
Luitgarde o. F.8
b. 935
d. between 18 October 961 and 962
Baldwin I. Count of Artois & Flanders8
b. circa 940
d. 1 January 962
Louis II 'the Stammerer', King of France5
b. 1 November 846
d. 10 April 879
Louis I. King of France6
b. between 863 and 865
d. 5 August 882
Carloman, King of France6
b. 866
d. 12 December 884
Kunigunde o. France7
b. circa 890
d. circa 929
Adalbero, Bishop of Metz8
d. 23 February 962 or 26 April 962
Siegfried, Graf von Luxembourg8
d. 27 October 998 or 28 October 998
Manfried v. Metz9
d. after 960
Adelaide o. Metz11
d. 19 May 1040
Judith o. Germany12
d. 30 April 1034
Beatrix o. Germany13
d. 26 September 1036
Mathilde o. Germany13
b. 1027
d. 1034
Gerhard, Graf von Metz11
d. between 28 December 1021 and 1023
Adalbert I. Count of Metz, Saargau, Duke of Lower Lorraine11
d. between 31 January 1033 and 30 June 1033
Otto I. Count Warig, Chiny10
b. circa 942
d. 1013
Hedwig o. Alsace9
d. after 13 December 993
Kunigunde o. Luxembourg10
d. 3 March 1033
Adalbero v. Moselgau10
d. after 1037
Luitgarde o. Luxembourg10
d. after 14 May 1005
Adelaide d. Gand11
b. circa 961
d. 1035
Regina v. Oltigen12
d. after 1097
Adelheid v. Limbourg13
d. between 6 February 1144 and 1146
Richsa v. Berg13
b. circa 1080
d. 27 September 1125
Matilda o. Limbourg13
b. circa 1095
d. after 1148
Salomia v. Limbourg13
b. 1101
d. 27 July 1144
Gisela v. Ammensleben13
d. after 1126
Milo v. Ammensleben13
b. circa 1095
Heinrich I. Count of Luxembourg12
d. after 12 April 1095
Rudolf o. Luxembourg12
d. after 1099
Konrad v. Merenberg13
d. after 1189
Wilhelm, Graf von Luxembourg12
d. between 17 June 1129 and 23 April 1131
Wilhelm v. Gleiberg13
d. after 1158
Ermensinde o. Luxembourg12
b. circa 1080
d. 24 June 1141
Clementia d. Namur13
d. 28 December 1158
Alice d. Namur13
b. circa 1115
d. circa 31 July 1169
Otgiva o. Luxembourg11
b. circa 990
d. 21 February 1030
Alixe o. Flanders12
b. circa 1024
d. 1079
Hermann I. Graf von Salm11
b. circa 1040
d. 28 September 1088
Sophie v. Reinecke13
b. circa 1117
d. 26 September 1176
Beatrix v. Rheineck13
b. circa 1120
d. after 1140
Eva o. Luxembourg10
d. after 19 April 1029
Frederick I. Count Luxembourg, in Moselgau10
b. circa 965
d. 6 October 1019
Dietrich v. Moselgau11
d. after 1057
Uda o. Luxembourg11
d. after 1100
Adalbero v. Moselgau11
d. 13 November 1072
Gisela o. Luxembourg11
d. after 1058
Imiza o. Luxembourg11
b. 1000
d. 21 August 1057
Hermann I. Graf von Gleiberg11
b. circa 1015
d. after 1075
Ida d. Fouron12
d. before 1080
(Miss) de Fouron12
b. circa 1023
d. before 1091
Ermengarde d. Clermont-sous-Huy13
b. circa 1045
d. circa 1091
Richwin I. v. Aspel11
b. circa 1015
Rugger v. Aspel, Heer van Gymnich12
b. circa 1060
d. before 1139
Adalbert I. Count of Longwy11
b. circa 1000
d. 11 November 1048
Richenza o. Swabia12
d. before 11 January 1083
Oda v. Werl13
b. circa 1050
d. 13 January 1110
Hugh V. Graf von Dagsburg13
d. 4 September 1089 or 6 September 1089
Adelheid v. Egisheim11
b. circa 1000
(Miss) von Calw12
b. circa 1028
Adalbert I. Graf von Calw12
b. circa 1030
d. 22 September 1099
Uta v. Calw13
d. after 1075
Bruno von (Pope Leo IX) Egisheim11
b. 21 June 1002
d. 19 April 1054
Gozelin, Count in the Bidgau8
b. circa 911
d. between 12 October 942 and 16 February 943
Heinrich, Count of Arlon9
d. after 6 October 963
Godefroy 'the Old', Count of Verdun, Bidgau, and Ardennes9
b. between 930 and 935
d. after 3 September 997
Ermentrude d. Verdun10
d. after 7 March 1010
Alpaide d. Rumigny11
d. after 1021
Wautier d. Rumigny11
d. after 1029
Eilbert d. Rumigny11
d. 11 May 1047
Arnold I. d. Rumigny11
d. before 12 September 1018
Nikolaus v. Raenst13
d. after 1148
Petronille d. Rumigny13
d. after 14 October 1124
Gerard d. Rumigny11
d. 14 March 1051
Gottfried, Duke of Lower Lorraine10
d. 26 September 1023
Gottfried, Count von Metz11
d. between 1051 and 1055
Regilla o. Verdun10
d. 1 February 1050
Mathilda v. Lambach12
d. circa 1106
Eberhard v. Formbach13
d. circa 4 May 1100
Gozelo I. Duke of Lower Lorraine11
d. before 22 May 1046
Mathilde o. Lorraine11
d. 17 August 1060
Ida o. Lorraine12
b. circa 1040
d. 13 August 1113
Eustace I. Comte de Boulogne & Lens13
b. circa 1058
d. between 1125 and 1142
Wiltrud o. Lorraine12
b. circa 1043
d. 1093
Uta v. Calw13
d. after 1075
Ode d. Verdun11
d. 23 October 1044
Heinrich I. Count of Louvain12
b. circa 1021
d. between 1078 and 1079
Reginlinde o. Lorraine11
b. circa 994
d. after 1067
Matilde d. Verdun11
d. circa 1039
Mahaut d. Hainaut12
b. circa 1022
d. 1089
Guda (Jutta) van Zutphen12
b. circa 1042
Gerard I. v. Loon, Graf van Loon12
b. circa 1045
d. 1085
Kunigunde o. Luxembourg9
d. 3 March 1033
Adalbero v. Moselgau9
d. after 1037
Luitgarde o. Luxembourg9
d. after 14 May 1005
Eva o. Luxembourg9
d. after 19 April 1029
Frederick I. Count Luxembourg, in Moselgau9
b. circa 965
d. 6 October 1019
Charles 'the Simple', King of West Franks6
b. 17 September 879
d. 7 October 929
Ermentruda v. Avalgau9
d. circa 1020
Gebhard, Graf von Gleiberg10
d. 8 November 1016
Ermentrude v. Gleiberg10
b. circa 965
Gerberge v. Gleiberg10
b. circa 972
d. after 1036
Louis I. King of France7
b. 10 September 920
d. 10 September 954
Lothair, King of France8
b. 941
d. 2 March 986
Louis V. King of France9
b. 967
d. 21 May 987
Matilda o. France8
b. 943
d. 26 January 982 or 27 January 982
Matilda o. Burgundy9
d. after 980
Bertha o. Geneva10
d. after 1038
Gerald I. Count of Geneva11
b. circa 1012
d. between 1061 and 1080
Jeanne o. Geneva12
d. after 1070
Auxilia o. Savoy13
d. after 1094
Aimon I. Count of Geneva12
b. circa 1050
d. 1128
Amadeo I. Count of Geneva13
b. 1100
d. 26 June 1178
Laure (Lac�rina) of Geneva13
b. circa 1101
d. 1140
Bertha o. Burgundy9
d. after 16 January 1010
Agnes d. Blois10
d. after 1003
Thierry d. Blois10
d. after 996
Thibaut I. Count of Blois10
d. 11 July 1004
Gerberge o. Burgundy9
b. between 965 and 966
d. 7 July 1018
Konrad I. Graf von Ortenau10
d. 1 April 1012
Konrad v. Werl11
d. after 1024
Adalbert v. Werl11
d. after 1024
Heinrich v. Werl12
d. 14 October 1127
Konrad I. Graf von Werl12
d. 19 July 1092
Rudolf I. v. Werl11
b. circa 1004
(Mr.) van Meinh�vel12
b. circa 1028
Oda v. Werl12
b. circa 1050
d. 13 January 1110
Hermann I. Duke of Swabia10
d. 1 April 1012
Bernard I. Graf von Werl & H�vel10
b. between 982 and 986
d. after 1027
Ida v. Werl11
b. circa 1026
Aleidis v. Sommerschenberg13
b. circa 1120
d. before 1180
Matilda o. Swabia10
b. circa 988
d. between 29 July 1031 and 1032
Gisela o. Swabia10
b. circa 11 November 990
d. 15 February 1043
Beatrice o. Swabia10
b. circa 1000
d. after 23 February 1025
Faulk d' Aunay12
d. after 1020
Richard d. Neville12
d. after 1066
Gilbert d. Neville13
d. after 1086
Robert d. Courci12
d. after 1026
Berengar v. Lohra13
d. after 1119
Poppo I. v. Wasungen11
d. 20 August 1118 or 21 August 1118
Gottwald I. Count of Henneberg11
b. circa 1065
d. 1143
Heinrich v. Bickenbach13
d. after 1151
Poppo I. Burggraf von Wurzburg12
d. 1 September 1156
Hildegard v. Henneberg12
b. circa 1106
d. 24 February
Dieter v. Katzenelnbogen13
d. circa June 1191
Berthold I. Count von Katzenelnbogen13
b. circa 1126
d. after 1179
Berthold I. Count of Henneberg12
b. circa 1108
d. 18 October 1159
Irmgard v. Henneberg13
d. 15 July 1197
Luitgard v. Henneberg13
d. 22 November 1220
Brigitte v. Henneberg13
b. circa 1140
Poppo X. Count of Henneberg13
b. circa 1140
d. 14 September 1190
Hermann o. Thuringia11
d. 11 June 1114
Konrad o. Thuringia11
d. after 26 July 1110
Ludwig I. Landgraf of Thuringia11
b. 1090
d. 12 January 1140
Adelaide o. France9
b. between 970 and 975
d. after 1022
Gerberge o. Lorraine9
b. circa 975
d. after 27 January 1018
Godehilde o. France5
b. circa 865
Berthe d. Maine8
b. circa 950
d. before 992
Giraud d. Beauvau, Seigneur de Jarz�10
b. circa 997
d. after 1047
Geoffroi d. Beauvau, Seigneur de Jarz�11
b. circa 1030
d. circa 1088
Sir Geoffroi d. Beauvau13
b. circa 1085
d. circa 1122
Agnes d. Maine7
b. circa 925
Roger I. d. Montrevault8
b. 956
d. 12 July 993
Eustache d. Lyon d'Angers13
b. circa 1135
d. 1189
Denise d. Cand�11
b. circa 1055
Renaud I. R. d. Ir�11
b. circa 1060
d. circa 1110
Chauveau d. Ir�12
b. circa 1090
d. after 1136
Geoffroi d. Ir�13
b. circa 1116
d. circa 1170
Philippe d. Montrevault13
b. circa 1140
d. after 1208
Adalhard I. Count of Paris3
d. after 23 April 861
Adelaide o. P.4
b. between 855 and 860
d. after 10 November 901
Charles 'the Simple', King of West Franks5
b. 17 September 879
d. 7 October 929
Engeltrude o. Paris2
b. circa 788
Otto (Otho) II, Duke of Franconia, Carinthia8
b. between 947 and 948
d. 4 November 1004
Konrad I. Duke of Carinthia9
d. 12 December 1011
Wilhelm o. Carinthia10
d. 7 November 1047
Konrad I. Duke of Carinthia10
b. circa 1003
d. 20 July 1039
Bruno, Bishop of Wurzburg10
b. circa 1004
d. 27 May 1045
Pope Gregory V (Bruno of Carinthia)9
d. 18 February 999 or 12 March 999
Judith o. Germany10
d. 30 April 1034
d. before 869
Adalbert, Margrave in Ivrea6
b. between 880 and 885
d. between 17 June 923 and 8 October 924
Ardicino, Prince of Italy10
b. circa 980
d. after 1029
Adelaide o. C.12
d. after 12 October 1113
Gozelo I. Duke of Lower Lorraine9
d. before 22 May 1046
Mathilde o. Lorraine9
d. 17 August 1060
Ode d. Verdun9
d. 23 October 1044
Reginlinde o. Lorraine9
b. circa 994
d. after 1067
Adalbert, King of the Lombards8
b. circa 936
d. 30 April 971
Otto-William, Count of Bourgogne, Macon, Dijon9
b. circa 959
d. 21 September 1026
Guy I. Comte de Macon10
b. circa 975
d. circa 1004
Matilda o. Burgundy10
b. 975
d. 13 November 1005
Foulques I. Comte de Vendome12
d. 22 November 1066
Gerberge o. Burgundy10
b. circa 985
d. circa 1023
Bertrand I. Count of Provence12
d. between 29 April 1090 and 28 July 1094
Gerberge o. Provence12
d. between 3 February 1112 and January 1113
(Miss) de Provence12
d. after 1076
Etiennette d. Pays13
d. after 1095
Reginald I. Count of Burgundy & Macon10
b. circa 990
d. 3 September 1057
Alberada o. Burgundy11
d. after July 1122
Agnes o. Burgundy10
b. circa 995
d. 10 November 1068
Beatrix o. Poitou11
d. circa 1109
Agnes o. Aquitaine11
b. 1024
d. 14 December 1077
Susanna (Rosala) of Italy8
b. circa 950
d. 13 December 1003
Heilwig v. Dillingen6
d. 22 January 991
Richenza v. Bonngau7
d. after 1049
Agnes v. Saffenberg13
d. 21 April 1200 or 22 April 1200
Matilda v. Saffenberg12
b. circa 1123
d. between 2 January 1145 and 1146
Margaret o. Limbourg13
b. circa 1139
d. 1172
Mathilde o. Lorraine8
d. between 1051 and 1057
Heylwig o. Lorraine8
d. circa 21 September 1076
Sophia o. Lorraine8
d. between 1045 and 1058
Ida o. Lorraine8
d. 7 April 1060 or 8 April 1060
Theophanu o. Lorraine8
d. 5 March 1056
Heinrich v. Brauweiler9
d. after 31 October 1031
Konrad (Kuno), Duke of Bavaria9
d. circa 15 December 1053
(Miss) van Zutphen9
b. circa 1018
Adelheid v. Zutphen9
b. circa 1021
Richenza o. Swabia9
d. before 11 January 1083
Adelheid o. Lorraine8
d. before 20 June 1011
Hermann o. Lorraine8
d. 11 February 1056
Richenza o. Lorraine8
b. circa 992
d. 21 March 1063
Kasimierz, Duke of Poland9
b. 25 July 1016
d. 28 November 1058
Vladislas I. King of Poland10
b. circa 1043
d. 4 June 1102
Swietoslawa, Princess of Poland10
b. circa 1048
d. 1 September 1126
Richenza o. Poland9
b. 1018
d. 1064
Otto I. N. Duke of Olmutz11
d. 18 February 1126
Geza I. King of Hungary10
b. circa 1040
d. 24 April 1077
Kalman, King of Hungary11
b. 1065
d. 3 March 1116
Adelheid o. Hungary12
b. between 1105 and 1107
d. 15 September 1140
Sobieslav I. Duke of Eastern Pomerania13
b. circa 1130
d. 29 January 1180
Ulrich, Duke of Bohemia13
b. 1134
d. 18 October 1177
Wenzel I. Duke of Bohemia13
b. 1137
d. circa 1192
Bela II 'the Blind', King of Hungary12
b. 1108
d. 13 February 1141
Stephan I. King of Hungary13
d. 11 April 1165
Gertraut o. Hungary13
b. circa 1128
d. 3 October 1155
Ladislaus, King of Hungary13
b. circa 1132
d. 14 November 1163
Prisca (Irena) of Hungary11
b. circa 1079
d. 13 August 1134
Andronicus Comnenus12
b. circa 1108
d. 1142
Theodora Comnenus13
d. 2 January 1184
Maria Comnene13
b. circa 1126
Isaakios Komnenos12
b. circa 1115
d. between 1154 and 1174
Ionannes Komnenos13
d. between 1136 and 1137
Theodora Comnenus13
b. between 1145 and 1146
Eudokia Comnenus12
b. circa 1116
Manuel B. Comnenus, Emperor of the East12
b. 15 August 1118
d. 24 September 1180
Alexies K. Emperor of the East13
b. circa 1152
d. after 1188
Alexius I. Comnenus, Emperor of the East13
b. 10 September 1169
d. circa 30 September 1183
Sophia o. Hungary10
b. circa 1043
d. 18 June 1095
Werichand v. Plain11
d. circa 1123
Marie M. v. Hardegg12
b. circa 1224
Oldrich I. z. Hradce13
b. circa 1250
d. circa 1312
Sophia o. Istria12
d. 6 September 1156
Gisela v. Andechs13
d. after 8 April 1150
Hedwig v. Krain12
d. 1 December 1162
Mechtild v. Windberg13
d. circa 23 May 1155
Bertold I. Graf von Bogen13
d. 21 March 1167
Sophia v. Winzenburg13
d. 25 March 1160
Heinrich I. v. Windberg, Graf von Assel13
d. between 3 August 1146 and 31 December 1146
Wolfhild o. Saxony11
b. circa 1075
d. 29 December 1126
Elicke o. Saxony11
b. 1080
d. 18 January 1142
Lanka o. Hungary10
b. circa 1047
d. before 1095
Wasilko, Prince of Halicz & Terespol11
d. circa 28 February 1125
Volodar R. Duke of Peremyshl11
b. circa 1065
d. 19 March 1124
Irina V. o. Przemysl12
d. after 1104
Vladimirko, Prince of Galich12
b. circa 1095
d. February 1153
Yaroslav V. Prince of Galich13
b. circa 1135
d. 1 October 1187
Gertruda o. Poland9
b. circa 1020
d. 4 January 1108
Jaropolk, Prince of Vyzhgorod, Vladimir, & Turov10
b. before 1050
d. 22 November 1087
Jaroslav J.11
d. 11 August 1103
Wjatscheslav J.11
d. 13 December 1104
Anastasia J. o. Turow11
b. 1074
d. 8 January 1159
Mechtilda o. V.11
b. circa 1076
Mathilde v. Schwarzburg13
b. circa 1128
d. 1192
Gunther I. Graf von Schwarzburg & Kafernburg13
b. circa 1135
d. after 1 January 1197
Kuniza v. Giech13
d. after 13 April 1142
Adelheid o. Hungary12
b. between 1105 and 1107
d. 15 September 1140
Bela II 'the Blind', King of Hungary12
b. 1108
d. 13 February 1141
Anna S. o. Kiev11
d. after 1136
Yaroslav I. Duke of Vladimir-Volynsk11
b. circa 1071
d. May 1123
Pribislava o. Vladimir12
d. circa 1156
Margareta o. Pomerania13
d. after 1162
Yurij Y. Duke of Turov12
b. circa 1110
d. after 1166
Zbyslava (Shileva) of Kiev11
b. circa 1087
d. 1113
Adelheid o. Poland12
d. before February 1132
Walter I. Count of Amiens, Valois, Vexin7
b. circa 925
d. between 992 and 998
Ade d' Amiens11
b. circa 1035
d. 1076
Cl�mence d. Ponthieu12
b. circa 1065
d. 1115
A�lise d. Boves12
b. circa 1020
d. 1073
Esther d. Roye13
b. circa 1040
d. 1091
H�l�ne d. Roye13
b. circa 1050
d. 1109
Gis�le d. Boves13
b. circa 1074
d. 1127
Robert I. d. Ewyas, Lord Ewyas Harold12
b. circa 1088
d. after 1147
Ralph d. Guarder, Earl Norfolk11
b. circa 1042
d. 1097
Amicia d. Waer13
d. after 31 August 1168
Thibault I. d. Crespy10
d. after 1070
Hawise o. Valois10
b. circa 1032
d. after 1086
Sprotte d. Valois9
b. circa 990
Sprotte d. Grantmesnil11
b. circa 1012
Mahaut d' Argouges12
b. circa 1033
Waleran I. Count of Meulan10
b. circa 990
d. 8 December 1069
Adeline d. Meulan11
b. circa 1014
d. 8 April 1081
Sir Gasce V. d. Poissy, Seigneur de Poissy12
b. circa 1150
d. 14 August 1191
Judith d. Cambrai6
b. circa 922
d. 983
Amaury I. d. Landas7
b. circa 955
d. after 985
Eldegarde o. A.5
d. between 12 November 990 and 991
Walter I. Count of Amiens, Valois, Vexin6
b. circa 925
d. between 992 and 998
Judith o. Friuli4
d. after 902
Hermann v. Bliesgau6
d. after 924
Dietrich v. Drenthe8
b. circa 929
d. 7 September 984
Adalbold v. Drenthe9
d. after 21 July 1026
Hendrik I. v. Cuijck12
b. circa 1070
d. between 1 January 1108 and 9 August 1108
Adele v. Betawe11
b. circa 1045
d. after 1086
Adalbero o. Louvain12
d. 1 January 1128
Ida o. Louvain12
b. circa 1065
d. April 1139
Heinrich I. Count of Louvain12
b. before 1078
d. 5 February 1095
Richenza v. Bonngau9
d. after 1049
Burkhart I. Duke of Swabia6
b. circa 885
d. 29 April 926
Bertha o. Swabia7
b. 907
d. 2 January 966
Rodolfe, Duke of Burgundy8
d. circa 26 January 961
Conrad I 'the Peaceful', King of Burgundy8
b. circa 925
d. 19 October 993
Konrad o. Burgundy9
d. after 966
Matilda o. Burgundy9
d. after 980
Gisela o. Burgundy9
d. 27 July 1007
Gisela o. Bavaria10
b. circa 985
d. 7 May 1065
Bertha o. Burgundy9
d. after 16 January 1010
Gerberge o. Burgundy9
b. between 965 and 966
d. 7 July 1018
Adelaide o. Burgundy8
b. 931
d. 16 December 999
Emma o. Italy9
d. 12 Oct aft 989
Louis V. King of France10
b. 967
d. 21 May 987
Othilde (Ulfhilde) of Saxony11
d. 18 November abt 1092
Florent I. Count of Holland12
b. circa 1084
d. 2 March 1122
Mathilde o. Saxony10
b. 978
d. 4 December 1025
Heylwig o. Lorraine11
d. circa 21 September 1076
Theophanu o. Lorraine11
d. 5 March 1056
Mathilde o. Lorraine11
d. between 1051 and 1057
Ida o. Lorraine11
d. 7 April 1060 or 8 April 1060
Sophia o. Lorraine11
d. between 1045 and 1058
Adelheid o. Lorraine11
d. before 20 June 1011
Hermann o. Lorraine11
d. 11 February 1056
Richenza o. Lorraine11
b. circa 992
d. 21 March 1063
Otto I. Holy Roman Emperor, King of Germany10
b. July 980
d. 21 January 1002
Regilinda v. Z�richgau6
b. circa 885
d. after 29 April 958
Ida o. Swabia7
d. 17 May 986
(Miss) von Oehningen9
d. 14 August 1014
Itha v. Oeningen9
d. circa 16 October 1020
Kunizza v. Ohningen9
d. 6 March 1020
Jutta v. Ohningen9
d. after 1032
Bertha o. Swabia7
b. 907
d. 2 January 966
Eberhard 'the Saint' von Nellenburg11
d. between 1076 and 1079
Dietrich v. Nellenburg13
d. after 1108
Rudolf v. Habsburg9
d. 29 January 1063
Otto I. Graf in Alsace10
d. between 1045 and 1055
Werner I. Count von Hapsburg10
d. 11 November 1096
Richenza v. Habsburg10
d. after 27 May 1106
Gebhard v. Z�hringen11
d. 12 November 1110
Luitgard v. Z�hringen11
d. circa 18 March 1119
Berthold I. Duke of Swabia & Z�hringen11
b. circa 1050
d. 12 April 1111
Landolt, Sheriff of Reichenau9
d. between 1005 and 1006
Bezzelin v. Villingen, Count in Ortengau10
b. circa 970
d. 15 July 1024
Eberhard I. Count in Thurgau9
b. between 960 and 970
d. circa 8 February 1041
Eberhard V. Count Nellenberg & Zurichgau10
b. circa 1010
d. 26 March 1075
Mechtild v. Morsberg13
d. between 12 March 1152 and 1180
Ingeltrude o. Fruili4
b. 838
d. 2 April 870
Hedwig o. Germany5
d. 24 December 903
Oda o. Saxony6
d. after 2 July 952
Wigfried v. Metzgau7
d. 9 July 953
Gerberge o. Lorraine8
d. circa 995
Uda v. Metz7
d. after 9 April 963
Heinrich, Count of Arlon8
d. after 6 October 963
Godefroy 'the Old', Count of Verdun, Bidgau, and Ardennes8
b. between 930 and 935
d. after 3 September 997
Poppo V. Count von Henneberg & Grabfeld11
b. circa 1025
d. 7 August 1098
Poppo I. v. Wasungen12
d. 20 August 1118 or 21 August 1118
Gottwald I. Count of Henneberg12
b. circa 1065
d. 1143
Liudolf, Graf & Duke of Swabia8
b. 930
d. 6 September 957
Luitgardis o. Saxony8
b. circa 931
d. 18 November 953
Otto (Otho) II, Duke of Franconia, Carinthia9
b. between 947 and 948
d. 4 November 1004
Gerberga o. Saxony7
b. 913 or 914
d. 5 May 984
Hedwig o. Namur10
d. between 28 January 1075 and 1080
Luitgard o. Namur10
b. after 990
Albert I. Count of Namur, Vogt von Andenne10
b. circa 1000
d. between July 1063 and July 1064
Albreda o. France8
b. circa 929
d. 15 March 973
Gerberge d. Roucy10
b. circa 972
d. 1019
Fromend I. d. Sens11
b. circa 1008
d. 1067
B�atrix d. Sens12
b. circa 1040
d. 1088
Gislebert, Count Rheims, Roucy, Lord Marle9
b. circa 956
d. between 19 April 991 and 1000
Ermentrude d. Grandpre11
d. after 1064
Robert d. Grandpre13
d. after 1189
Alix d. Grandpre13
d. after 1124
Henri I. Comte de Grandpre13
d. between 1188 and 1190
Manasses I. o. Rethel12
d. after 1095
Hodierne d. Rethel13
d. after 1126
Maud d. Rethel13
d. after 1151
Adela d. Marle11
d. after 1095
Gis�le d. Boves12
b. circa 1074
d. 1127
Ebles I. Comte de Roucy & Reims10
b. circa 988
d. 11 May 1033
Havide (Avise) de Roucy11
d. after 1070
Adele d. Roucy11
d. 1062
Jeanne d. Roucy11
b. circa 1017
d. 1059
Arthur d. Roucy, Seigneur de Roucy11
b. circa 1032
d. 1086
Ermentrude d. Roucy9
b. 958
d. 3 March 1005
Aubri-Geoffrey I. Count of Gatinais11
b. circa 1000
d. 11 April 1046
Geoffrey III 'the Bearded', 6th Count of Anjou12
b. circa 1040
d. 1096 or 1097
Fulk IV 'the Rich', 7th Count of Anjou12
b. 1043
d. 14 April 1109
Guy I. Comte de Macon10
b. circa 975
d. circa 1004
Matilda o. Burgundy10
b. 975
d. 13 November 1005
Gerberge o. Burgundy10
b. circa 985
d. circa 1023
Reginald I. Count of Burgundy & Macon10
b. circa 990
d. 3 September 1057
Agnes o. Burgundy10
b. circa 995
d. 10 November 1068
Heinrich o. Hainault8
b. circa 932
d. between 943 and 944
Haduid o. Hainault8
b. circa 934
d. after 934
Gerberga o. Lorraine8
b. circa 936
d. before 7 September 978
Heribert I. Count of Vermandois9
b. circa 955
d. 29 August 1002
Lothair, King of France8
b. 941
d. 2 March 986
Matilda o. France8
b. 943
d. 26 January 982 or 27 January 982
Henry I. Duke of Lorraine & Bavaria7
b. between December 919 and 22 April 922
d. 1 December 955
Gisela o. Bavaria9
b. circa 985
d. 7 May 1065
Hedwiga o. Germany7
b. circa 922
d. after 1 September 958
Beatrice o. France8
b. between 939 and 940
d. circa 23 September 1005
Hugh C. King of France, Count of Paris, Poitou, & Orleans8
b. circa December 941
d. 24 October 996
Emma o. Burgundy8
b. circa 943
d. 19 March 968
Henri I. Duke of Lower Burgundy8
b. circa 946
d. 15 October 1002
Gisela o. Friuli5
b. between 880 and 890
d. 13 June 910
Unrock I. Count of Friuli4
b. circa 842
d. circa 874
Eberhard, Count of Sulichgau5
b. circa 865
d. 898
Heinrich o. Bavaria7
d. after 954
Ludwig o. Bavaria7
d. after 974
Hermann o. Bavaria7
d. after 954
Arnulf, Pfalzgraf of Bavaria7
b. circa 913
d. 22 July 954
Berthold I. Markgraf von Volkfeld7
b. 915
d. 15 January 980
Burchard v. Nordgau8
d. after 1003
Eilika v. Schweinfurt9
b. circa 1000
d. 1 February 1056
Judith v. Schweinfurt9
b. circa 1010
d. 2 August 1058
Leopold I. Markgraf of Austria7
b. 923
d. 10 July 994
Ernest I. Duke of Swabia8
b. 970
d. 31 May 1015
Ernest I. Duke of Swabia9
d. 17 August 1030
Leopold, Markgraf of Austria9
d. 9 December 1043
Adalbert I. Graf von Bogen11
d. 13 January 1146
Luitgard v. Bogen11
b. circa 1075
d. after 1112
Justizia o. Austria10
d. 30 January
Adelaide v. Wolfratshausen11
b. circa 1084
d. 11 January 1126
Leopold I. Duke of Austria10
b. 1056
d. 12 October 1095
Euphemia o. Austria11
d. circa 16 May 1130
Sophie o. Austria11
d. 2 May 1154
Helmburgis v. Schala12
d. after 1155
Hedwig v. Formbach12
d. 9 February 1170
Adelheid v. Wasserburg13
d. after 1169
Richgard v. Wasserburg13
d. after 1169
Kunigunde v. Wasserburg13
d. circa 4 September 1168
Elizabeth o. Austria11
d. between 10 October 1107 and 1111
Wilibirg v. Steiermark12
d. 18 January 1145
Leopold III "the Saint", Margrave of Austria11
b. circa 1075
d. 15 November 1136
Adalbert, Markgraf of Austria12
b. circa 13 February 1105
d. 9 November 1137
Heinrich 'the Old', Duke of M�dling13
d. between August 1223 and September 1223
Richardis o. Austria13
b. 1143
d. 24 February 1200
Agnes o. Austria13
b. 1154
d. 13 January 1182
Leopold I. Duke of Bavaria, Markgraf of Austria12
b. circa 1109
d. 18 October 1141
Bertha o. Austria12
b. circa 1111
d. circa 9 April 1150
Adelheid v. Regensburg13
d. after 1190
Otto o. Austria12
b. 1112
d. 22 September 1158
Agnes o. Austria12
b. circa 1113
d. circa 25 January 1160
Boleslaus "the Tall" I, Duke of Silesia13
b. circa 1127
d. 7 December 1201
Richilde o. Poland13
b. between 1130 and 1140
d. 16 June 1185
Ernst o. Austria12
b. circa 1114
d. after 1137
Konrad o. Austria12
b. 1116
d. 28 September 1168
Elisabeth o. Austria12
b. circa 1119
d. 20 May 1143
Judith o. Austria12
b. circa 1121
d. after 1178
William V. Count of Jaffa & Ascalon, Regent of Jerusalem13
d. between June 1177 and December 1177
Beatrice d. Montferrat13
b. circa 1142
d. 1228
Alice d. Montferrat13
b. circa 1160
Conrad, Marquis of Montferrat, Prince of Tyre13
b. circa 1166
d. 28 April 1192
Gertrude o. Austria12
b. circa 1123
d. 4 August 1150
Agnes o. Bohemia13
d. 7 June 1228
Swatopluk o. Bohemia13
d. after 15 October 1169
(Miss) of Bavaria7
b. circa 925
Heinrich o. Austria8
d. 13 July 982
Judith o. Bavaria7
b. 925
d. 29 July 987
Landr�e d. Paris2
b. circa 816
(Miss ) de Lassois6
b. circa 903
Ervise d. Wo�vre10
b. circa 995
Ermengaud d. Nevers12
d. between 14 October 1090 and 1098
Renaud I. Count of Nevers, Auxerre12
b. circa 1046
d. 5 August 1089
Sibylle (Yolande) de Nevers12
b. circa 1058
d. 1078
Hugh Talbot de Lacy8
b. circa 1078
d. 1120
Sibyl Talbot9
d. after 10 July 1137
Agnes FitzJohn10
b. circa 1125
d. between 29 September 1190 and 29 September 1191
Cicily FitzJohn10
b. circa 1128
d. 1207
Gilbert d. Lacey9
b. circa 1104
d. 1163
Gilbert d. Lacey11
b. circa 1168
Robert d. Lacey11
b. circa 1170
Ellen d. Lacey11
b. circa 1172
Petronilla d. Lacy12
d. after 9 March 1290
Constance d. Tony13
d. before 11 August 1289
Roger V. d. Tony, Lord Flamstead, Bliston, Helston, Carnanton13
b. circa 29 September 1235
d. circa 12 May 1264
Katherine d. Lacey, Prioress of Aconbury12
b. circa 1200
d. after 1267
Egidia d. Lacy12
b. circa 1200
d. after 22 February 1247
Margery d. Burgh13
d. after 1 March 1253
William d. Burgh13
b. circa 1230
d. 1270
Gilbert d. Lacy12
b. circa 1200
d. circa 25 December 1230
Walter d. Lacy13
b. circa 1228
d. between 15 May 1238 and 1241
Maud d. Lacy13
b. circa 1230
d. 11 April 1304
Rohese d. Lacey12
b. circa 1204
d. after 1245
Alice d. Lacey11
b. circa 1174
Hugh d. Lacy, 1st Earl of Ulster11
b. circa 1176
d. circa 26 December 1242
(Miss) de Lacy12
b. circa 1200
(Miss) de Lacy11
b. circa 1177
John FitzAlan, Baron Clun, Oswestry12
b. circa 1200
d. circa 15 March 1240
Sir John FitzAlan, Chief Butler of England13
b. May 1223
d. circa 10 November 1267
William d. Lacey11
b. circa 1178
(Miss) de Lacey11
b. circa 1180
William I. d. Lacey11
b. circa 1181
Thomas d. Lacey11
b. circa 1183
Henry d. Lacey11
b. circa 1185
Robert d. Lacy10
b. circa 1130
Alaric d. Lacy, Lord Cressage10
b. circa 1132
d. 1181
Gilbert d. Lacy11
b. circa 1164
d. 1233
Gilbert d. Lacy12
b. circa 1196
d. 1249
Adam d. Lacy13
b. circa 1247
d. after 1297
Donat I. d. Maine, Comte de Melun2
b. circa 810
d. before 860
Arnolph I. Count of Cleeves12
b. 1084
d. 20 July 1147
Dietrich I. Count of Kleve13
b. circa 1141
d. 1172
Adele v. Kleve7
b. circa 884
Ermentruda v. Avalgau10
d. circa 1020
Adelheid (Aleida) van Heusden13
b. 15 May 1060
d. 22 July 1138
Rotrude o. G.1
b. 773
d. 6 June 810
Richilde d. Mons2
d. after 2 February 843
Luitgarde o. Toulouse6
d. between 977 and 1001
William I. Taillefer, Count Toulouse6
b. circa 947
d. October 1037
Guillaumette d. Matha9
b. circa 1045
Payen d. Montbazon11
d. after 1116
Jean I. d. Montbazon12
d. after 1153
Renaud d. l. Haye, Seigneur de la Haye13
b. circa 1100
d. between 1159 and 1165
Ferry Chabot10
b. circa 1065
d. circa 1123
Antoinette Chabot11
b. circa 1085
d. before 1150
Actilde d. Matha8
b. circa 1032
d. after 1060
Guillaume d. Matha10
d. after 1136
Sir Ebles d. Chabannes12
b. circa 1188
d. after 1226
Robert d. Montberon11
b. circa 1120
d. after 1177
Robert I. d. Montberon, Seigneur de Montberon12
b. circa 1160
d. 22 September 1209
Ezi S. o. Gascony6
b. circa 925
Pierre d. Marsan, Vicomte de Marsan13
b. circa 1100
d. 7 September 1163
Gombaud o. Gascony, Bishop of Auch6
b. circa 930
d. before 983
Guillaume I. Duke of Gascony7
b. circa 955
d. after 1000
Pierre d. Gavarret, Vicomte de Gavarret10
b. circa 1040
d. 18 May 1097
Marie d. Gavarret13
b. circa 1142
d. 1186
Bernard d. Bouville13
b. circa 1150
d. before 1198
Stephanie d. Gavarret12
b. circa 1144
Comtesse d. Lomagne10
b. circa 992
Pierre d. Gavarret, Vicomte de Gavarret10
b. circa 1040
d. 18 May 1097
Angela d' Oloron9
b. circa 1000
Th�cle d. B�arn11
b. circa 1050
Guillaume d. Maul�on13
b. circa 1100
Auger I. d. Tursan12
b. circa 1070
d. circa 1120
Mathilde d. Miramont13
b. circa 1100
d. circa 1150
Sanche A. d. Tursan7
b. circa 955
Atil S. d. Tursan8
b. circa 980
Sanche A. d. Tursan9
b. circa 1000
Auger I. d. Tursan10
b. circa 1020
Auger I. d. Tursan11
b. circa 1045
d. circa 1095
Auger I. d. Tursan12
b. circa 1070
d. circa 1120
Bernardo o. Fezensac10
d. after 1094
Adalmur d. Fezensac12
b. 1090
d. 1160
d. after 965
Aba o. Ribagorza7
d. after 995
Toda G. o. Castile8
d. after 1031
Nuno A. d. Lara11
d. after 1062
Sancho G. Count of Castile, Alava8
b. circa 965
d. 7 February 1017
Sancha S. o. Castile9
d. 26 June 1026
Nuna o. Castile9
b. 995
d. after 13 July 1066
Monio O. d. Cabrera13
b. circa 1110
Munio F.11
b. circa 1030
Sancha G. d. Sousa13
b. circa 1034
Alphonso V. King of Castile & Leon11
b. June 1040
d. 20 June 1109
Elvira A. o. Castile12
d. after 1151
Sancha o. Castile12
d. after 1122
Elvira o. Castile12
d. 6 February 1135
Adelaide o. Sicily13
b. circa 1128
d. after 1187
Roger d. Hauteville, Duke of Apulia13
b. circa 25 December 1130
d. 12 May 1148
Tancred d' Hauteville, King of Sicily13
b. circa 1145
d. 20 February 1194
Teresa o. Leon12
b. circa 1080
d. 1 November 1130
Urraca H. o. Portugal13
b. circa 1096
d. after 1130
Sancha H. o. Portugal13
b. circa 1098
d. 1129
Teresa H. o. Portugal13
b. circa 1102
Alfonso I. E. 1st King of Portugal, Count of Portugal13
b. 25 July 1110
d. 6 December 1185
Teresa F. d. Trava13
b. circa 1125
d. circa 1180
Urraca o. Castile12
b. 1082
d. 8 March 1126
Garcia I. King of Navarre10
b. circa 1020
d. 1 September 1054
Sancho, Prince of Navarre11
d. before December 1073
Ramiro I. Lord Urroz, Moncon12
b. circa 1070
d. between January 1116 and February 1116
Garcia V. o. I. R. King of Navarre13
b. after 1110
d. 21 November 1150
Ramiro I. Count Moncon, Lord Callehora11
b. circa 1037
d. between 1083 and 1084
Jimena S. o. Castile9
b. 1012
d. after 1063
Elvira G.8
b. circa 970
d. December 1017
Teresa B. o. Leon9
b. circa 992
d. 25 April 1039
Alphonso V. King of Leon9
b. between 994 and 995
d. 7 August 1028
Ximena A. d. Leon10
d. after 1039
Urraca o. Castile13
b. after 1126
d. 12 October 1189
Alvaro R. d. Asturias12
d. after 1090
Fernan D. d. Sandoval13
d. after 1127
Jimena Diaz12
b. circa 1054
d. 1115
Bermudo I. King of Leon10
b. 1010
d. September 1028
Sancha o. Leon10
b. 1013
d. 13 December 1067
Alphonso V. King of Castile & Leon11
b. June 1040
d. 20 June 1109
Jeanne d' Armagnac8
b. circa 1020
Sibylle d' Armagnac7
b. circa 965
Garcie-Arnaud d. Dax, Vicomte de Dax9
b. circa 1010
d. circa 1062
Gersinde o. Bigorre9
d. after 1038
Pedro d. Foix12
d. after 1127
Ramon R. d. Foix12
d. after 1127
Roger I. Comte de Foix12
d. between 1147 and 1148
Constance d. Foix12
b. circa 1081
Roger I. Comte de Foix10
d. circa 1064
Ermensinde o. Longuy11
d. after 1058
Stephanie d. Longwy11
d. 30 June 1109
Teresa o. Aragon11
b. circa 1037
Sancho-Ramirez, King of Aragon and Navarre11
b. between 1042 and 1043
d. 4 June 1094
Fernando S. o. Aragon12
b. circa 1065
Peter I. King of Aragon & Navarre12
b. 1069
d. 27 September 1104
Alfonso I. King of Navarre & Aragon12
b. 1073
d. 7 September 1134
Ramirez I. King of Aragon & Navarre12
b. 1075
d. 16 August 1147
Beatrix d. Bigorre11
d. after 14 October 1095
Centulle I. d. Bigorre12
b. circa 1080
d. circa 1130
Isabel d. Urgel12
d. 20 December 1071
Armengol I. Count of Urgel12
b. circa 1056
d. 28 March 1092
Stephanie d. Foix10
d. after 1066
Sancho, Prince of Navarre11
d. before December 1073
Ramiro I. Count Moncon, Lord Callehora11
b. circa 1037
d. between 1083 and 1084
Sanche-Garcie d' Aure10
d. after 1128
Bertrande d' Aure13
d. after 1180
Bernard I d' Astarac, Comte d'Astarac10
b. circa 1085
d. before 1140
B�atrix d' Astarac12
b. circa 1155
Guillaume d. Montlezun, Comte de Pardiac10
b. circa 1080
d. after 1142
Bohemond d. Montlezun11
b. circa 1115
d. 1182
Bernard I. d. Montlezun, Comte de Pardiac12
b. circa 1135
d. after March 1182
Oger I. d. Montlezun, Comte de Pardiac13
b. circa 1160
d. after 1200
Mathe d. Montlezun11
b. circa 1130
Siguis d. Lomagne13
b. circa 1190
d. after 1249
(Miss) de la Barthe11
b. circa 1105
Wifredo I. Comte de Besalu8
d. November 957 or December 957
Aba o. Ribagorza8
d. after 995
Sancia d. Perigord5
d. before 4 April 930
Bernard I. 3rd Count de la Marche, Count of Perigord7
b. circa 986
d. before 16 July 1047
Lucia d. l. Marche8
d. after 1090
Sancha R. d. Lara12
b. circa 1160
Toda P. Azagra12
d. 16 January 1216
Armengol V. Count of Urgel9
b. 1078 or 1079
d. 28 March 1102
Sir Henri d. Quartrebarbes11
b. circa 1105
d. 1150
Agnes d. Poitou10
b. 1052
d. 6 June 1078
Almodis d. l. Marche9
b. circa 1070
d. between 1117 and 1129
Avise d. Lancaster10
d. after 1149
Margaret Peverell11
b. circa 1114
William d. Ferrers, 3rd Earl Derby12
b. circa 1136
d. between 1 January 1190 and 21 October 1190
Ponce d. Montgomerie10
b. circa 1109
William I. Taillefer, Count Angouleme11
b. circa 1134
d. 7 August 1178
Wulgrin I. Comte d'Angouleme12
d. before 29 June 1181
Mathilde o. Angouleme13
d. after 29 August 1233
Adelmodis d' Angouleme12
d. after 1191
Amanieu V. Sire d'Albret13
d. September 1240
Pincelie d' Albret13
d. after 1249
Bernard I. d. Brosse, Vicomte de Brosse13
b. circa 1184
d. after 1221
Rosine d' Albret13
b. circa 1200
Aimar I. Taillefer, Count of Angoul�me12
b. between 1157 and 1165
d. 16 June 1202
Isabella 'of Angouleme' Taillefer13
b. 1188
d. 4 June 1246
Isabel d. Nimes10
d. 29 June 1050
Almodis d. l. Marche8
b. circa 1020
d. 16 October 1071
Sancha . o. Barcelona9
d. after 1079
Melisende d. Lusignan9
d. after 1070
Lezin Chabot10
b. circa 1015
Ithier Chabot11
b. circa 1037
d. after 1080
Ferry Chabot12
b. circa 1065
d. circa 1123
Almode d. Toulouse9
d. after 1132
Rorgon d. Lusignan10
d. after 1106
Simon I. d. Lezay, Seigneur de Lezay12
b. circa 1160
d. after 1219
Hugues d. Lezay, Seigneur des Marais13
b. circa 1195
d. circa 1263
Simon d. Lezay, Seigneur de Lezay13
b. circa 1200
d. after 1253
Hugues d. Lusignan12
b. circa 1136
d. 11 April 1169
Bourgogne d. Lusignan13
d. after 1205
Helvis d. Lusignan13
d. between 7 February 1216 and March 1219
Hugh I. d. Lusignan, King of Cyprus13
b. circa 1194
d. 10 January 1218
Sibylle d. Lusignan13
b. between 1199 and 1200
d. after 1225
Melisinda d. Lusignan13
b. after 1201
d. after 1249
Alix d. Thouars13
b. 1201
d. 21 October 1221
Catherine d. Thouars13
b. circa 1 September 1201
d. between 1237 and 1240
Alix (Haelise) de Thouars13
b. circa 1176
d. after 1242
Aumur d. Thouars13
b. circa 1178
Geoffroi d. Thouars13
b. circa 1215
d. circa 1245
Philippa d. Thouars12
b. circa 1151
d. after 1208
Raimond I. Berenger9
b. circa 1057
d. 6 December 1082
Alpais d. Salignac9
d. after 1069
Boson I. d. Perigord, Comte de Perigord7
b. circa 1000
d. after 1072
Bernard I. Vicomte de Comborn12
d. after August 1256
Sir H�lie d. Comborn, Seigneur de Chamberet13
b. circa 1230
d. 27 July 1270
Renaud V. Vicomte d'Aubusson12
d. 21 October 1250
Claire d. Comborn11
b. circa 1155
Pierre d. l. Porcherie12
b. circa 1180
d. after 1221
Bernard d. l. Porcherie13
b. circa 1210
d. circa 1278
Guillemette d. Bray�re11
b. 1155
d. after 2 May 1199
Hugues d. Clermont12
d. after 1222
Dauphine d. Clermont12
d. after 1199
Guillaume I. Comte de Clermont12
d. between 17 October 1239 and 19 November 1240
Robert I. Comte de Clermont13
d. 12 April 1262
Marguerite d. Turenne13
d. after 1256
Dauphine d. Turenne13
d. 6 June 1270
Bernard I. Sire de la Tour13
d. 29 December 1253
Sir Geoffroi V. Sire de Pons12
d. between 28 April 1258 and April 1260
Marguerite d. Pons13
b. after 1220
d. after 1306
Mandise d. Pons13
b. circa 1230
Helie V. d. Perigord, Comte de Perigord12
b. circa 1202
d. between 1 January 1251 and 31 July 1251
Marguerite d. Perigord13
b. circa 1223
d. after 1274
Almodis d. P�rigord13
b. circa 1228
Almodis d. Perigord11
b. circa 1185
Bernard d. C�naret12
b. circa 1220
(Miss) de Beynac13
b. circa 1189
Ave d' Angouleme7
d. after 1019
Agnes d. Comborn10
d. after 1088
Geoffroy d. Comborn10
d. after 1073
Archambaud I. Vicomte de Comborn10
d. circa March 1086
L�ger I. d. Tonnay11
d. after 1067
Helie I. d. Cognac, Seigneur de Cognac10
b. circa 1020
d. circa 1070
Helie I. d. Cognac, Seigneur de Chambarot11
b. circa 1057
d. circa 1094
Bardon I. d. Cognac, Seigneur de Cognac12
b. circa 1085
d. circa 1131
Ithier I. d. Cognac, Seigneur de Cognac13
b. circa 1115
d. circa 1148
William I. Taillefer, Count Angouleme7
b. circa 978
d. 6 April 1028
Rotrudis d. Maine2
b. circa 805
d. circa 860
St. Adeltrude d. Cahors3
b. circa 830
d. circa 879
Geraud d' Aurillac, Comte d'Aurillac4
b. circa 856
d. circa 909
Marguerite d. Tournemire13
b. circa 1240
d. after 1273
Pierre I. Co-Seigneur de Malemort13
b. circa 1194
d. 1246
Marguerite d. Malemort13
b. circa 1195
Gui I. d. Lastours12
d. after 1167
Ithier d. Born13
d. after 1232
Aymeline d. Born12
b. circa 1181
Gerard d. Lastours13
b. circa 1200
Geraud d. Lastours10
b. circa 1085
d. 1116
S�guin d. Lastours11
b. circa 1110
S�guin d. Lastours12
b. circa 1150
Gerard d. Lastours13
b. circa 1200
(Miss) de Lastours10
b. circa 1105
Bertrand 'the Troubadour' de Born11
b. circa 1140
d. circa 1220
Aymeline d. Born12
b. circa 1181
Pierre d. Malemort7
b. circa 1035
d. 1086
Guy d. Malemort, Seigneur de Malemort8
b. circa 1058
d. after 1094
Pepin I. King of Italy1
b. April 773
d. 8 July 810
Adelaide d. Reillane11
d. after 1032
Alfant d' Agoult, Bishop of Apt12
d. 23 September 1076
Raoul d' Agoult12
d. after 1047
Constance d' Agoult12
d. after 1032
Inauris d' Agoult12
d. after 1078
Rixende d' Agoult13
d. after 1113
Bertrand d' Agoult13
d. after 1109
Raimond d. Sault13
d. after 1108
Humbert d' Agoult13
d. after 1096
Laugier d' Agoult, Bishop of Apt13
d. between 1125 and 1130
Rostang d' Agoult13
d. after 1055
William d' Agoult13
d. after 1060
Rothilde o. Spoleto4
d. after 27 May 884
Guillaume I. d. Sanseverino13
b. circa 1142
d. after 1188
Gaitelgrima o. Salerno11
b. circa 1030
d. after 1091
Landolfo d. Salerno11
b. circa 1039
Sikilgaita o. Salerno11
b. 1040
d. 27 July 1090
Sybille d. Hauteville12
d. after 1090
Ermengarde d. Roucy13
d. after 1157
Matilda Guiscard12
b. circa 1059
d. 19 September 1108
Raimond I. Berenger, Count of Barcelona13
b. 11 November 1082
d. 19 August 1131
Aimeri I. Vicomte de Narbonne13
b. 1083
d. 17 July 1134
Roger, Duke of Apulia & Calabria12
b. circa 1061
d. 22 February 1111
Adalbert I. Marquis of Tuscany7
b. after 900
d. between 950 and 960
Bertha o. Italy10
d. 29 December 1037
Ermengarde o. Turin11
d. between 1 January 1078 and 29 April 1078
Alberada (Bertha) von Schweinfurt12
d. after 11 January 1103
Gisela v. Schweinfurt12
d. 2 February 1100
Gertrude v. Braunschweig12
b. circa 1065
d. 9 December 1117
Berta o. Turino11
d. after 1065
Adelaide d. Savona13
d. 16 April 1118
Bonifacio I. Marchese di Western Liguria12
b. 1060
d. between 1134 and 1135
Sibel d. Vasto13
d. before 1146
Anselmo, Marquis di Ceva13
b. circa 1126
Adelaide d. Montferrat11
b. circa 1015
d. 27 December 1091
Agnes d. Rheinfelden13
d. 19 December 1111
Bertha v. Rheinfelden13
d. after 20 January 1128
Guigo V. Count Albon, Grenoble13
b. between 1050 and 1060
d. 21 December 1125
Adelais d' Albon13
b. circa 1060
Hermann I. Count of Castile12
d. 27 January 1056
Agnes o. Savoy13
d. after 1110
Alicia d. M.13
d. 1111
Vierne d. Savoy13
d. after 1121
Auxilia o. Savoy13
d. after 1094
Bertha o. Maurienne12
b. 21 September 1051
d. 27 December 1087
Adelheid o. Germany13
b. 1070
d. before 4 April 1079
Heinrich o. Germany13
b. 1 August 1071
d. 2 August 1071
Agnes o. Germany13
b. between July 1072 and March 1073
d. 24 September 1143
Konrad, Duke of Lower Lorraine13
b. 12 February 1074
d. 27 July 1101
Heinrich V. Holy Roman Emperor13
b. 8 January 1081
d. 23 May 1125
Guelphus I. Duke of All Bavaria12
b. 1037
d. 8 November 1101
Ermengarde o. Tuscany6
b. circa 901
d. after 29 February 932
Gui I. Count of Camerino4
d. between 12 December 894 and 30 December 894
Lisois (Juvenus) de Craon4
b. circa 860
d. after 916
Guerin d. Craon8
d. after 1053
Bertha d. Craon9
d. after 1076
Ennoguende d. Vitre10
d. after 28 January 1078
Bouchard I. d. Craon9
b. circa 1035
d. after 1106
Petronille d. Craon10
b. circa 1059
d. after 1122
Philippe d. Pantin13
d. before 1209
Bernard, King of Italy2
b. circa 797
d. 17 April 818
Adela o. G.8
d. 1017
William, 2nd Duke of Normandy7
b. circa 900
d. 17 December 942
Richard I. 3rd Duke of Normandy8
b. 933
d. 20 November 996
Gilbert I. Crespin, Sire de Tillieres12
d. between 1107 and 1109
Hasinsa d. Courcy11
b. circa 1015
Robert Tesson, Baron de Grimbosq12
b. circa 1035
d. 14 October 1066
Erneis Tesson12
b. circa 1040
Matilda Tesson13
b. circa 1065
Robert d. Courcy11
b. circa 1020
Richard d. Courcy12
b. circa 1050
Chaldera d. Courcy13
b. circa 1090
Ralph d. Neville12
b. circa 1050
d. after 1086
Ralph d. Neville13
b. before 1079
d. circa 1120
Nele d. Mowbray13
d. circa 26 November 1129
N�el V. d. St. Sauveur12
b. circa 1065
d. before August 1092
Elise Crispin11
d. 1072
Robert Malet, Grand Chamberlain of England12
b. circa 1065
d. after 1107
Richard d. Clare, Lord of Clare11
b. between 1030 and 1035
d. circa 1090
Avoye (Avice) de Clare12
d. after 1112
Robert d. Giffard13
b. circa 1096
Robert FitzRichard, Steward to Kings Henry I & Stephen12
d. between 28 November 1137 and 31 December 1137
Maud d. Senlis13
b. circa 1125
d. after 1185
Rohaise d. Clare12
b. circa 1055
d. 1121
Margaret d. Rye13
b. circa 1075
Rohese d. Clare13
d. before 1166
Richard F. d. Clare, Lord of Clare13
b. circa 1090
d. 15 April 1136
Adeliza (Alice) de Clare13
b. circa 1092
d. circa 1163
Baldwin F. d. Clare13
b. circa 1104
d. after 1154
Adeliza (Alice) de Tunbridge13
b. circa 1108
d. after 1148
Margaret d. Clare13
b. circa 1115
d. circa 1189
Elise d. Brionne12
b. circa 1070
Beatrix o. Normandy9
d. 18 January 1035
Sybille d. Hauteville11
d. after 1090
Matilda Guiscard11
b. circa 1059
d. 19 September 1108
Roger, Duke of Apulia & Calabria11
b. circa 1061
d. 22 February 1111
Roger I. Count of Sicily and Apulia10
b. circa 1031
d. 22 June 1101
(Miss) of Hungary12
b. circa 1100
Ladislaus o. Hungary12
b. 1101
d. 1112
Stephan I. King of Hungary12
b. 1101
d. 1 March 1131
Adelisa o. Sicily11
d. after 1083
Mathilde o. Sicily11
b. 1062
d. after 10 April 1085
Condohe Vagena12
d. after 1087
William I. Taillefer, Count Angouleme13
b. circa 1070
d. 6 April 1118
Guiraude d' Angouleme13
b. circa 1110
Emma o. Sicily11
b. circa 1063
d. after 1119
Jordan, Count of Syracuse11
b. circa 1067
d. 12 September 1092
Simon, Count of Sicily11
b. 1093
d. 28 September 1105
Roger I. King of Sicily, Duke of Apulia11
b. 22 December 1095
d. 26 February 1154
Adelaide o. Sicily12
b. circa 1128
d. after 1187
Roger d. Hauteville, Duke of Apulia12
b. circa 25 December 1130
d. 12 May 1148
Tancred d' Hauteville, King of Sicily12
b. circa 1145
d. 20 February 1194
Constanza o. Sicily12
b. 26 February 1154
d. 27 November 1198
Godfrey d. Hauteville10
d. after 1057
Robert, Count d'Eu10
d. 8 September 1093
Condohe Vagena11
d. after 1087
Jean, Comte de Soissons11
d. circa 1117
Manasses o. Soissons11
d. 1 March 1109
Lithwisa o. Troyes11
d. after 1112
Agnes d' Eu11
b. circa 1074
d. 1124
Walter FitzPons12
b. before 1066
d. after 1086
Richard FitzPonce13
d. between 1127 and 1138
Hawise o. Normandy9
d. 21 February 1034
Alan I. o. I. Duke/Earl of Brittany10
b. circa 997
d. 1 October 1040
Eudes, Count of Brittany, Penthievre10
b. 999
d. 7 January 1079
Adelaide d. Corbeil13
d. after 1126
Richard I. 4th Duke of Normandy9
b. circa 958
d. 28 August 1026
Walter d. St. Valerie12
b. circa 1035
d. after 1097
Robert II 'the Devil', 6th Duke of Normandy, Comte de Hi�mois10
b. circa 1000
d. between 1 July 1035 and 3 July 1035
Richard I. 5th Duke of Normandy10
b. 1001
d. 6 August 1027
Alisia o. Normandy10
b. circa 1003
d. after 7 July 1037
Eleanora o. Normandy10
b. circa 1010
d. circa 1071
Adelisa o. Sicily12
d. after 1083
Mathilde o. Sicily12
b. 1062
d. after 10 April 1085
Emma o. Sicily12
b. circa 1063
d. after 1119
Jordan, Count of Syracuse12
b. circa 1067
d. 12 September 1092
Basilia d. Fleitel11
d. after 1093
Rohese Giffard12
d. after 1113
Avoye (Avice) de Clare13
d. after 1112
Robert FitzRichard, Steward to Kings Henry I & Stephen13
d. between 28 November 1137 and 31 December 1137
Rohaise d. Clare13
b. circa 1055
d. 1121
Elise d. Brionne13
b. circa 1070
Richard Giffard12
b. circa 1038
Adelice Giffard13
b. circa 1060
Osbern Giffard, Lord Brimsfield12
b. circa 1042
d. before 1096
Elias Giffard, Lord Brimsfield13
b. circa 1068
d. circa 1131
Adelaide Giffard12
b. circa 1050
Walter Giffard, 1st Earl Buckingham12
b. before 1066
d. 15 July 1102
Richard d' Evereux, Earl d'Evereux10
b. 986
d. 13 December 1067
Agnes Evereux11
b. circa 1030
Robert d. Devereux10
b. circa 1008
d. after 1066
Ala d' Evereux13
b. circa 1078
Matilda d' Evereux13
b. circa 1088
d. 1146
Robert d' Evreux12
b. circa 1066
Reginald Devereux13
b. circa 1092
d. before 1140
Walter d' Evreux13
b. circa 1120
(Miss) de Devereux12
b. circa 1068
Mabel d. Brampton13
b. circa 1090
Brian d. Brampton13
b. circa 1098
d. 1193
Roger Kinlet13
b. circa 1102
d. after 1193
Alixe o. Normandy9
b. circa 967
d. 1005
Mahaut d. Gamaches11
b. circa 1000
d. 1049
Marthe d' Ailly13
b. circa 1040
d. 1095
Berthilde d' Ailly12
b. circa 1027
B�atrix d' Ailly12
b. circa 1028
d. 1081
Isabeau d' Hornoy13
b. circa 1049
d. 1095
Blanche d' Hornoy13
b. circa 1053
d. 1105
Clothilde d' Ailly13
b. circa 1059
d. 1127
Gertrude d' Ailly13
b. circa 1068
d. 1119
Marthe d' Ailly13
b. circa 1071
d. 1138
Jeanne d' Ailly12
b. circa 1030
d. 1084
Hawise d. Beaumetz13
b. circa 1052
d. 1127
Mahaut d' Ailly12
b. circa 1033
d. 1091
Marie d. Gamaches13
b. circa 1078
d. 1132
Clothilde d. Gamaches13
b. circa 1096
d. 1151
H�l�ne d. Gamaches13
b. circa 1098
d. 1153
El�onore d. Gamaches12
b. circa 1057
d. 1109
Ermengarde d. Gamaches12
b. circa 1058
d. 1108
Jeanne d. Gamaches10
b. circa 987
d. 1076
Jeanne d. Nouvion11
b. circa 1008
d. 1079
Jeanne d. Rambures13
b. circa 1050
d. 1122
Cl�mence d. Rambures13
b. circa 1082
d. 1138
Louise d. Nouvion13
b. circa 1107
d. 1169
Emma o. Normandy9
b. circa 985
d. 6 March 1052
Alfred o. England10
d. 5 February 1037
Beatrix o. Germany11
b. 1037
d. 13 July 1061
Goda/Godgifu o. England10
b. circa 1003
d. before 1056
Edward 'the Confessor', King of England10
b. circa 1004
d. 5 January 1066
Hardicanute, King of England and Denmark10
b. circa 1018
d. 8 June 1042
Matilda o. Normandy8
b. circa 941
d. 990
Adela o. Normandy7
b. circa 920
d. circa 14 October 962
Guillaume d. Chabot10
d. between 1052 and 1059
Lezin Chabot11
b. circa 1015
Adelais (Adelaide) of Aquitaine8
b. 945
d. between 15 June 1003 and 15 June 1005
Hedwiga o. France9
b. circa 972
d. after 1013
Robert II 'the Pious', King of France9
b. 27 May 972
d. 20 July 1031
Adelaide o. France9
b. circa 993
d. 5 May 1063
Jeanne (Johanna) of Aquitaine8
b. circa 949
d. 1009
Gerberge d. Roucy9
b. circa 972
d. 1019
Pepin I. Count of Senlis5
b. circa 876
d. after 922
Bernard, Count of Senlis6
b. circa 918
d. 956
Robert I. d. Peronne7
d. after 1028
Raoul I. d. Nesle12
d. after 1125
Alixe d. Nesle12
b. circa 1070
d. 1122
Adele o. Senlis7
d. after 1006
Sprotte d. Valois8
b. circa 990
(Miss) de Vermandois5
d. after 943
Beatrice o. Vermandois5
d. after March 931
Berthe o. Germany1
b. 776
d. 14 January 823
Manasses, Count of Dammartin7
d. 15 November 1037
Eustachie d. Dammartin8
d. between 1050 and 1061
Eudes, Comte de Dammartin8
b. circa 1030
d. 1067
Hugh I. Count of Dammartin8
b. circa 1035
d. 1103
Giselberthe d. Ponthieu8
b. circa 938
d. 998
Marie d. Bernaville11
b. circa 1007
Jean d. Pernois, Sire de Pernois13
b. circa 1050
d. 1112
Jeanne d. Pernois12
b. circa 1039
d. 1094
Blanche d. Domart13
b. circa 1064
d. 1117
Jeanne d. Bernaville12
b. circa 1055
d. 1108
Gr�goire I. d. Naours13
b. circa 1081
d. 1129
Philippe I. d. Bernaville12
b. circa 1059
d. 1115
Gr�goire I. d. Bernaville13
b. circa 1087
d. 1143
H�l�ne d. Domart11
b. circa 1018
d. 1049
Anne d. Beaumetz13
b. circa 1060
d. 1134
Clothilde d. Beaumetz13
b. circa 1075
d. 1137
Blandine d. Beaumetz13
b. circa 1076
d. 1134
Blanche d. Domart12
b. circa 1064
d. 1117
Havoise d. Domart10
b. circa 1004
d. 1059
Marguerite d. Belloy11
b. circa 1026
d. 1084
Blanche d. Belloy13
b. circa 1098
d. 1151
Louise d' Havernas11
b. circa 1036
d. 1083
Jeanne d. Bernaville12
b. circa 1055
d. 1108
Philippe I. d. Bernaville12
b. circa 1059
d. 1115
Rodolphe d. Haveskerke10
b. circa 1015
d. circa 1047
Theodoric d. Haveskerke10
b. circa 1020
d. 1078
Ermentrude d. Romerupt9
d. after 1102
Hugues d. Roucy9
d. after 1060
Felice o. Roucy9
d. 3 May 1123
Beatrice d. Roucy9
d. after 1129
Adela d. Romeru9
d. between 1068 and 1069
Marguerite d. Montdidier9
b. circa 1035
d. before 1103
Adelaide d. Crecy8
d. after 12 October 1104
Agathe d. Pierrefonds10
d. after 1192
Adelaide d. Corbeil9
d. after 1126
Luciane d. Montlhery9
d. after 1137
Guy I. Comte de Lyon & Forez11
d. 6 December 1206
Guy I. Comte de Forez12
d. 28 November 1204
Alix G. d. Forez13
d. after 1239
Marquise d. Forez13
d. between 1237 and 1239
Eleonore I. d. Forez13
d. before 3 February 1225
Clemence d. Forez12
b. circa 1170
d. circa 1217
B�atrix d. Jarez13
b. circa 1185
Humbert I. Baron of Beaujeu10
b. circa 1120
d. 1174
Bernard I. Vicomte de Comborn13
d. after August 1256
Alix d. Beaujeu12
d. circa 17 December 1219
Marguerite d. Beaujeu13
d. after 1216
Agnes d. Beaujeu13
d. 11 July 1231
Sybille d. Beaujeu13
b. before 1216
d. 1265
Arsion d. Nemours10
d. after 1118
Agnes d. Nemours13
d. 16 October 1213
(Miss) de Nemours13
b. circa 1175
Guy d. Nemours, Seigneur de M�r�ville13
b. circa 1185
d. 2 January 1236
Melisende d. Crecy9
d. after 1147
Elisabeth d. Coucy12
d. after July 1263
Mathilde d. Rumigny13
d. after 1227
Marie d. Rumigny13
d. after 1227
Marguerite d. Rumigny13
d. after 1227
Clemence d. Rumigny13
d. after 1227
Henriette d. Coucy12
b. circa 1188
d. 1257
Roberte d. Hainaut13
b. circa 1210
d. 1279
Melesinde d. Coucy10
d. after 1181
Milicent d. Gournay12
b. circa 1185
d. before 29 September 1233
John d. Cantelowe, Lord Snitterfield13
b. circa 1200
d. after 1257
Agnes d. Cantelowe13
b. circa 1216
d. after 1279
Juliane d. Cantelowe13
b. circa 1219
d. after 6 August 1285
(Miss) Cantelou13
b. circa 1225
Sir Nicholas d. Cantelowe13
b. circa 1229
d. between 8 May 1262 and 24 September 1266
Hugh d. Gournay12
b. circa 1200
d. circa 23 July 1238
Juliane d. Gournay13
d. circa 6 November 1295
Gunnora d. Gournay11
b. circa 1155
Odette d. Coucy10
b. circa 1100
d. 1157
Louise d. Roye11
b. circa 1122
d. 1167
Jeanne d. Moreuil12
b. circa 1140
d. 1189
Odile d. Conty13
b. circa 1160
d. 1208
Colin d. Moreuil, Seigneur de Moreuil13
b. circa 1160
d. circa 1202
Jeanne d. Moreuil13
b. circa 1166
d. 1228
Alixe d. Roye12
b. circa 1158
d. 1203
Helisende d. Montdidier13
b. circa 1180
d. circa 1202
Barthelemy d. Roye, Chamberlain of France12
b. circa 1170
d. 24 January 1237
Marie d. Roye11
b. circa 1145
d. 1197
Mathilde d. Coucy10
b. circa 1104
d. after 1146
Enguerrand I. d. Picquigny, Vidame d'Amiens12
d. between June 1224 and November 1224
Gerard I. Vidame d'Amiens, Sire de Picquigny13
d. between May 1248 and June 1249
Alix d. Picquigny13
b. circa 1201
d. 1268
H�l�ne d. Picquigny13
b. circa 1202
d. 1265
Henriette d. Picquigny13
b. circa 1204
d. 1262
Marie d. Picquigny13
b. circa 1206
Jean d. Picquigny13
b. circa 1212
d. circa 1236
Mariette d. Picquigny13
b. circa 1218
d. 1269
Ide d. Picquigny13
b. circa 1220
d. 1261
Henriette d. Picquigny12
b. circa 1180
d. 1239
Michelle d. Conty13
b. circa 1208
d. 1261
Agnes d. Coucy12
d. after 1210
Henriette d. Beaumetz13
b. circa 1200
d. 1253
Blanche d. Beaumetz13
b. circa 1204
d. 1267
Ghislaine d. Beaumetz13
b. circa 1208
d. 1264
Sophie d. Coucy13
d. after 1234
Ade d. Coucy12
d. circa 1195
Ada v. Beveren13
d. November 1264
Adele v. A. d. Beveren13
b. circa 1185
El�onore d. Roucy13
b. circa 1180
d. 1246
Ad�le d. Coucy13
b. circa 1232
d. 1289
Yolande d. Coucy12
b. circa 1168
d. 22 March 1222
Ali�nor d. Dreux13
b. circa 1186
d. before 1258
Isabelle d. Dreux13
b. circa 1188
d. after September 1242
Alix d. Dreux13
b. circa 1189
d. 1258
Philippe d. Dreux13
b. circa 1192
d. 17 March 1242
Agnes d. Dreux13
b. circa 1195
d. 19 September 1258
Yolande d. Dreux13
b. circa 1196
d. circa 1 February 1240
Jeanne d. Coucy12
b. circa 1174
d. 1225
Gobert I. d. Laon13
b. circa 1196
d. 1265
Joye d. Coucy13
b. circa 1213
d. 1258
Agnes d. Coucy13
b. circa 1217
d. 1264
Alix d. Coucy13
b. circa 1219
d. after 13 October 1290
(Miss) de Coucy12
b. circa 1184
Helvide d. Coucy10
b. circa 1112
Jean C. d. Mouy13
d. after 1283
Berthilde d. Ponthieu8
b. circa 966
d. 1029
Jeanne d. Nouvion10
b. circa 1008
d. 1079
Clarisse d. Nouvion9
b. circa 996
d. 1048
Alice d. Bernieulles10
b. circa 1014
d. 1061
Louise d. Neufch�tel11
b. circa 1036
d. 1089
Jehanne d. Tingry12
b. circa 1052
d. circa 1098
Hugues I. d. Brimeu13
b. circa 1071
Amicie d. Brimeu13
b. circa 1073
d. circa 1121
Blanche d. Brimeu13
b. circa 1082
d. 1143
Berthilde d. Brimeu13
b. circa 1084
d. 1149
Alix d. Tingry13
b. circa 1083
d. 1137
Havoise d. Tingry12
b. circa 1058
d. 1114
Berthilde d. Tingry12
b. circa 1064
d. 1129
Octavie d. Preures13
b. circa 1094
d. 1147
Jocelyne d. Tingry12
b. circa 1066
d. 1129
Blanche d. Colembert13
b. circa 1088
d. 1144
Josse I. d. Colembert13
b. circa 1102
d. 1175
Octave d. Sempy, Sire de Sempy10
b. circa 1022
d. 1076
Marie d. Bernieulles12
b. circa 1084
d. 1138
Louise d. Nouvion13
b. circa 1107
d. 1169
Lucy d. Ponthieu8
b. circa 980
d. 1055
Mahaut d. Gamaches9
b. circa 1000
d. 1049
Lambert d. Ham7
b. circa 930
Evrard I. d. Ham8
b. circa 960
Pavie d. Ham9
b. circa 990
d. 1058
Eudes I. d. Vermandois10
b. circa 1013
d. 1050
Pave I. d. Ham10
b. circa 1024
d. 1079
Bertha d. Reims3
d. after 883
Mansion d. l. Barthe7
b. circa 965
H�cube d. Montaner10
b. circa 1060
d. 1121
Raymond-Sanche d' Aspremont, Vicomte d'Orthe11
b. circa 1085
d. 9 January 1147
Loup-Garcie d' Aspremont, Vicomte d'Orthe13
b. January 1146
d. 7 November 1212
(Miss) de Montaner10
b. circa 1060
Tal�sie d. Montaner11
b. circa 1080
Guiscard d. B�arn12
b. circa 1100
d. 1154
Auger d' Aster, Vicomte d'Aster10
b. circa 1070
d. circa 1128
Am�lie d' Aster12
b. circa 1135
d. after 1182
Oger I. d. Montlezun, Comte de Pardiac13
b. circa 1160
d. after 1200
Sancho G. I. King of Navarre6
b. circa 885
d. 11 December 925
Sancho I (el Gordo), King of Leon8
b. circa 933
d. December 966
Fernando R. d. Cabrera12
d. after 1085
Oneca S. o. Navarre7
d. after June 931
Ordono I. King of Leon8
b. circa 926
d. 962
Munio M. Count of Bierzo13
b. circa 1030
d. 1097
Alfonso B.12
d. after 1105
Pedro A.13
d. after 1130
Alvaro R. d. Asturias13
d. after 1090
Gonsalo P.12
d. 1122
Rodrigo G. Giron13
d. after 1175
Gutierrez P. d. Silva12
d. after 1130
Pelayo I. G. d. Silva13
d. after 1080
Maria P. d. Cisneros12
d. after 1070
Pelayo I. P. d. Cisneros10
d. after 1111
Bernardo D. d. Asturias12
d. after 1119
Sancha S. o. Navarre7
b. before 900
d. December 959
Telo F. d. Salda�a11
b. circa 1150
Urraca F. o. Castile8
b. 935
d. after 1007
Garcia V 'El Tembloroso', King of Navarre9
b. circa 964
d. before 8 December 999
Sancho I. King of Castile, Aragon, Navarre10
b. between 990 and 992
d. 18 October 1035
Teresa o. Aragon12
b. circa 1037
Sancho-Ramirez, King of Aragon and Navarre12
b. between 1042 and 1043
d. 4 June 1094
Tal�sie d. Montaner13
b. circa 1080
Garcia I. King of Navarre11
b. circa 1020
d. 1 September 1054
Garcia F. Count of Castile8
b. circa 940
d. 30 May 995
Toda G. o. Castile9
d. after 1031
Sancho G. Count of Castile, Alava9
b. circa 965
d. 7 February 1017
Elvira G.9
b. circa 970
d. December 1017
Toda L. d. Biscaya13
d. 1 September 1121
Urraca o. Navarre8
d. 12 August 1041
Gonzalo Salvadores11
d. after 1014
Urraca Salvadores11
d. 20 May 1025
Sancha S. o. Castile12
d. 26 June 1026
Nuna o. Castile12
b. 995
d. after 13 July 1066
Jimena S. o. Castile12
b. 1012
d. after 1063
Garcia V 'El Tembloroso', King of Navarre9
b. circa 964
d. before 8 December 999
Anerius M. Vicomte de Lavedan6
b. circa 910
d. circa 975
Guillaume d. Maul�on12
b. circa 1100
Bernard d. Mauleon, Seigneur de Mauleon12
b. circa 1100
d. before 1142
Senegunda d. Remy7
d. before 992
Ave d' Angouleme9
d. after 1019
Raoul I. 7th Vicomte de Thouars9
d. between 1014 and 1015
Aldearde d. Thouars10
d. after 1030
Melisende d. Lusignan12
d. after 1070
Aimery I. Viscount de Thouars11
b. circa 1024
d. 1093
Ildegarde d. Thouars12
d. after 7 December 1099
Rorgon d. Lusignan13
d. after 1106
Geoffrey I. Vicomte de Thouars12
b. 1040
d. before 1123
Eleanor d. Thouars12
b. circa 1050
d. 1093
Aimery I. Viscount of Chastellerault13
b. circa 1076
d. 7 November 1157
Raoul d' Aunay10
d. after 1025
Ildiarde d' Aunay10
d. after 1026
Pepin d' Aunay, Seigneur de Talmond13
b. circa 1060
d. circa 1098
Senegundis d' Aunay10
d. after 1025
Gausbert d. Limoges11
d. after 1044
Bertrand d. Limoges11
d. after 1060
Gui I. Vicomte de Limoges11
d. after 26 October 1067
Ademar I. Vicomte de Limoges11
d. after 15 October 1090
Aimeline d. Limoges12
b. circa 1036
Humberge d. Limoges12
b. circa 1045
(Miss) de Limoges11
d. after 1086
William I. Vicomte d'Aunay10
d. after 10 December 1032
Senegonde d' Aulnay11
b. circa 1045
Ademar d' Aunay10
d. after 1000
Amelie d' Aunay10
b. circa 990
Helie I. d. Cognac, Seigneur de Cognac11
b. circa 1020
d. circa 1070
Ald�arde d' Aulnay10
b. circa 1008
Renaud I. d. Pons11
b. circa 1035
Renaud I. d. Pons12
b. circa 1058
Geoffroi I. d. Pons13
b. circa 1090
(Miss) de Pons11
b. circa 1060
Bardon I. d. Cognac, Seigneur de Cognac12
b. circa 1085
d. circa 1131
Lucia d. l. Marche10
d. after 1090
Rangearde d. l. Marche10
b. circa 1017
Almodis d. l. Marche10
b. circa 1020
d. 16 October 1071
Thibaud I. Seigneur de Blaison9
b. circa 975
d. between 1007 and 1014
Thibaud I. Seigneur de Blaison10
b. circa 1000
d. after 1047
�on, Seigneur de Blaison11
b. circa 1025
d. 1086
Jean, Seigneur de Blaison12
b. circa 1050
d. 1091
Thibaut III 'the Old', Seigneur de Blaison13
b. circa 1080
d. after 1250
Audouin d. Ruffec, Seigneur de Ruffec10
b. before 1028
d. after 1080
Ermesenda d. Ampurias10
d. circa 1020
Foi d. Rouerge9
d. after 1051
Hugues d. Rouergue, Baron de Gramat7
b. circa 930
d. circa 1010
Richilde o. R.6
d. between 12 November 954 and 27 December 954
Almodis d. Gevaudan7
d. before 1004
Adelais d' Aquitaine8
b. circa 1002
Philippe d. Gevaudan7
d. after 1066
Guigues M. d. Tournel13
d. circa 1250
Elisabeth d. Jaligny10
d. 12 October 1154
Marguerite d. Berrie12
d. after 1216
Sulpice I. Sire d'Amboise11
b. before 1106
d. 24 August 1153
Denise d' Amboise12
d. before 20 May 1160
Hugues V d' Alluye13
d. after 1180
Herve d' Amboise12
d. 12 January
Ivo d. Harcourt13
b. 1130
d. 1185
Eve d. Harcourt13
b. circa 1160
Hugues I. Sire d'Amboise12
d. between 1190 and 1194
Agnes d' Amboise13
d. after 1202
Denise d' Amboise13
d. after 1202
Jean d' Amboise13
d. after 12 October 1231
Sulpice I. Sire d'Amboise13
d. 19 June 1218
Elizabeth d' Amboise11
b. circa 1120
Aimery d. Blou12
b. circa 1150
d. 1198
Emma d. Blou13
b. circa 1170
Geoffrey I. 8th Count of Anjou10
b. circa 1073
d. 19 May 1106
Albuin d. Bourbon9
d. 20 October 1077
(Miss) de Bourbon10
d. after 1095
Aimon I. Sire de Bourbon10
d. 27 March 1120
Guillaume I. d. Bourbon10
b. circa 1065
Ide-Raymonde d. Forez10
b. circa 1055
d. 1085
Guy I. Comte de Lyon & Forez11
d. 27 October 1138
Guy I. Comte de Lyon & Forez12
d. 6 December 1206
Ermengarde o. Nevers11
b. circa 1073
Renaud I. Vicomte d'Aubusson6
d. after 8 August 958
Ranulfe I. Vicomte d'Aubusson7
d. before 18 November 1031
Ranulphe d' Aubusson, Vicomte d'Aubusson10
b. circa 1055
d. circa 1100
Agnes d' Aubusson11
b. circa 1090
Agnes d. Chambon9
b. circa 1061
Geraud d. Lastours10
b. circa 1085
d. 1116
(Miss) de Lastours10
b. circa 1105
Pernelle d. Chambon11
d. after 1209
(Miss) d' Auvergne12
d. circa 1245
Hugues d' Auvergne12
d. after 1229
Guy d' Auvergne12
d. after 1224
Marguerite d' Auvergne12
d. after 1263
Heracle I. Seigneur de Montlaur13
d. circa 8 December 1276
Mahaut d' Auvergne13
d. 20 August 1280
Marie d' Auvergne13
d. 19 May 1280
Adalbert, Vicomte de Limoges5
b. circa 835
d. before 914
Emma d. Segur9
d. shortly after 1025
Ademar I. Vicomte de Limoges & Segur10
d. after 12 August 1036
Gausbert d. Limoges11
d. after 1044
Bertrand d. Limoges11
d. after 1060
Gui I. Vicomte de Limoges11
d. after 26 October 1067
Ademar I. Vicomte de Limoges11
d. after 15 October 1090
(Miss) de Limoges11
d. after 1086
Thibaud I. Seigneur de Dampierre12
d. between 1078 and 1080
Hildegar I. Vicomte de Limoges7
d. after 26 March 937
Gerard, Vicomte de Limoges8
d. between 1007 and 1011
Geraud o. Bourbon11
d. after 1025
Albuin d. Bourbon12
d. 20 October 1077
Albuin o. Bourbon11
d. after 1049
Almode d. Limoges9
d. between 1007 and 1011
Bernard I. 3rd Count de la Marche, Count of Perigord10
b. circa 986
d. before 16 July 1047
Ademar I. Vicomte de Limoges & Segur10
d. after 12 August 1036
Alix d. Limoges9
b. circa 960
Beatrix d. Pierre-Buffiere10
b. circa 980
d. before 1005
Guillaume d. Chabot11
d. between 1052 and 1059
Aude d. Limoges9
b. circa 970
Giraud d. Beauvau, Seigneur de Jarz�10
b. circa 997
d. after 1047
Asceline d. Limoges9
b. circa 975
H�lie I. d. Perigord10
d. after 1075
Boson I. d. Perigord, Comte de Perigord10
b. circa 1000
d. after 1072
Louis I 'the Pious', King of Aquitaine, Emperor of Germany1
b. between 16 April 778 and September 778
d. 20 June 840
Engelger d' Anjou6
d. circa 927
Fulk II 'the Good', Count of Anjou6
b. circa 920
d. 11 November 958
Philippe d. Gevaudan8
d. after 1066
Almodis d. Gevaudan8
d. before 1004
Ermengarde o. A.9
d. after 10 March 1042
Almodis d. Blois10
d. after 1097
Bertha o. Blois10
b. 990
d. between 11 April 1085 and 13 April 1085
Constance o. Provence8
b. 985
d. 25 July 1032
Adela o. France9
b. circa 1009
d. 8 January 1079
Humbert d' Anjou7
d. after 957
Renaud, Comte de Vendome, Bishop of Paris8
d. 18 Jan 1020 or 6 Jan 1016
Elizabeth d. Vendome8
d. December 999
Adele d' Anjou9
b. circa 999
d. between 26 February 1033 and 1035
Agnes d. Anjou7
d. after 987
Bertrand I. d. G�vaudan8
d. between 1036 and 1040
Girberge o. A.8
d. after 1 May 1041
Fulk I. N. Count of Anjou8
b. circa 970
d. 21 June 1040
Adelaide o. Anjou6
b. circa 923
d. after 987
Geraud d' Aurillac, Comte d'Aurillac4
b. circa 856
d. circa 909
Adalbert, Vicomte de Limoges4
b. circa 835
d. before 914
Raynulfe I. Duke of Aquitaine, Count of Poitou3
b. circa 820
d. 15 September 866
Adelais (Adelaide) of Aquitaine7
b. 945
d. between 15 June 1003 and 15 June 1005
Jeanne (Johanna) of Aquitaine7
b. circa 949
d. 1009
Regnier I. Duke of Lorraine, Brabant, de Hasbain4
b. circa 850
d. between 25 August 915 and 19 January 916
Giselbert, Count Hainault, Duke Lorraine5
b. circa 890
d. 2 October 939
Siegfried, Graf von Luxembourg6
d. 27 October 998 or 28 October 998
Albreda o. France6
b. circa 929
d. 15 March 973
Heinrich o. Hainault6
b. circa 932
d. between 943 and 944
Haduid o. Hainault6
b. circa 934
d. after 934
Gerberga o. Lorraine6
b. circa 936
d. before 7 September 978
Regnier I. Count of Hainault5
b. circa 890
d. after 932
Louis I. Emperor of the West3
b. circa 823
d. 12 August 875
Ermengarde o. Germany4
b. circa 855
d. before 22 June 896
Ermengarde o. Provence5
d. before 12 April 935
Adelais o. Burgundy7
b. circa 932
d. after 999
Adelaide o. Chalons10
d. after 1088
Wandelmode d. Thiern11
d. after 1079
Alix (Marie) de Beaujeu13
d. after 1118
Humbert I. Baron of Beaujeu13
b. circa 1120
d. 1174
Guillaume I. d. Thiers, Vicomte de Thiers11
b. circa 1045
d. before 1130
Gui I. d. Thiers, Vicomte de Thiers12
b. circa 1070
d. after 1130
Gui I. d. Thiers, Vicomte de Thiers13
b. circa 1095
d. circa 1155
Guy d. Thiers, Comte de Chalons11
b. circa 1050
d. 1113
Sibylle o. Burgundy13
d. after 1201
William I. Comte de Chalons12
b. circa 1085
d. circa 1166
William I. Comte de Chalons13
b. circa 1120
d. 1174
Agnes d. Donzy12
d. after 2 March 1155
Denise d' Amboise13
d. before 20 May 1160
Herve d' Amboise13
d. 12 January
Hugues I. Sire d'Amboise13
d. between 1190 and 1194
Mahaut d. Donzy13
b. circa 1128
d. 1189
Mahaut d. Chalons8
d. between 1016 and 1019
Arembourge d. Vergy9
d. 22 November 1060
Erembourge d. Semur10
d. after 29 October 1028
Humbert I. Sire de Salins13
b. before 1084
d. 1149
Adelaide o. Chalons10
d. after 1088
Heribert, Comte de Meaux & Troyes8
b. circa 950
d. 28 January 995
Adela o. Vermandois8
b. 950
d. after 6 March 974
Gerberga o. Macon8
d. between 11 December 986 and 991
Otto-William, Count of Bourgogne, Macon, Dijon9
b. circa 959
d. 21 September 1026
Alberic (Aubri) II, Count of Macon7
d. between 981 and 982
Engleburga o. Vienne5
b. 877
d. after January 917
Hugues d. Brian�on7
b. circa 960
d. after 1036
Siboud d' Aix, 1st Vicomte de Bugey8
b. circa 1005
d. circa 1082
Jeoffrey d. Clermont12
b. circa 1170
Charles C. Count of Vienne6
b. circa 920
d. circa January 962
Richard, Prince of Provence7
d. after January 962
Fredeburga d. Vienne8
b. circa 950
d. after 1012
Wigo I. Count of Albon, Sire de Vion9
b. circa 970
d. after 1034
Rodolphe d. Faucigny13
b. circa 1095
d. after 1131
Aimon I. Count of Geneva12
b. circa 1050
d. 1128
Blandin d. Bauge12
d. after 1152
Olry d. Bauge12
d. after 1113
Guigues (Raimond) d' Albon11
d. after 5 December 1096
Wigo I. Count d'Albon & de Grenoble, Sire de Vion11
b. circa 1025
d. after 19 January 1095
Guigo V. Count Albon, Grenoble12
b. between 1050 and 1060
d. 21 December 1125
Adelais d' Albon12
b. circa 1060
Constance o. Vienne7
d. between 961 and 965
Gerberge o. Provence9
d. after 1010
Emma o. Avignon10
d. after 1063
Hildegarde (Eveza) de Toulouse11
d. after 23 June 1040
Rangarde d. Toulouse11
b. 1033
d. 1077
Odile d. Provence9
b. circa 982
d. 1013
William I. Count Provence9
b. circa 984
d. before 30 May 1018
Constance o. Provence9
b. 985
d. 25 July 1032
Gotelene d. Clerieu8
d. after 1027
Franco d. Royans11
b. circa 1045
d. before 1086
Raynaud d. Royans, Prince de Royans13
b. circa 1085
d. after 1138
Petronille d. Royans9
b. circa 984
d. after 1003
Adalasie (Abaldisie) d' Argental11
b. circa 1040
d. 1122
Sir Artaud d. Malleval10
b. circa 1003
d. after 1049
Sir Artaud d. Malleval11
b. circa 1025
d. after 1095
Adhemar d' Argental12
b. circa 1050
d. after 1109
Artaud d' Argental13
b. circa 1090
d. 1150
(Mr.) de Cl�rieux13
b. circa 1175
Am�d�e o. Provence7
b. circa 944
d. after 980
Th�oberge o. Meran8
b. circa 970
d. 13 April 1013
Adelaide d. Gevaudan9
d. after 1075
Agnes d. Polignac10
b. circa 1030
Pierre d. Chapteuil, Seigneur de Fay11
b. circa 1050
d. after 1105
Gilbert d. Solignac13
b. circa 1140
d. 1219
Pons d. Chapteuil12
b. circa 1097
d. circa 1150
Pierre d. Chapteuil13
b. circa 1130
Thietberge o. M.8
d. after 13 April 1013
Odo, Count of Savoy, Maurienne8
b. circa 1020
d. 1 March 1060
Bertha o. Maurienne9
b. 21 September 1051
d. 27 December 1087
Lothair I. King of Lorraine3
b. circa 835
d. 8 August 869
Gisela o. Lorraine4
d. between 21 May 907 and 26 October 907
Frederuna o. Hamaland6
d. 10 February 917
Ermentrude o. France7
d. after 934
Dietrich v. Drenthe7
b. circa 929
d. 7 September 984
Lambert I 'the Bearded', Count of Mons, Louvain8
b. circa 950
d. 12 September 1015
Matilda o. Ringelheim6
b. 892
d. 14 March 968
Gerberga o. Saxony7
b. 913 or 914
d. 5 May 984
Henry I. Duke of Lorraine & Bavaria7
b. between December 919 and 22 April 922
d. 1 December 955
Hedwiga o. Germany7
b. circa 922
d. after 1 September 958
Bertha o. Lorraine4
b. circa 863
d. 8 March 925
Teutberge o. Provence5
d. September 948
Renaud I. Count of Sens7
b. circa 937
d. 996
Guillaume I. Comte de Joigny12
d. 15 February 1219
Blanche d. Joigny13
d. after 1252
Helissent d. Joigny12
d. after 23 April 1230
Gaucher d. Puiset13
d. before 30 July 1219
Gui, Sire d'Arcis13
d. after 1241
Elizabeth d. Joigny12
d. after 1173
Sara d. Toucy13
d. after 1167
Jean d. Toucy13
d. 1189
Alixe d. Toucy13
b. circa 1124
d. 1182
Agnes d. Joigny12
d. April 1188
Mathilde d. Joigny12
b. circa 1159
d. 1204
Etienne d. Joinville10
d. after 1078
(Miss) de Joinville12
d. after 1140
Gui d. Joinville12
d. 22 May 1190
Gertrude d. Joinville13
d. after 1181
Geoffroi I. Seigneur de Joinville, Seneschal of Champagne13
b. between 1132 and 1141
d. August 1190
Beatrice d. Joinville12
d. after 1170
Alix d. Mompelgard13
d. after 1244
Hadvide d. Joinville12
d. after 1141
Elizabeth d' Aspremont13
b. circa 1102
d. 1149
Hesceline d. Nully12
d. after 1124
Renaud d. Joigny, Comte de Joigny9
b. circa 1015
d. circa 1039
Athon, Sire de Courtenay9
b. circa 985
d. circa 1030
Agnes d. Courtenay13
d. after 1181
Isabeau d. Courtenay11
b. circa 1045
(Miss) de Courtenay11
b. circa 1061
Miles, Sire de Courtenay11
b. circa 1069
d. 1127
Fromend I. d. Sens8
b. circa 960
d. 1012
Fromend I. d. Sens9
b. circa 1008
d. 1067
Hubert o. Savoy7
d. circa 994
Adelaide o. Savoy9
b. circa 1005
Pons Aynard, Seigneur de Dom�ne10
b. circa 1030
d. before 1085
Sir Pons Aynard, Seigneur de Dom�ne11
b. circa 1060
d. circa 1104
Emma d. Aynard13
b. circa 1110
Guigues Aynard, Seigneur de Dom�ne13
b. circa 1115
d. circa 1155
Teutberge o. Troyes6
d. after 960
Richard, Prince of Provence7
d. after January 962
Constance o. Vienne7
d. between 961 and 965
Am�d�e o. Provence7
b. circa 944
d. after 980
Rotlinde o. Italy6
d. after 10 October 1001
Annibaldo Annibaldi13
d. between 1244 and 1248
Lothair, King of Italy6
d. 22 November 950
Emma o. Italy7
d. 12 Oct aft 989
Humbert, Margrave of Tuscany & Spoleto6
b. circa 913
d. between 15 September 967 and March 970
Ardicino, Prince of Italy8
b. circa 980
d. after 1029
Valtruda o. Tuscany7
d. after August 976
Hugh, Marquis of Tuscany7
b. before 950
d. 21 December 1001
Willa o. Tuscany8
d. after 1025
Willa o. Arles6
d. after 963
Adalbert, King of the Lombards7
b. circa 936
d. 30 April 971
Susanna (Rosala) of Italy7
b. circa 950
d. 13 December 1003
Bertha o. Tuscany6
d. after 18 August 965
Ermengarde o. Tuscany5
b. circa 901
d. after 29 February 932
Louis I. King of Bavaria2
b. 806
d. 28 August 876
Carloman, King of Bavaria3
b. circa 829
d. 2 March 880
Arnoul, Emperor of the West4
b. 863
d. 29 November 899
Zwentibold, King of Lorraine5
b. between 870 and 871
d. 13 August 900
Louis 'the Child', King of Germany5
b. 893
d. 24 November 911
Gisela o. France2
b. circa 820
d. after 1 July 874
Judith o. Friuli3
d. after 902
Ingeltrude o. Fruili3
b. 838
d. 2 April 870
Unrock I. Count of Friuli3
b. circa 842
d. circa 874
Alberada o. France3
d. after 916
Judith o. France3
b. circa 846
d. after 870
Louis II 'the Stammerer', King of France3
b. 1 November 846
d. 10 April 879
Godehilde o. France3
b. circa 865
Richilde (Roheut) of Germany3
b. circa 871
d. circa 22 March 928
Hugh I. Count of Maine4
b. circa 891
d. 931
Gautier I. Seigneur de Mayenne8
b. 1070
d. after 18 December 1116
Mathilde d. Mayenne11
d. after 1193
Anne d. Vitre12
d. after 1196
Mahaut d. Mayenne11
d. before 1184
Thibault I. Seigneur de Mathefelon12
d. between May 1238 and March 1239
Clemence d. Mayenne11
d. before 1190
Philippe d. Sable12
d. after 1195
Marguerite d. Sable12
d. after 20 July 1238
Clemence d. Roches13
d. after September 1259
Jeanne d. Roches13
d. between 1237 and February 1241
Sir Geoffroi d. Roches13
b. circa 1205
d. after 1270
Gervaise d. Mayenne12
d. 11 April
Isabelle (Elisabeth) de Mayenne12
d. 11 November 1257
Mathilda d. Mayenne9
d. after 1162
Aigeline o. Burgundy10
b. circa 1116
d. after 1161
Reinald v. Vaudemont11
d. after 1180
Hugo v. Vaudemont11
d. after 1167
Odo v. Vaudemont, Bishop of Toul11
d. after 27 November 1197
Hugh I. 4th Count Vaudemont12
d. 20 April 1242 or 4 May 1242
Wilhelm v. Vaudemont13
d. after 1216
Guy d. Vaudemont13
d. after 1216
Hugh I. 5th Count Vaudemont, Herr von Chatel13
d. 20 April 1243 or 4 May 1244
Judith d. Neuviller12
d. after 1209
Clemence o. Burgundy10
b. circa 1117
Clemence d. Chacenay12
d. after 1233
Mahaut d. Grancey13
d. after 1214
Heluis d. Grancey13
d. after 1241
Sir Pons d. Grancey, Archdeacon of Macon13
d. between 20 April 1250 and 1256
Erard I. Sire de Chacenay12
d. 16 June 1236
Mahaut d. Chacenay13
d. after 1233
Clementine d. Donzy11
b. circa 1156
d. 1204
Havoise d. Clamecy13
b. circa 1211
d. circa 1265
Eudes I. Duke of Burgundy10
b. circa 1120
d. 27 September 1162
Maude d. Bourgogne11
d. 22 July 1202
(Miss) d' Auvergne13
d. circa 1245
Hugues d' Auvergne13
d. after 1229
Guy d' Auvergne13
d. after 1224
Marguerite d' Auvergne13
d. after 1263
Marie d' Auvergne12
d. after 1229
Alix d. l. Tour du Pin13
d. 12 March 1250
Alix I. d. l. Tour du Pin13
d. 25 March 1256
Albert I. Seigneur de la Tour-du-Pin & Coligny13
d. between April 1259 and June 1260
Alice o. Burgundy11
b. circa 1146
d. 1192
Isabeau d. Deols13
d. before 1275
Agnes d. D�ols13
d. August 1256
Mahaut d. D�ols13
d. after 1256
Marguerite d. Deols13
d. circa 1315
Matilda d. Bourbon12
b. circa 1165
d. 18 June 1228
Guy I. Seigneur de St. Just13
d. 22 March 1275
Marguerite d. Salins13
d. between 1257 and 1259
(Miss) de Dampierre13
d. after 1224
Marie d. Dampierre13
d. November 1245
Archembaud I. Seigneur de Bourbon & Foix13
b. circa 1197
d. 23 July 1242
Eudes I. Duke of Burgundy12
b. 1166
d. 6 July 1218
Jeanne d. Burgundy13
b. circa 1200
d. between 1222 and 1223
Alix d. Burgundy13
b. circa 1204
d. 13 August 1266
Alexandre I. d. Burgundy, Seigneur de Montaigu12
b. circa 1170
d. circa 6 September 1205
Huguette o. Montagu13
d. after 1224
Gerard d. Montagu, Seigneur de Gergy & Sassenay13
b. circa 1203
d. between 1222 and 1229
Marie (Ducissa) de Burgundy12
b. circa 1175
d. after 1223
Alix d. Burgundy12
b. circa 1177
Beatrice d. Bourgogne13
b. circa 1205
d. after 18 September 1248
Guigues V. Duke Viennois, Comte d'Albon & Grenoble13
b. circa 1225
d. between August 1269 and 17 March 1270
Jean d. Viennois13
b. circa 1227
d. 1239
Ade d. Burgundy12
b. circa 1186
d. 1244
Mathildis o. Burgundy12
b. circa 1190
d. 26 March 1242
Jeanne d. Burgundy13
d. between 1265 and 1268
Blanche d. Burgundy13
d. between 18 August 1302 and July 1304
Elisabeth o. Chalons13
d. 1 April 1277
Hugh, Count of Burgundy & Chalons, Seigneur de Salins13
b. 1220
d. between 12 November 1266 and 31 December 1266
Marguerite o. Burgundy12
b. circa 1192
d. after 1230
Marguerite o. Savoy13
d. before April 1268
Beatrice o. Savoy13
b. 1223
d. 10 May 1258
Sibylle o. Burgundy11
d. after 1201
Raymond d. Bourgogne, Comte de Grignon10
b. circa 1125
d. 28 June 1156
Hugues o. Burgundy11
b. circa 1147
d. 1156
Maud d. Bourgogne11
b. circa 1150
d. 1192
Agnes o. Nevers12
b. circa 1170
d. 2 February 1192 or 6 February 1192
Maud d. Courtenay13
b. circa 1188
d. 20 July 1257
Guillaume I. Comte de Nevers & d'Auxerre12
b. circa 1172
d. 17 October 1181
Sibylle o. Flanders12
b. circa 1176
d. after 1236
Matilda o. Burgundy10
b. circa 1130
d. 29 September 1172
Guise d. Guerrejat12
b. circa 1183
Archambaud d. Panat13
b. circa 1207
Pons d. Lunel12
d. after 1236
Raimond G. I. Sire de Lunel12
b. 1184
d. 5 April 1215
Raimonde d. Lunel13
d. after 1215
Roncelin d. Lunel13
d. after 1215
Guillemette d. Montpellier11
d. after October 1200
Guillaume V. Seigneur of Montpellier11
b. circa 1158
d. after 4 November 1218
Marie o. Montpellier12
b. 1182
d. 21 April 1213
Marie d. Montpellier11
b. circa 1165
H�lix d. Guilhem12
b. circa 1192
H�lix d. Boussagues13
b. circa 1215
Alan I. F. Duke of Brittany9
b. circa 1067
d. 13 October 1119
Orguen o. Cornwall8
b. circa 1018
d. after 1060
Bodin o. B.9
d. after 1086
Hugh I. Count of Maine6
b. circa 968
d. 1014 or 1015
Herbert I. Comte du Maine7
d. 13 April 1036
Hugues I. Count of Maine8
d. 26 March 1051
Garsinde d. Maine8
d. 10 May 1100
Richilda o. Bourges4
b. circa 901
Gilbert I. Crespin, Sire de Tillieres9
d. between 1107 and 1109
Ansfrid t. D.6
d. after 978
Roger Bigod10
b. circa 1036
Roger Bigod, Earl of East Anglia (Norfolk)11
b. circa 1060
d. 8 September 1107
Roger FitzRichard, 1st Lord Warkworth13
b. before 1121
d. circa December 1177
Maud l. Bigod12
b. circa 1084
d. before 1139
Cecily Bigod12
b. circa 1090
William d' Aubeney13
b. circa 1118
d. 1167
Gunnor Bigod12
b. circa 1093
Sir Roger l. Bigod, Magna Carta Surety, 4th Earl Norfolk, Keeper of Hertford Castle13
b. before 1140
d. between 1 January 1221 and 2 August 1221
Hugh Bigod13
b. circa 1156
Richard l. Goz, Vicomte d'Avranches9
b. circa 1025
d. after 1082
Margaret o. C.10
b. circa 1054
Guillaume I. d. Merle10
d. after 1096
Foulques I. d. Merle12
d. after 1180
Sir Robert I. B. d. Briquebec13
b. circa 1144
d. after 1208
Torf d' Argouges, Seigneur d'Argouges8
b. circa 975
d. circa 1020
Sir Charles d' Argouges9
b. circa 1000
d. circa 1035
Mahaut d' Argouges10
b. circa 1033
Thibaut o. Blois6
d. before 962
Emmeline d. Blois6
b. circa 950
d. 27 December 1004