Two people looking at a laptop screen Two people looking at a laptop screen

FastTrack for Azure

FastTrack for Azure helps organizations design and deploy Azure solutions—with tailored guidance from Azure engineers using proven practices and architectural guides.

FastTrack for Azure benefits for partners

Two conversation bubbles
Collaborate with Azure engineers
Develop capabilities through a connected Azure deployment experience.
Two circles connected by arrows
Lower risk with engineer guidance
Drive Azure consumption by implementing new solutions guidance.
Three rectangles in a circle formation connected by lines
Accelerate deployment
Collaborate with resources and partners to deploy Azure solutions faster.


Eligible customers must:

A badge with a persons silhouette
Have an active, paid Azure subscription.
A location pin
Be located in a region where FastTrack for Azure is available.
A calendar
Have a project that will reach an incremental $5,000 of monthly usage per month within 12 months.

Supported solutions FastTrack for Azure

  • Datacenter migration

  • Windows Server migration

  • SAP workload migration

  • SQL Server migration

  • Business continuity and disaster recovery

  • Azure Arc

  • High-performance computing

  • Cloud-native apps

  • App innovation

  • Internet of Things

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Azure Synapse Analytics

  • Azure Virtual Desktop

  • Data modernization to Azure

  • Sicherheit

  • Globally distributed data

  • ASP.NET web applications

  • AI and machine learning

  • Azure VMware Solution

  • Hybrid and multicloud solutions with Azure Arc

Get started

Nominate your customer's project for a FastTrack for Azure engagement.

FastTrack for Azure FAQ


What is FastTrack for Azure?

FastTrack for Azure is a technical enablement offering for organizations with cloud projects that enables the rapid, effective design and deployment of Azure solutions in the cloud. It includes tailored guidance from Azure engineers that uses proven practices and architectural guides.

How does FastTrack for Azure work?

First, you nominate a qualified customer for consideration. If they are accepted into FastTrack, you both work together with a FastTrack for Azure program manager to identify stakeholders, validate the customer’s vision, establish goals and requirements, and evaluate the architectural needs of the customer’s Azure solution. After qualifying the project, Azure engineers join the project to assist in the progression of the engagement from solution enablement through deployment.

Where is FastTrack for Azure available?

FastTrack for Azure offers direct assistance to eligible customers in the following supported geographic areas*: Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Republic of Congo, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Korea, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Myanmar, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Palestinian Authority, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Expansion to other regions is being planned and will be announced closer to the launch dates.

*Local language coverage is dependent on resource availability.

Is there a cost for FastTrack for Azure services?

No, FastTrack for Azure services are provided free of charge.

What legal terms apply to FastTrack for Azure?

FastTrack for Azure services are considered “Professional Services” subject to the Professional Services Terms in the Notices section of the Microsoft Online Services Terms and the Professional Services section in the Online Services Data Protection Addendum.


How do we nominate our customers?

To nominate a customer, complete the nomination form. After you complete the form, the FastTrack for Azure team will review your request and contact you within two business days.

What happens after we submit a customer nomination?

A FastTrack for Azure program manager will contact you to validate the nomination and eligibility criteria. They’ll also work with you to plan the project’s objectives, conditions for success, roles and responsibilities, and timelines. A member of the FastTrack for Azure project team will then schedule a call with you and the customer to discuss the offering and review the project plan.

How long is the engagement?

The length of engagement varies depending on your needs.

Do the FastTrack for Azure engineers and program manager come on site?

No. FastTrack for Azure engineers and program managers engage remotely.

Do the Azure engineers deploy the customer’s solution?

No. FastTrack for Azure is an advisory service, so the engineers only provide guidance for Azure solutions and remote deployment support.

Does FastTrack for Azure provide deployment funding?

No. FastTrack for Azure doesn’t provide any funding. You may combine investments through other Microsoft partner resources, offerings, and incentives if applicable and described in the terms and conditions of each offering.

What’s beyond the scope of FastTrack for Azure?

FastTrack for Azure won't be able to:

  • Work on-site, unless otherwise agreed by exception.
  • Write code or scripts.
  • Deploy solutions.
  • Develop architectural deliverables.
  • Activate Azure subscriptions.
  • Access customer subscriptions.
  • Take control during engagement sessions.
  • Provide guidance on Microsoft 365.
Integration with other partner offerings

Can we combine multiple partner offerings with FastTrack for Azure?

Yes. You may combine multiple partner resources, offerings, and incentives from Microsoft to help deploy Azure solutions for your customers. For example, eligible partners can use Azure Migrate and Modernize, Azure Innovate, and others that meet the offer’s terms and conditions.

How does FastTrack for Azure compare to FastTrack for Microsoft 365?

While both help customers reach the cloud with confidence, FastTrack for Azure and Microsoft 365 have different engagement models and triggers. FastTrack for Azure is nomination-based, has eligibility criteria, and is staffed by full-time Azure engineers and program managers. With FastTrack for Azure, you and your customers engage directly with Microsoft.

Eligibility criteria

How do customers qualify for FastTrack for Azure?

To qualify, you must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Be located in a region where FastTrack for Azure is available.
  • Have an identified project supported by FastTrack for Azure—a defined workload with the intent to deploy—that’s expected to reach at least an incremental $5,000 of service usage per month within 12 months of FastTrack for Azure engagement.
  • Have an active paid Azure subscription.
  • Have a defined project using a solution FastTrack for Azure supports, with intent to deploy. A defined project has an executive sponsor, committed customer/partner resources, established success metrics, and clear timelines for start/end of project.

What qualifies as an Azure project?

An Azure project consists of one or more Azure solutions—a group of Azure services, third-party applications, and related products—that help meet the most common business needs and scenarios deployed in production. For a complete list of solutions supported by FastTrack for Azure, please read the FastTrack for Azure updates.

How can we plan our Azure projects to meet FastTrack for Azure eligibility requirements?

Estimate the monthly cost of your proposed project by using the Azure pricing calculator and example scenarios. The example scenarios show how to solve specific business or technical challenges using Azure. Each scenario is based on a real-world example and provides cost factors to consider and fast, easy-to-read guidance to accelerate the implementation.

What requirements are there to engage with FastTrack for Azure?

To engage with FastTrack for Azure, you must hold a Solutions Partner designation to demonstrate proven expertise in delivering quality solutions on Azure to enable customer success. If you don’t hold the Solutions Partner designation, additional approval is required for nominations that you submit.

What can we do if our nomination doesn’t meet the FastTrack for Azure eligibility criteria?

If your nomination doesn’t meet the eligibility criteria, take advantage of technical presales and deployment benefits—available through your Microsoft partner membership—to help you build Azure solutions for your customer.

Are Azure Government customers eligible?

Yes. FastTrack for Azure is available to eligible government and commercial customers.

Engagement roles and responsibilities

When should we nominate customers for FastTrack for Azure?

The offering helps build and deploy Azure solutions; it’s not intended to help envision a project. Engage the offering only after you have a specific Azure project in mind that meets the criteria.

What are our responsibilities with FastTrack for Azure?

During your customer’s FastTrack for Azure engagement, you must attend all interactions we have with them and allocate your resources to write the code and scripts, develop the architectural deliverables, and deploy the solution into production.

What are the responsibilities of the FastTrack for Azure engineers?

The Azure engineers review the solution and architectural design and provide technical and operational guidance. The team also provides technical knowledge, including code samples or templates. Azure engineers oversee and assist with the solution proof-of-concept and dev/test deployments. They also use customer and partner experiences to provide feedback to Azure product groups. Azure engineers don’t review or develop source code, manage subscriptions, or deploy the solution on your customers’ Azure tenants or environments.

More information

Where can we find updates about Azure?

Subscribe to Azure notifications to stay informed on product updates and announcements.

Can independent software vendors (ISVs) engage with FastTrack for Azure?

Yes. ISVs that are registered in the Microsoft Partner Network nominate themselves for FastTrack for Azure.

Who can we contact with additional questions?

If you have more questions about the FastTrack for Azure offering, please contact the FastTrack for Azure partner team: [email protected].