Public Policy

How can we inspire the implementation of good AI policy?

Convene experts across sectors

Build consensus-based frameworks

Facilitate global policy dialogue

Support impactful implementation

The AI policy space has seen a rapidly maturing governance landscape with the introduction of regulatory proposals in several jurisdictions, ongoing development of a variety of international frameworks, specifications, and methods, and growth in the research and creation of tools to advance responsible, trustworthy AI. Ensuring that the emerging frameworks, tools, and standards are both consistent and support known best practices will require greater coordination between policymakers, civil society, academia, and industry.

PAI’s Policy work seeks to facilitate this coordination by convening stakeholders to develop evidence-based frameworks, promoting a shared understanding of how policy can foster responsible AI practices, building connections across borders to support global equity and interoperability, and working with Partners to ensure policy implementation is impactful.

Our Policy Work

PAI is a non-profit, not a trade group or advocacy organization. We engage with public and policy officials, international organizations, industry practitioners, and representatives from civil society and academia to share learnings, build consensus, advance equitable AI outcomes, and increase the interoperability of AI tools and policy frameworks around the world. We approach our work with a goal to ensure the design, development, and deployment of AI fundamentally protects people and society, particularly the most marginalized. 

PAI affiliations include:

  • OECD Civil Society Information Society Advisory Council (CSISAC) Member
  • OECD AIGO Technical Experts and member of Network of Experts
  • Council of Europe, Committee on Artificial Intelligence Observer
  • Contributor to global AI standards (such as IEEE SA)

By sharing insights gathered from multistakeholder convenings and original research, we support the development of evidence-based tools and policy. In the past, PAI has contributed resources or shared evidence with the FTC, NIST, the OECD, and the US-EU Trade and Technology Council. PAI has also participated in a variety of international forums and convenings to facilitate global policy dialogue, including the OECD’s Digital Economy Ministerial, the Paris Peace Forum, and the G7 eSafety conference. Additionally, we help inform the PAI Partner community on how to follow policy impactfully, such as during our partnership webinar with the White House OSTP on the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights.

Policy Steering Committee

Natasha Crampton

Chief Responsible AI Officer


Arisa Ema

Assistant Professor

University of Tokyo

Tiffany Georgievski



Alexandra Givens


Center for Democracy & Technology

Sebastian Hallensleben

Head of Digitisation and AI


Wiliam Isaac

Head of Ethics Research and Senior Staff Research Scientist

Google DeepMind

Richard Mathenge


African Content Moderators Union

Valeria Milanes

Executive Director

Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC)

Alondra Nelson



Marc Etienne Ouimette

Global Lead, AI Policy


Lisa Pearlman

Senior Director of Global Policy


Karine Perset



Irene Solaiman

Head of Global Policy

Hugging Face

David Wakeling

Partner and Head of MIG

A&O Shearman

Deon Woods Bell

Senior Adviser, Global Policy and Advocacy

Gates Foundation

Harlan Yu

Executive Director


Get Involved

We are developing a Policy Steering Committee and working groups drawn from representatives of industry, academia, and civil society to bring together key global experts to explore some of the toughest AI policy issues. This work will inform the development of PAI’s Policy strategy and development of our Public Interest Progress Reports with PAI’s Partners.To learn more about these and other possibilities to engage more deeply with PAI’s Policy work, sign up for our mailing list.

Subscribe to PAI’s upcoming Policy newsletter, which features important AI policy developments to watch and why, updates on PAI and PAI partner network policy activities, and insights from leading AI policy experts.