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No reply button in comment with not substituted "unsigned" template
Closed, DuplicatePublicBUG REPORT


Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open discussion with unsigned comment, marked with not substituted template {{Nepodepsáno}} on Czech Wikipedia.
  2. Activate reply tool.

Example on my sandobx.

Actual Results:

There is no reply button after unsigned comment.

Expected results:
Unsigned templates should be treated the same way as signatures are.

Template {{Nepodepsáno}} on Czech Wikipedia may be/is used without substitution on more than 3,7k talk pages.

Event Timeline

Reply buttons are only added for comments that have a signature with a date and time. If you replace {{Unsigned|janbery}} with {{Unsigned|janbery|22:08, 3 August 2020}} on that page, that comment will get a reply button (I added the "Example 2" section to demonstrate).

We can't add reply buttons to signatures (or "unsigned" templates) without the date and time, because there is no reliable way to distinguish them from user mentions.

My bad, template {{Unsigned}} on enwiki should be substituted. But template {{Nepodepsáno}} on Czech Wikipedia may be/is used without substitution on more than 3,7k talk pages.

Janbery renamed this task from Can't reply to {{unsigned}} coments with Reply tool to No reply button in comment with not substituted "unsigned" template.Aug 3 2020, 11:00 PM