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Epics are long-themed tasks with many subtasks.

This tag may also be used for goals identified in WMF's quarterly planning process.

Recent Activity


mfossati reopened T364374: [L] Prepare image suggestions for a new set of Wikipedias, a subtask of T340437: [EPIC] Image suggestions data pipelines maintenance , as Open.
Thu, Jul 25, 2:21 PM · Epic, Structured-Data-Backlog (Current Work), Image-Suggestions, Section-Topics, Essential-Work, Section-Level-Image-Suggestions
MSantos moved T370926: [EPIC] Use Parsoid for UX from Uncategorized to Phase 5: (Later) on the Parsoid-Read-Views board.
Thu, Jul 25, 2:18 PM · Parsoid-Read-Views, Epic
MSantos removed a project from T370926: [EPIC] Use Parsoid for UX: Parsoid.
Thu, Jul 25, 2:18 PM · Parsoid-Read-Views, Epic
Manuel claimed T370416: [Epic] Segmentation of queries sent to WDQS (up to milestone 1.2).
Thu, Jul 25, 2:10 PM · Wikidata Analytics (Kanban), Epic, Wikidata
sguebo_WMF closed T284948: Raw IPs of logged-out users disclosed in wiki-replicas, a subtask of T294511: 2021 Security Team wikireplicas audit, as Declined.
Thu, Jul 25, 2:04 PM · Privacy Engineering, Epic
kostajh reopened T359043: Enable temp account creation in CI and local development environments via DevelopmentSettings.php, a subtask of T355879: [Epic] Make PHPUnit extension and core, Selenium, and API testing tests pass with temp account feature flag enabled, as Open.
Thu, Jul 25, 1:46 PM · Epic, Temporary accounts (Release train CI and infrastructure), Trust and Safety Product Sprint, MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.5; 2024-05-14), MW-1.42-notes (1.42.0-wmf.22; 2024-03-12), Patch-For-Review, Trust and Safety Product Team, Release-Engineering-Team
MSantos moved T272987: [EPIC] Parsoid read views for DiscussionTools from Uncategorized to Phase 1 - DiscussionTools support on the Parsoid-Read-Views board.
Thu, Jul 25, 1:46 PM · Epic, Parsoid-Read-Views (Phase 1 - DiscussionTools support), Content-Transform-Team-WIP, Editing-team (Tracking), Parsing-Active-Work, DiscussionTools, Parsoid
WDoranWMF added a project to T365889: [EPIC] Community updates module: instrumentation & measurement (SDS 2.1.3): Data Products.
Thu, Jul 25, 1:43 PM · Data Products, Epic, GrowthExperiments-Community-Updates, Product-Analytics, GrowthExperiments-Homepage, Growth-Team
Maintenance_bot removed a project from T359033: EPIC: Convert CirrusSearch metrics to statslib: Patch-For-Review.
Thu, Jul 25, 1:31 PM · Data-Platform-SRE (2024.07.08 - 2024.07.28), MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.13; 2024-07-09), Observability-Metrics, Epic, Discovery-Search (Current work), CirrusSearch
Manuel triaged T314137: [EPIC] Analytics support around for mobile editing improvements [up to milestone 2] as High priority.
Thu, Jul 25, 1:26 PM · Wikidata Analytics (Kanban), Wikidata, Epic
Manuel edited projects for T314137: [EPIC] Analytics support around for mobile editing improvements [up to milestone 2], added: Wikidata Analytics (Kanban); removed Inuka-Team (Kanban).
Thu, Jul 25, 1:25 PM · Wikidata Analytics (Kanban), Wikidata, Epic
gerritbot added a comment to T359033: EPIC: Convert CirrusSearch metrics to statslib.

Change #1054647 merged by Bking:

[operations/puppet@production] elasticsearch: remove obsolete alerts

Thu, Jul 25, 1:02 PM · Data-Platform-SRE (2024.07.08 - 2024.07.28), MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.13; 2024-07-09), Observability-Metrics, Epic, Discovery-Search (Current work), CirrusSearch
CodeReviewBot added a project to T370037: Cloud VPS: extend tofu-infra coverage: Patch-For-Review.

aborrero opened

Thu, Jul 25, 12:58 PM · Patch-For-Review, Cloud-VPS, User-aborrero, Epic, cloud-services-team
JArguello-WMF closed T349092: Create developer tools and SDK to help with auth management for WME apis, a subtask of T350342: Q4- OKR 2.2 - Updating onboarding documentation, as Resolved.
Thu, Jul 25, 12:53 PM · Epic, Wikimedia Enterprise
JArguello-WMF closed T367984: Define what an "incident" and "major incident" are for WME, a subtask of T342657: Incident Management Process, as Resolved.
Thu, Jul 25, 12:53 PM · Epic, Wikimedia Enterprise
JArguello-WMF closed T369287: RFC and tickets for group_1 API access enhancement, a subtask of T369375: O1 KR 1 [EPIC] Group 1 access changes, as Resolved.
Thu, Jul 25, 12:53 PM · Epic, Wikimedia Enterprise Engineering, Wikimedia Enterprise
Spinster added a comment to T371013: [Epic] Easy to use, beginner-friendly structured data batch import and editing software.

Connecting this task to T362149: Alternative, affordable, lower-barrier approach(es) to reconciliation. Reconciliation will be a key part of this effort and this will be a great opportunity to have impact by researching more flexible and affordable approaches to that functionality.

Thu, Jul 25, 12:42 PM · Technical-Tool-Request, Wikidata, Epic, StructuredDataOnCommons
Spinster added a project to T371013: [Epic] Easy to use, beginner-friendly structured data batch import and editing software: Technical-Tool-Request.
Thu, Jul 25, 12:26 PM · Technical-Tool-Request, Wikidata, Epic, StructuredDataOnCommons
Spinster created T371013: [Epic] Easy to use, beginner-friendly structured data batch import and editing software.
Thu, Jul 25, 12:23 PM · Technical-Tool-Request, Wikidata, Epic, StructuredDataOnCommons
Maintenance_bot removed a project from T370037: Cloud VPS: extend tofu-infra coverage: Patch-For-Review.
Thu, Jul 25, 11:31 AM · Patch-For-Review, Cloud-VPS, User-aborrero, Epic, cloud-services-team
AUgolnikova-WMF updated the task description for T347298: [Epic] Upload wizard Release rights step improvements on Commons.
Thu, Jul 25, 11:24 AM · Commons, UploadWizard, Epic, Structured-Data-Backlog (Current Work)
AUgolnikova-WMF closed T318017: [EPIC] Section-level Image Suggestions Notifications for More Experienced Contributors as Resolved.
Thu, Jul 25, 11:23 AM · Structured-Data-Backlog (Current Work), Epic, Section-Level-Image-Suggestions
AUgolnikova-WMF added a subtask for T349641: [EPIC] MVP Logo machine detection on Commons: T370898: [L] Provide up-to-date metrics for commons deletions and deletion requests.
Thu, Jul 25, 11:20 AM · OKR-Work, UploadWizard, Epic, Structured-Data-Backlog (Current Work)
AUgolnikova-WMF added a subtask for T357587: [Research EPIC] Media quality investigation on Commons FY24/25: T370898: [L] Provide up-to-date metrics for commons deletions and deletion requests.
Thu, Jul 25, 11:19 AM · Epic, Structured-Data-Backlog (Current Work)
CodeReviewBot added a comment to T370037: Cloud VPS: extend tofu-infra coverage.

aborrero closed

Thu, Jul 25, 11:04 AM · Patch-For-Review, Cloud-VPS, User-aborrero, Epic, cloud-services-team
CodeReviewBot added a comment to T370037: Cloud VPS: extend tofu-infra coverage.

aborrero merged

Thu, Jul 25, 11:03 AM · Patch-For-Review, Cloud-VPS, User-aborrero, Epic, cloud-services-team
CodeReviewBot added a comment to T370037: Cloud VPS: extend tofu-infra coverage.

aborrero opened

Thu, Jul 25, 10:48 AM · Patch-For-Review, Cloud-VPS, User-aborrero, Epic, cloud-services-team
ngkountas changed the status of T370746: CX Unified Dashboard: Support suggestions based on previous edits, a subtask of T353244: Resolve key regressions preventing the unified dashboard to replace the desktop one, from Open to In Progress.
Thu, Jul 25, 10:12 AM · LPL Essential, Epic, ContentTranslation
CodeReviewBot added a comment to T370037: Cloud VPS: extend tofu-infra coverage.

aborrero merged

Thu, Jul 25, 9:32 AM · Patch-For-Review, Cloud-VPS, User-aborrero, Epic, cloud-services-team
Manuel moved T348240: [EPIC] How are Wikidata editors modifying their Item UI? [up to milestone 1] from Incoming to Needs PM work on the Wikidata Analytics board.
Thu, Jul 25, 9:31 AM · Wikidata Analytics, Epic, Wikidata
jijiki added a comment to T216826: Move Kartotherian to Kubernetes.

@elukey happy to help with reviews etc, given I worked with the team on tegola, which is part of this stack:)

Thu, Jul 25, 9:21 AM · Patch-For-Review, WMDE-TechWish-Sprint-2022-11-29, serviceops, WMDE-TechWish-Sprint-2022-11-09, Platform Engineering, WMDE-TechWish-Sprint-2022-10-26, WMDE-TechWish-Maintenance, WMDE-GeoInfo-FocusArea, Epic, Maps (Kartotherian)
CodeReviewBot added a comment to T370037: Cloud VPS: extend tofu-infra coverage.

aborrero merged

Thu, Jul 25, 8:42 AM · Patch-For-Review, Cloud-VPS, User-aborrero, Epic, cloud-services-team
dom_walden moved T348895: [Epic] Temporary accounts testwiki deployment from Needs QA to Done on the Trust and Safety Product Sprint (Sprint Koto (July 15 - July 26)) board.

I tested some features on testwiki which have been harder to test up to now, including mobile, VisualEditor, translations, event logging, notifications, muting.

Thu, Jul 25, 8:34 AM · Trust and Safety Product Sprint (Sprint Koto (July 15 - July 26)), Epic, Temporary accounts
CodeReviewBot added a comment to T370037: Cloud VPS: extend tofu-infra coverage.

aborrero opened

Thu, Jul 25, 8:24 AM · Patch-For-Review, Cloud-VPS, User-aborrero, Epic, cloud-services-team
Dreamy_Jazz closed T370743: Make IP reveal work on Special:DeletedContributions, a subtask of T325238: [Epic] IP Address Reveal for Privileged Users, as Resolved.
Thu, Jul 25, 8:21 AM · CheckUser, Epic, Temporary accounts
dom_walden added a comment to T348895: [Epic] Temporary accounts testwiki deployment.

Congrats! Is there a way to test this documented anywhere?

Thu, Jul 25, 7:27 AM · Trust and Safety Product Sprint (Sprint Koto (July 15 - July 26)), Epic, Temporary accounts
dcaro closed T370323: [sct.backend] Transform the "/" API reply to json, a subtask of T368602: [Hypothesis] WE6.3.2 Create "standard" tool (Sample Complex Tool, SCT) to measure the number of steps for a deployment, as Resolved.
Thu, Jul 25, 7:03 AM · Toolforge (Toolforge iteration 13), cloud-services-team (FY2024/2025-Q1-Q2), Epic
dcaro changed the status of T370324: [sct.frontend] Show the backend status, a subtask of T368602: [Hypothesis] WE6.3.2 Create "standard" tool (Sample Complex Tool, SCT) to measure the number of steps for a deployment, from Open to In Progress.
Thu, Jul 25, 6:59 AM · Toolforge (Toolforge iteration 13), cloud-services-team (FY2024/2025-Q1-Q2), Epic
dcaro changed the status of T370323: [sct.backend] Transform the "/" API reply to json, a subtask of T368602: [Hypothesis] WE6.3.2 Create "standard" tool (Sample Complex Tool, SCT) to measure the number of steps for a deployment, from Open to In Progress.
Thu, Jul 25, 6:53 AM · Toolforge (Toolforge iteration 13), cloud-services-team (FY2024/2025-Q1-Q2), Epic
Winston_Sung moved T154044: Epic: Support custom Han characters on Chinese Wikisource from Backlog to Tech on the Wikimedia Taiwan board.
Thu, Jul 25, 5:35 AM · Wikimedia Taiwan, I18n, Community-Wishlist-Survey-2016, Epic, Chinese-Sites, All-and-every-Wikisource, IDS-extension
aliu added a comment to T348895: [Epic] Temporary accounts testwiki deployment.

Congrats! Is there a way to test this documented anywhere?

Thu, Jul 25, 4:04 AM · Trust and Safety Product Sprint (Sprint Koto (July 15 - July 26)), Epic, Temporary accounts
KStoller-WMF added a project to T353082: [Epic] Growth tools + Campaigns tools: Epic.
Thu, Jul 25, 12:03 AM · Epic, Campaign-Tools, Growth-Team
KStoller-WMF raised the priority of T366760: [EPIC] Dark mode for Growth team maintained features from Medium to High.
Thu, Jul 25, 12:03 AM · Epic, Growth-Team


Scardenasmolinar created T370980: Export aggregates to static files.
Wed, Jul 24, 11:57 PM · Moderator-Tools-Team, Wikilink-Tool
ifried added a subtask for T368951: [EPIC] Miscellaneous improvements to Event Registration experience: T370953: (Epic) As an Organizers using Event Registration, I would like to enable a feature in registration that strongly recommends adding an email to your account.
Wed, Jul 24, 11:53 PM · Epic, CampaignEvents, Campaign-Registration, Campaign-Tools
Scardenasmolinar updated the task description for T370977: Create cron to aggregate old data.
Wed, Jul 24, 11:52 PM · Moderator-Tools-Team, Wikilink-Tool
ifried added a subtask for T362884: [EPIC] Add topic filter to Event List: T370951: Investigation: How do we get WikiProject topics, as defined by LiftWing?.
Wed, Jul 24, 11:48 PM · Epic, Campaign-Registration, CampaignEvents, Campaign-Tools
ppelberg added a parent task for T362584: [EPIC] Surface Structured Tasks to new editors within or alongside VisualEditor (FY24/25 WE1.2.3): T360489: [EPIC] Offer people edit suggestions within VE.
Wed, Jul 24, 11:11 PM · Epic, Growth-Structured-Tasks, Growth-Team
Scardenasmolinar created T370977: Create cron to aggregate old data.
Wed, Jul 24, 10:55 PM · Moderator-Tools-Team, Wikilink-Tool
VirginiaPoundstone updated the task description for T370880: [Epic] MPIC Alpha.
Wed, Jul 24, 10:45 PM · Epic, Data Products (Epics Timeline)