Established in 1993, on the heels of the Cold War, spurred on by the humanitarian crisis in Somalia and the Balkans, the Peacekeeping Institute (PKI) served as a response to the evolution of conflict, the necessity for “military operations other than war,” and the need for doctrine to help deliver a better peace. Since its inception, PKSOI has grown in both size and outreach.

Today, the U.S. Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI) develops, integrates, and assesses joint, intergovernmental, and multinational peace and stability capabilities to achieve national objectives across the competition continuum. 

We specialize in peace operations, security sector reform, governance, rule of law, economic stabilization, and humanitarian assistance and contribute to policy, concepts, doctrine, education, training, and exercises.

We execute across four lines of effort to ensure DoD, USG, and key partner peace and stability capabilities are continually improved, ready to meet tomorrow’s challenges, and fully deliver in support of national objectives.

  1. Policy: Advise, develop & shape policy to enable doctrine & training development
  2. Doctrine:  Influence concepts; improve and adapt doctrine to meet Joint demands
  3. Education:  Develop mutually supporting & scalable education rooted in doctrine, tailored to needs
  4. Training:  Deliver world-class training & exercise support to prepare operational & strategic leaders

As the U.S. Joint Proponent for Peacekeeping and Stability Operations, and a NATO Partner Training and Education Center, we assist in the development and delivery of a variety of multi-modal training opportunities. We offer focused and expertly delivered instruction to U.S. Army warfighters, the Joint Force and our NATO allies to ensure a common framework and comprehensive understandings of these most critical operations through the following:

  • Resident Courses: Investment in leader development through integrated education opportunities,
  • Distance Learning: Online courses hosted on the Joint Knowledge Online (JKO),
  • Mobile Training Teams:  Expertly delivered, tailored, mission focused training upon request. We are a resource for practitioners, ready and willing to assist in winning and securing the peace.

We are a resource for practitioners, ready and willing to assist in winning and securing the peace.

PKSOI 30th Anniversary Article

22 Ashburn Drive, Upton Hall

Carlisle, PA 17013-5234

+1 (717) 245-4237

 [email protected]