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Event Listeners

The eventListeners modifier adds scroll and resize listeners that update the position of the popper when necessary. These are not exhaustive and don't cover the following cases:

When the reference element moves or changes size

Most of the times, you can avoid the need to reposition your popper when its reference element moves on the page by attaching the popper DOM node right next to the reference DOM node.

This has the advantage of dramatically reducing the amount of updates required to keep the popper and reference elements next to each other, but has some quirks to keep in mind.

First of all, you must make sure the parent elements are not clipping containers. A clipping container is an element with the ability to clip (or hide) content that overflows its boundaries.
A common misconception is that any parent with overflow: hidden will clip any overflowing child element, but that's not actually the case.
An element, in order to gain such characteristics, needs to have an overflow property set to auto, scroll, overlay, or hidden, and needs to act as offset parent or be parent of an offset parent. Only in these conditions, a popper will get cut off when it overflows its parent.

Note that Popper already handles this case, and will only attempt to make the popper not overflow its parent if the parent is a clipping container.

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When the popper element changes size (i.e. content)

This case is not handled by the eventListeners modifier because it's already handled by the computeStyles one, when its adaptive property is enabled (on by default).

Other cases

For any other cases not included in the options above, you may want to either update the instance via instance.update(), a ResizeObserver oder requestAnimationFrame loop (if animating) to solve these if necessary.




type Options = {
  scroll: boolean, // true
  resize: boolean, // true


Determines if scroll listeners are added.


Determines if resize listeners are added.


This modifier currently has no data.

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