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Malia M. Cohen
California State Controller
California State Controller's Office Seal

Data Dictionary

This Data Dictionary offers definitions for all of the fields in a file. Each file contains the data reported by various employers of an employer type for a calendar year.
Last Updated: 6/29/2021

Field Change Log

The Field Change Log describes changes to the fields in the file such as if a field has been added, removed, or renamed. This log does not describe changes to the data since they may occur on a daily basis due to employers reporting or revising their data.


  • Added "SpecialDistrictType" field


  • Added "IncludesUnfundedLiability" field


  • Removed "Entity Group" field
  • Renamed "Entity Type" field to "EmployerType"
  • Renamed "Entity Name" field to "EmployerName"
  • Renamed "Department / Subdivision" field to "DepartmentOrSubdivision"
  • Renamed "Elected Official" field to "ElectedOfficial"
  • Renamed "Other Positions" field to "OtherPositions"
  • Renamed "Min Position Salary" field to "MinPositionSalary"
  • Renamed "Max Position Salary" field to "MaxPositionSalary"
  • Renamed "Reported Base Wage" field to "ReportedBaseWage"
  • Renamed "Regular Pay" field to "RegularPay"
  • Renamed "Overtime Pay" field to "OvertimePay"
  • Renamed "Lump-Sum Pay" field to "LumpSumPay"
  • Renamed "Other Pay" field to "OtherPay"
  • Renamed "Total Wages" field to "TotalWages"
  • Renamed "Defined Benefit Plan Contribution" field to "DefinedBenefitPlanContribution"
  • Renamed "Employees Retirement Cost Covered" field to "EmployeesRetirementCostCovered"
  • Renamed "Deferred Compensation Plan" field to "DeferredCompensationPlan"
  • Renamed "Health Dental Vision" field to "HealthDentalVision"
  • Renamed "Total Retirement and Health Cost" field to "TotalRetirementAndHealthContribution"
  • Renamed "Pension Formula" field to "PensionFormula"
  • Renamed "Entity URL" field to "EmployerURL"
  • Renamed "Entity Population" field to "EmployerPopulation"
  • Renamed "Last Updated" field to "LastUpdatedDate"
  • Renamed "Entity County" field to "EmployerCounty"
  • Renamed "Special District Activities" field to "SpecialDistrictActivities"


  • Renamed "Min Classification Salary" field to "Min Position Salary"
  • Renamed "Max Classification Salary" field to "Max Position Salary"


  • Renamed "Defined Benefit Plan" field to "Defined Benefit Plan Contribution"


  • Removed disclaimer from first rows of all CSV files for stronger compliance with CSV format. The first row is now a header containing field names followed by rows of data.


  • Added "Entity County" field
  • Added "Special District Activities" field
  • File name change - Removed "Higher Education" information from the file names for University of California, California State University, and Community College District


  • "Entity Type" field can now return "First 5" and "Fairs & Expos" since First 5 and Fairs & Expos data is now available for download


  • "Entity Type" field can now return "K-12 Education" since K-12 Education data is now available for download


  • Added "Judicial" field
  • "Entity Type" field can now return "Superior Court" since Superior Court data is now available for download


  • Added "Elected Official" field
  • Added "Other Positions" field
  • Removed "MultipositionPrimary" field since the data provided in the "Other Positions" field is more descriptive
  • Renamed "Lump Sum Pay" field to "Lump-Sum Pay" for correct spelling