Various technical methods were investigated with the aim of developing a multiplex system to amplify five Y-chromosome STR loci in the same PCR reaction: DYS393, DYS19, DYS390, DYS389 I and DYS389 II. A sequenced allelic ladder was constructed with previously sequenced alleles including the most common ones. A number of reamplification conditions of the allelic ladders were tested. The pentaplex was evaluated for typing using two different platforms (ABI and ALF) with promising results. However, in degraded samples non-specific artifacts were observed in the DYS393 system in the same range of sizes as the real alleles. This system can also be typed in females under relatively low stringency conditions in the PCR amplification, making this system prone to errors in critical samples. This lack of specificity can be reduced by increasing the stringency of the PCR conditions. The DYS19 ladder cannot be reamplified as stutters appear after a few reamplifications. These stutters are probably due to a 2 bp slippage induced by the presence of a TA repeat stretch in the PCR amplified fragments. Non-specific products were also noted in the DYS389 I and DYS389 II amplification, although out of the range of other alleles in this pentaplex. This newly constructed pentaplex has proved to be very useful in population genetic studies because all five Y STR markers can be loaded in the same lane of a gel with other Y STR singleplex or multiplexes. The usefulness of Y-chromosome STRs in criminal casework is especially evident in analyzing azoospermic individuals.