Objective: In this review we describe the main studies in which transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has been used in the study of superior cognitive function.
Development: The various studies published in the literature show that TMS can modulate neuropsychological processes such as attention, different types of memory such as working memory, declarative memory, memory of procedures and language. In most cases TMS acts on the different cognitive abilities blocking or making them difficult. Thus TMS may be used as a method of causing transient lesions bringing the relationship brain-conduct to a dimension of cause and avoiding certain limitations of the classical method for creating lesions. The positive effects of TMS in certain tasks involving language and memory has also been shown. The latter offer new possibilities of future application in cognitive rehabilitation.
Conclusions: TMS has an obvious effect on neuropsychological functions. Over the past ten years studies in this field have increased progressively. At the present time the results obtained by using TMS in cognitive neuroscience are of a basic type, limited to experimental laboratory work. It has mainly been used on normal persons. However, it cannot be long before it is used clinically in neuropsychological patients.