The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of gemcitabine (2',2'-difluorodeoxycytidine, dFdC) used alone and in combination with 2-chlorodeoxyadenosine (2-CdA) on the colony growth of normal granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells (CFU-GM) from 15 hematologically healthy donors as well as on CFU-GM from 15 chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) patients in semisolid cultures in vitro. dFdC and 2-CdA were used either separately or in the following combinations of concentrations: (1) 0.25 nM of dFdC and 2.5 nM of 2-CdA; (2) 0.5 nM of dFdC and 5 nM of 2-CdA; (3) 1 nM of dFdC and 10 nM of 2-CdA; (4) 2 nM of dFdC and 20 nM of 2-CdA. We observed that both dFdC and 2-CdA used separately inhibited the growth of colonies formed by normal and CML CFU-GM cells in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, the combined therapy with dFdC and 2-CdA caused statistically significant inhibition of the colony growth in both normal and CML CFU-GM cultures. In addition, the inhibition of CML CFU-GM colony formation was greater and statistically significant in the case of the combined therapy using higher concentrations of these drugs as compared with inhibition of the growth of normal CFU-GM colonies. These observations were the basis for the evaluation of the interaction type between dFdC and 2-CdA. We have shown that dFdC used in a combination with 2-CdA acts in an additive way on normal and CML CFU-GM cells.