Background: The reported prevalence of gallstone disease (GD), defined as current gallstones or previous cholecystectomy for gallstones, in patients with Crohn disease ranges from 13% to 34%. The aim of this study was to characterize the still undefined risk factors of this complication.
Methods: A total of 330 consecutive patients with Crohn disease (189 males and 141 females aged 17-82 years, mean +/- SD age, 41 +/- 14 years) underwent liver ultrasonography.
Results: A diagnosis of GD was made in 78 patients (24%), 54 with current gallstones and 24 who had undergone previous cholecystectomy. Its frequency was comparable in males and females (23% vs 25%), but was significantly associated with age (P =.001), being 13%, 36%, and 51% in patients aged 44 years and younger, 45 to 59 years, and 60 years and older, respectively (P =.001). Its prevalence significantly differed according to the site of the disease at diagnosis (P =.02) and was unrelated to disease duration. Gallstone disease was more frequent in patients who had undergone surgery (34% vs 14%; P =.001) and was significantly associated with the number (P =.001) and site of bowel resections (P =.001), increasing from 28% in the patients who had undergone 1 resection to 53% in those having had 2 or more resections (P =.005) and being significantly higher in patients with a resection involving the ileocecal region. Multivariate analysis showed that age; site of disease at diagnosis; and the presence, number, and site of bowel resections were significantly related to GD.
Conclusions: In patients with Crohn disease, the frequency of GD is significantly higher than that reported in the general population with comparable characteristics (z = 5.04, P<.001). Age; site of disease at diagnosis; and the history, number, and site of bowel resections are independently associated with GD.