Aims: To identify the frequency of current or lifetime history of alcohol and/or other drug (AOD) use among the full range (admitted and discharged) of injured bicyclists and pedestrians involved in motor vehicle crashes.
Methods: In a prospective study of non-occupant motor vehicle crash (NOMVC) victims >or=18 years over a 29-month period, blood was obtained for alcohol and drug testing. Current alcohol abuse/alcohol dependence (AA/AD) or drug abuse/drug dependence (DA/DD) was based on the Diagnostic Interview Survey.
Results: In all, there were 108 NOMVC victims. Eleven per cent were alcohol (+), 7% drug (+), and 3% both. Sixteen per cent were AA/AD (+), 2.7% DA/DD (+), and 1.4% both.
Conclusions: A substantial portion of patients with NOMVC injuries tested AOD (+) and had a current or lifetime substance abuse (AA/AD; DA/DD) diagnosis.