The ability of resting CD4+ T cells to support HIV replication is relevant to understanding how the reservoir of HIV-1-infected resting CD4+ T cells is generated, maintained and, hopefully, how it might be reduced or eliminated. We have utilized a tonsillar histoculture system to demonstrate that HIV, particularly X4 strains, can productively infect phenotypically resting CD4+ T cells in vitro and that this event is largely dependent on the lymphoid tissue microenvironment. Highly purified CD4+ tonsillar T cells that lack expression of both cell surface and nuclear antigens characteristic of classic T cell activation produce X4 HIV-1 mRNA, p24, and infectious virus while maintaining a resting phenotype when cultured in a tonsillar tissue microenvironment; in contrast, comparable purified resting CD4+ tonsillar T cells that have been exposed to X4 HIV do not support HIV replication when cultured in the absence of a lymphoid tissue microenvironment. HIV production from phenotypically resting CD4+ T cells is dramatically inhibited by anti-proinflammatory cytokine agents or immunosuppressive cytokines, but is only modestly suppressed by an inhibitor of the cell cycle. The ability of resting CD4+ T cells to support HIV replication in the microenvironment of the lymphoid tissue has implications in the pathogenesis of HIV disease and may provide an additional avenue for therapeutic intervention.