Background: Postulated mechanisms of hyperhomocysteinemia (Hhe) overlap with proposed mechanisms of adverse cardiac remodeling such as altered collagen metabolism and oxidant stress. Hence we examined the hypothesis that Hhe would promote myocardial fibrosis and systolic dysfunction.
Methods: Three-month-old spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) were divided into three groups: (1) control, given amino-acid defined diet for 20 weeks; (2) Hhe group, given Hhe-inducing diet for 20 weeks; and (3) combined diet group, which were given Hhe-inducing diet for 10 weeks (which leads to myocardial fibrosis and diastolic dysfunction as shown in our prior studies) and subsequently returned to amino acid-defined diet for 10 more weeks. At the end of the treatment period, plasma homocysteine (Hcy) levels and blood pressure were measured, and hearts were isolated for histomorphometric and biochemical assessment of cardiac remodeling and myocardial oxidative stress, and for in vitro cardiac function studies.
Results: The Hhe animals demonstrated a significant increase in the ratio of collagenous to noncollagenous protein due to reactive interstitial fibrosis, and increased myocardial oxidant stress, compared to the control group. Systolic function was significantly depressed in the Hhe animals compared to the control group. These changes were partially prevented by return to control diet at 10 weeks.
Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that clinically relevant levels of Hhe accelerate progression of hypertensive heart disease to systolic dysfunction and that increased myocardial oxidant stress may play a role in this process. Considering the high prevalence of hypertension and Hhe in the general population, our findings may have great clinical significance.