Two-photon, two-color fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (TPTCFCCS) was used to directly detect ligand-dependent interaction between an eCFP-fusion of the androgen receptor (eCFP-AR) and an eYFP fusion of the nuclear receptor co-activator, Tif2 (eYFP-Tif2) in live cells. As expected, these two proteins were co-localized in the nucleus in the presence of ligand. Analysis of the cross-correlation amplitude revealed that AR was on average 81% bound to Tif2 in the presence of agonist, whereas the fractional complex formation decreased to 56% in the presence of antagonist. Residual AR-Tif2 interaction in presence of antagonist is likely mediated by its ligand-independent activation function. These studies demonstrate that using TPTCFCCS it is possible to quantify ligand-dependent interaction of nuclear receptors with co-regulator partners in live cells, making possible a vast array of structure-function studies for these important transcriptional regulators.