Endocervical sampling: a comparison of endocervical brush, endocervical curette, and combined brush with curette techniques

J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2001 Jan;5(1):1-6. doi: 10.1046/j.1526-0976.2001.51001.x.


Objective: This study was conducted to compare the collection of endocervical specimens by endocervical brush, curette, and a combined curette and brush technique.

Methods: Women underwent colposcopy with endocervical curettage using one of 3 collection methods.

Results: The endocervical brush produced equivalent amounts of tissue and endocervical cells compared to the curette alone or combined techniques. More squamous and glandular atypia and SIL/AIS were found when a brush was used, but a statistically significant difference was not noted. The brush alone produced a significantly greater percentage of samples that were insufficient for diagnosis and more specimens without stromal components. The brush with the curette as a combined technique provided no improvement in amounts of tissue, endocervical cells/clusters, or amount of stroma retrieved.

Conclusion: Each technique has advantages and disadvantages in terms of what types of components are collected and what diagnosis may be determined from the sample taken.