Healthcare providers (HCPs) play a central role in the provision of prevention and care services for people with sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS. However, the degree of readiness for this role through appropriate training and experience is not clear. In the case of both the urban and rural areas of the state of Karnataka, India, primary and secondary healthcare is provided by practitioners who can be categorised into three major groups: qualified allopathic physicians, qualified non-allopathic doctors (homeopathic and Ayurvedic) and registered medical practitioners. In 2002, the India-Canada Collaborative HIV/AIDS Project conducted a study in an urban area and a rural district of the state of Karnataka, collecting information from 998 care providers regarding attitudes, knowledge and practices related to STI care and HIV/AIDS care in particular. This paper analyses and compares the three different types of HCPs with respect to these parameters and discusses implications for STI/HIV/AIDS prevention and care programs.