Pain continues to be underreported and undertreated, and resistances to the administration of morphine and opioids are one of the major drawbacks.
Aims: a. to activate a surveillance as part of routine care; b. to produce periodical reports to follow-up any improvement or changes in oppioid and specifically treatment of pain; c. to the groups of patients whose pain is undertreated; d. to create a multicentre network of hospitals willing and able to promote a permanent surveillance on pain and its treatment.
Method: A cross sectional survey will be conducted in index days to collect data on the number of patients exposed to analgesics; the perception of health workers on the effectiveness of treatments administered; patients' satisfaction on pain control. A prospective surveillance on: a. adverse events; b. incident difficult cases (patients whose pain is not controlled or difficult to treat, e.g. because of comorbidities or contraindications to opioids).
Expected results: Data produced will be analysed and presented for each participating centre and will be used for education, audit and quality improvement.