High-resolution analysis for population genetic and functional studies requires the use of large numbers of polymorphic markers. The recent increase of available genetic tools is facilitated by the use of publicly available expressed sequence tag (EST) sequence databases that are a valuable resource for identifying gene-linked markers. In the present study, we applied bioinformatics analyses to identify microsatellite markers present in EST sequences from a zebra finch (Taeniopgia guttata) EST database and we explore the success of cross-species amplification of EST-linked microsatellite markers in 7 passerine and 1 nonpasserine species. Eighty-six zebra finch EST-linked microsatellite loci were screened for polymorphism revealing a high amplification success rate and adequate levels of polymorphism (33.3-51%) for relatively closely related species, whereas success decreased in the most distantly related species to zebra finch. EST-linked microsatellites appear to be more highly transferable between taxa than anonymous microsatellites as they revealed higher amplification and polymorphism success between different families indicating that they will be a useful source of gene-linked polymorphic markers in a broad range of avian species.