Cell morphology and ultrastructure of the desmid Oocardium stratum and its habitat conditions in two limestone-precipitating spring habitats in the Alps were studied. In spite of specific cell geometry, we found ultrastructural features (nucleus with nucleolus, Golgi apparatus, chloroplast structure, lipid bodies, cell wall texture) closely related to other desmids. The type of the mucilage pore apparatus perforating in high densities extended areas of the cell wall of Oocardium is of the Cosmarium type. Oocardium contrasts to Cosmarium by a peculiar bilateral cell geometry (lateral sphenoid shape) which is combined with a dislocated nucleus. Although the cell features of Oocardium did not differ between the two habitats, different calcification types (rhombohedral calcite versus fascicular-fibrous calcite) and calcification intensities were recorded. The spatial positioning and extension of the Oocardium niches differed considerably between the two springs in spite of high CO(2) oversaturation at both sites.