Rhodocodon madagascariensis, also named Urginea mascarenensis, is a malagasy plant belonging to the Hyacinthaceae family. As for the other members of the endemic malagasy genus Rhodocodon, the chemical and toxicological properties of this species have not yet been studied. The present study concerns the analysis of the toxicity of R. madagascariensis to medaka embryo-larval development. The incubation of medaka fish embryos or larvae in a medium containing R. madagascariensis extract resulted in a dose dependent reduction in development of embryos leading to lethality and a drastic reduction in survival rate of exposed larvae. Survival rates were reduced up to 100% with an extract concentration of 4 mg mL(-1). The LD(50) was estimated to be 1 mg mL(-1). Anatomopathological studies did show some neuro-embryonal modifications in the encephalic region. The data presented in this paper thus extends the use of medaka embryos as a valuable model to detect and analyse the effects of plant toxins.