Objectives: To assess clinical benefit of plitidepsin (Aplidine) in patients with advanced medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC).
Materials and methods: We retrospectively reported the outcome of 10 patients with advanced MTC among 215 patients who have entered the phase I program with plitidepsin.
Results: Median number of cycles was 5. Using World Health Organization criteria, 1 among 5 patients with measurable disease displayed a confirmed partial response, whereas 8 patients experienced a stable disease, and 1 patient had a progressive disease, corresponding to a disease control rate of 90%. Two patients treated at the maximum tolerated dose experienced muscular dose-limiting toxicity possibly related to palmitoyl transferase inhibition. One of these 2 patients was able to continue therapy with no dose reduction with the prophylactic addition of l-carnitine, which is used in the treatment of the carnitine palmitoyl transferase deficiency type 2.
Discussion: Plitidepsin seems to be able to induce clinical benefit in patients with pretreated MTC, and its toxicity has been manageable at the recommended dose.