One hundred and thirty-eight transplants were performed between April 1986 and June 1990 in 116 patients of whom 9 (7.75%) were affected by liver cirrhosis complicated by portal vein thrombosis. Occlusion of the vascular lumen was total in 3 cases, semitotal in 1 case and the percentage of obstruction ranged between 25% and 75% in the remaining patients. Venous dissection and thrombectomy were performed in 6 cases and simple thrombectomy in 3 cases in order to obtain a satisfactory blood flow. Anastomosis was effected using the spleno-mesenteric confluence in 2 cases and the portal vein itself in other patients. Recurrent thrombosis occurred in the first 4 patients in the series, but it was only fatal in 2 cases. The paper analyses the data obtained from the study and in conclusion confirms the use of transplant in cirrhotic patients with portal vein thrombosis.