Objective: To examine the association between body fatness indices and retinal vascular calibre in Singapore Chinese children.
Methods: We recruited 136 Singapore Chinese children aged 6-16 years from the STARS (The Strabismus, Amblyopia and Refractive Error Study in Singaporean Chinese Preschoolers) Family study in 2008-2010. Anthropometric measurements including weight, height and triceps skinfold (TSF) and right eye retinal photographs were performed. TSF was measured with Holtain-Tanner calliper on the back of the arm and midway between the point of the acromoion and olecranon process while the arm was hanging relaxed. TSF and BMI threshold (cut-off points for overweight and obesity) were defined as 85th and above of age- and gender-specific TSF and BMI standard charts which were based on American representative survey data.
Results: The mean retinal arteriolar and venular calibres were 155.78 ? 15.02 ?m and 219.66 ? 21.88 ?m, respectively in the STARS Family study. Each standard deviation (SD) increase in TSF (4.49 mm) and BMI (3.52 kg/m(2)) was associated with a 2.94 ?m (p = 0.012) and a 3.40 ?m (p = 0.005) widening in retinal venular calibre, respectively. Compared with children with TSF and BMI below threshold, children with TSF and BMI above threshold had a 10.21 ?m (p = 0.001) and a 9.33 ?m (p = 0.021) increase in retinal venular calibre, respectively.
Conclusions: Greater TSF and BMI are associated with wider retinal venular calibre in healthy children aged 6 years and above. These findings suggest a possible effect of abnormal body fatness indices on early retinal vascular changes that reflect microvasculature in children.