The diagnostic value of various doses of Gd-DTPA was compared intra-individually. Thirty-three patients with cerebral tumours were randomly allocated to three groups. Group 1 was given a dose of 0.025, group 2 a dose of 0.05 and group 3 a dose of 0.1 mmol GD-DTPA/kg body weight. Following administration of Gd-DTPA the average tumor/brain contrast in group 1 was -4.5%, in group 2 +8.4% and in group 3 +43.0%. Diagnostically useful tumour delineation was obtained in two out of 11 in group 1, in seven out of 11 in group 2 and in 10 out of 11 in group 3. A further increase in the dose to 0.2 mmol/kg body weight in group 3 resulted in a further increase in tumour/brain contrast of +62.5% and improved tumour delineation in one case. As a result of these findings a dose of 0.1 mmol Gd-DTPA/kg body weight is recommended for the routine investigation of intracranial tumours.