A 65-year-old man complained of lower right abdominal pain, and an intra-abdominal mass was identified. An intra-abdominal hemorrhage was discovered during a thorough examination and emergency surgery was performed. The tumor was ruptured and was fragile, making it difficult to perform extirpation; thus, an ileocecal resection was performed. The histopathological diagnosis of the tumor was leiomyosarcoma, and recurrence was observed during the early postoperative period. The patient underwent surgery twice; each time there was a recurrence, but complete resection could not be obtained, and paclitaxel and gemcitabine chemotherapy was performed. A temporary effect was observed, and control of disease progression lasted approximately five months. Standard chemotherapy for leiomyosarcoma has not been established, but this method could become a therapeutic strategy for leiomyosarcoma.
Keywords: Leiomyosarcoma; chemotherapy; gemcitabine; mesocolic; paclitaxel; recurrence.