Virgin Sprague--Dawley rats received a single i.v. injection of 40 mg N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU)/kg body wt. at 50 days of age. After the first palpable mammary tumor reached 10 mm in size, the animals were sequentially allocated to one of 4 groups: (I) placebo diet, (II) 10 micrograms tamoxifen s.c. 3 times per week, (III) 3 mmol N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)retinamide (4-HPR)/kg diet, or (IV) both (II) and (III). Weekly measurements of initial tumors and subsequent tumors were made throughout the study. 4-HPR administration resulted in a complete regression (non-palpable state) of the first mammary tumor in 6 animals (22%) and partial regression or nonprogression in 5 others (19%). Tamoxifen alone induced only partial response in 9 animals (33%). 4-HPR and tamoxifen resulted in 19% total and 26% partial response. The data suggests therapeutic value of 4-HPR in MNU-induced rat mammary carcinoma.