Personalized and regenerative medicine is an emerging therapeutic strategy that is based on cell biology and biomedical engineering used to develop biological substitutes to maintain normal function or restore damaged tissues and organs. The secretory capacities of different cell types are now explored as such possible therapeutic regenerative agents in a variety of diseases. A secretome can comprise chemokines, cytokines, growth factors, but also extracellular matrix components, microvesicles and exosomes as well as genetic material and may differ depending on the tissue and the stimulus applied to the cell. With regard to clinical applications, the secretome of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) is currently the most widely explored. However, other cell types such as pericytes may have similar properties as MSC and the potential therapeutic possibilities of these cells are only just beginning to emerge. In this review, we will summarize the currently available data describing the secretome of pericytes and its potential implications for tissue regeneration, whereby we especially focus on brain pericytes as potential new target cell for neuroregeneration and brain repair.
Keywords: Cytokines; Growth factors; Microvesicles; Pericyte; Secretome; Tissue regeneration.
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