Using PCR-PIRA based genotyping for identifying complex vertebral malformation allele in Frieswal young bulls in India

Iran J Vet Res. 2018 Winter;19(1):44-47.


Complex vertebral malformation (CVM) has considerable economic impact on dairy cattle breeding due to extensive use of artificial insemination (AI). Identifying the carrier is an important factor to reduce the incidence of the genetic disorder. The study was conducted to identify the carriers of CVM in Frieswal cattle by polymerase chain reaction-primer-introduced restriction analysis (PCR-PIRA) method, which was further confirmed by sequencing. Carrier prevalence of 1% was observed in the Frieswal cattle. The results of the study clearly demonstrated the existence of carriers of CVM among Frieswal bull calves. Due to the widespread use of AI it is recommended to screen young bulls at early stages for this defective allele in order to avoid its rapid spread within the population.

Keywords: CVM; Frieswal; PCR-PIRA.