Volunteering as medical staff at a diabetes summer camp as a component of a pharmacy residency program

Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2016 May-Jun;8(3):437-441. doi: 10.1016/j.cptl.2016.02.018. Epub 2016 Mar 21.


A number of summer camps across the country have been developed specifically for children with diabetes, most of whom would not be able to attend a traditional summer camp due to the extensive medical attention and scheduling considerations required to continually maintain appropriate glycemic control. These camps rely on the service of various medical practitioners to ensure the safety of the children. In addition to providing an important service to the campers, volunteering at such camps offers both personal and professional rewards for the practitioners. Furthermore, such experiences provide tremendous learning opportunities for medical trainees. However, while a limited number of articles were identified discussing the experience of nurses, physicians, and pharmacy students volunteering at diabetes camps, no such accounts from the perspective of pharmacy residents were found in the medical literature. This educational case report briefly describes the recent experience of ambulatory care pharmacy residents serving as diabetes camp medical staff.

Keywords: Ambulatory care pharmacy residency; Diabetes camp; Pharmacy residency.