The authors describe a novel method of observing blood flow in abnormal vessels with slow-motion video during surgical treatment of spinal arteriovenous shunts. The method is based on the use of superselective angiography with saline for visualizing abnormal vessels in bright field and commercially available high frame rate digital camera for recording slow-motion video.
Keywords: ASA = anterior spinal artery; AVF = arteriovenous fistula; AVM = arteriovenous malformation; AVS = arteriovenous shunt; DSA = digital subtraction angiography; HFR = high frame rate; ICG = indocyanine green; NIR = near infrared; OPLL = ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament; SAI = superselective arterial injection; SAI-ICG = SAI of ICG; SAIS = SAI of saline; dAVF = dural AVF; fps = frames per second; high frame rate; intraoperative angiography; slow-motion video; spinal arteriovenous shunt; surgical technique; vascular disorders.