Temperature Dependence of the Butterfly Effect in a Classical Many-Body System

Phys Rev Lett. 2018 Dec 21;121(25):250602. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.250602.


We study the chaotic dynamics in a classical many-body system of interacting spins on the kagome lattice. We characterize many-body chaos via the butterfly effect as captured by an appropriate out-of-time-ordered commutator. Due to the emergence of a spin-liquid phase, the chaotic dynamics extends all the way to zero temperature. We thus determine the full temperature dependence of two complementary aspects of the butterfly effect: the Lyapunov exponent, μ, and the butterfly speed, v_{b}, and study their interrelations with usual measures of spin dynamics such as the spin-diffusion constant, D, and spin-autocorrelation time, τ. We find that they all exhibit power-law behavior at low temperature, consistent with scaling of the form D∼v_{b}^{2}/μ and τ^{-1}∼T. The vanishing of μ∼T^{0.48} is parametrically slower than that of the corresponding quantum bound, μ∼T, raising interesting questions regarding the semiclassical limit of such spin systems.